25% off Wynonna Earp @ JB Hifi with Coupon DVD or Blu-RaySeries 1 $22.48
25% off Wynonna Earp @ JB Hifi with Coupon DVD or Blu-RaySeries 1 $22.48
Let me guess, your Unique Code is 92674379743?
Yep generic code, received the same one 92674379743.
Op, can you update the deal?
Edit; thanks for adding the coupon. :)
cool series, I've watched them all and enjoyed it, looking forward to a second season. It's like an adult Buffy, with slightly more sass.
It's a series about women acting like men in the olden times even though they didn't. Isn't equality great!
What do you mean? I haven't watched it, but a quick google indicates that the show's set in modern times (Wyonna is a descendant of Wyatt Earp).
I started watching this series because of that unusual name ;)