I bought this yesterday from my local officeworks… and it was $129…. I checked again today… and its dropped $20….
Catalogue Number: TO2TBCANBA
I bought this yesterday from my local officeworks… and it was $129…. I checked again today… and its dropped $20….
Catalogue Number: TO2TBCANBA
Lol, me too,, thanks Op.
Does Dick match?
Depends on the length… Of the deal.
Are these PS4 suitable?
I would recommend the Seagate 2TB Backup Plus 2.5. I used the hard disk out of that.
Dead easy to pop the case as well.
Second the segate backup plus. Working great in my PS4.
Not usable as standard sata drive. As Kaboda said. You need to get the Seagate Expansion 2TB Portable Hard Drive. Which as said many times before is a standard 9.5mm 2.5" sata hard drive and easily removable for use in Laptops and gaming consoles.
My first thought was that they've price matched someone, but checking on StaticIce no one is even close. Good post OP!
IMO Staticice is not as reliable for 'best price' as it once was, mainly due to all these last minute price changes, I've found many an item much cheaper by browsing online, than what is stated on staticice.
And the most popular item on ozbargain is…
It was $94 at Dick Smith yesterday
and no one posted it?
I was going to post it but it has been that price many times and it was just part of yesterday's coupon and specials.
Look here
should've :)
@CVonV: There's a mob of anti-DSE Ozbargainers online. Those particular people tend to attack when the deals are placed online unless you are a seasoned poster like TRENT where they would not dream of disrespecting. Just a thought.
Do office works offer a money back guarantee? I bought one yesterday from office works at $129
Buy today and return with yesterday invoice!
only an ozbargainer buys something yesterday and checks the price today! - well done
gotta make sure im getting value!
I wonder if officeworks will price match their own price?
..only if their price is lower than themselves
Will this work for Wii U? 1 or 2 USB ports?
I tried my Lacie 1TB with a Y cable (2 USB Ports) and it did not work. I know the hard drive is not a dud because it works on my PC.
thanks man, was looking for a sale on a 2TB