This was posted 14 years 6 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$189 for 2 Nights Stay at Entire Luxury Apartments at Ettalong Beach (Plus Extras) - $578 Value


$189 for 2 Nights Stay for 2 People at Entire Luxury Apartments at 4 Star Ettalong Beach AND $60 to Spend at Your Choice of Three Restaurants AND 2 Cinema Tickets PLUS Bottle of Wine on Arrival ($578 Value)

Expires in 18 months—26 February 2012. More pictures below. May buy multiple vouchers. Not valid with any other offer. Cancellation policy applies. Bookings essential. Subject to availability. Bookings can be made from the 4th September 2010. Email [email protected] for your booking.

The CompanyEntire Luxury Apartments at Ettalong 53 The Esplanade
Ettalong Beach, NSW 2257

A huge range of awesome domestic travel destinations are one of the great benefits of living in Australia. Is there any need to pay peak prices for an international airfare to Bangkok, Cambodia, or Laos when so much natural diversity is only a tank of petrol away? Ettalong Beach in the Central Coast is less than an hour and a half’s drive from Sydney’s centre, but you’ll feel worlds away from your usual hustle and bustle.
Get away for a weekend, and pay only $189 for 2 nights stay for 2 people at Luxury Apartments by Entire at Ettalong Beach. Including a $60 voucher to be used at one of three restaurants, 2 cinema tickets valid at Cinema Paradiso, a 7 screen complex just 500 metres away from Ettalong, and a bottle of wine on arrival (all valued at $578), this Ouffer ensures your money will travel no further than it needs to.
Spend your $60 voucher at one of three of the most popular restaurants in town. If you’re enjoying the Mediterranean theme, try some hand-made pizza at La Fiamma, where the local Pizzaioli (maker of pizza) has been trained by the best. Have a look at their innovative pizza menu here. Or perhaps the soon-to-open Menhir Tapas and Bar (opens in October), sounds just the right kind of exotic. But if a long day in the surf has left you hunkering after some solid Aussie tucker, Beef & Barrumundi Bar & Grill will serve you a serious plate of beef…or barramundi. Check out the other options on their menu here.
All luxury apartments are air-conditioned, have a private balcony, modern kitchenette and laundry facilites, queen-size bed, as well as spa baths. Some rooms include internet access and cable TV. You also get access to the fabulous fitness and pool facilities at Ettalong Beach.
And if 2 nights away doesn’t sound like enough, feel free to purchase as many Ouffers as you like and use them consecutively! Bookings are essential, so pick some dates, clear your calendar, and get away!

If you're feeling generous, feel free to use my referral -

Oh and this deal should definitely be on =) Last time it got pulled within a few hours due to popularity (and got cancelled), hopefully they've learnt from their mistakes!

***Update on 17-Jan-2011: OzBargainers who took up this
offer directly with Entire have reported not getting the inclusions that
they paid for, as well as difficulty getting confirmation that their room
would be available prior to their date of arrival. You can read this
follow-up discussion on this forums thread: "****

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closed Comments

  • Remind me where are we at with allowing referals ?

    • Dunno…

      The main link goes to the regular site and I've given people the option to use the referral if they're feeling generous

      • "Also, if you have an affiliate link, link directly to the specific product and if you want to include the affiliate link in the body of deal, remember to declare that it is an affiliate link."

        Seems its cool now, nice work :)

        • Yep, we allow referral links in body of text, so that if someone wants to "repay" the poster they can, but its by choice.

          Now if only we could work on the politicians, interest groups like getup, and the media - especially current affairs and talkback radio, to see if they are willing to declare affiliations

  • is it the same as scoopon deal last time?
    I have bought one, it is selling very fast……..
    about 500 people bought it already, i wondering how many rooms they have?

    • Dunno, but you can book until Feb 2012 and some people (me included) bought an extra to have an extra long weekend =)

    • +3

      Different place ie Not Mantra, also its Ettalong Beach, like Harris Park but with a beach lol

      • True but soooooo unkind to bring this up

      • What makes you say it's not Mantra? Comments from the previous deal would seem to indicate otherwise.

        Also, I recommend people check out Mantra on Tripadvisor… looks like these private apartments may sometimes leave something to be desired.…

        The pictures on Ouffer also look strangely familiar:…

        • Well because it doesnt actually say Mantra it says Entire Luxury apartments which isnt Mantra is it ? Whereas the other deal did mention Mantra. Sorry i dont really know, i was relying on pure logic :)

          • @Mikinoz: It's in the Mantra complex but not managed by Mantra, these are privately owned apartments and instead of letting Mantra manage them for a fixed return rate, then have given it to a private company, EntireGroup.

            • @ccrap: Do they happen to have a subsidiary, PartaDaGroup? :p

      • Miki, havent been to Ettalong. Is it really that average? lol
        Do you reckon this deal is worth it for $189? 2 nights, $60 food voucher, wine and 2 movie tix?
        I like other places i've been to up in that region but now Im no sure to take this up, plus the tripadvisor review atlas spotted was also a bit of a worry.
        But then again, this it through Entire and not EBTR, and since Entire (according to it's web domain) is also a cleaning company, maybe they keep there rooms tidy and more organised haha? And 720 vouchers have already sold.. hmm maybe im trying to talk myself into this deal..

        • Oh god, now your talking me even further out of the deal :) least it may be clean

          Yeah been to ettalong on a few occaisons, i may have even set up a prominent real estate their.

          Its not bad actually very relaxed, just dont go anywhere when school ends :)

      • Are you implying that there is a large population of a certain ethnic group? lol sorry didn't quiet get that.

        • I'm declaring this bargain FULLY HECTIC!!! :p

          • @StewBalls: i think with 1418 deals sold so far, it is exactly that!

  • [withdrawn]

  • I'm getting confused here.

    1) The balcony view on Ouffer is from Mantra, I know because I've stayed there. Are Mantra operating under Entire for this deal?

    2) ENTIRE Luxury Apartments is located at 52-54 Memorial Avenue which I believe is blocks from the beach as per WOTIF and

    So WTF?

    • There is def something fishy going on, be nice for a rep to confirm the details

      • +1

        Team, check out the conversation between the rep and I at the previous scoopon deal, which is for this exact same property: Copied here for convenience:

        "Hey Guys,

        Just thought id write to you all to let you know the situation, i am from Entire NSW the company responsible for promoting this offer.

        We have had to withdraw the offer from Scoopon due to difference’s between us, we are still happy for anyone interested in the offer to email us directly at [email protected].

        We are in the process of negotiating to rerun this same deal with an alternative provider this weekend, so for all of those who have purchased & been refunded or those who have missed out then you will still have your chance to take this offer up.

        The reason why we are able to offer this fantastic deal is due to the following reason, a group of individuals in the area have chosen to manage their apartments themselves opposed to letting the hotel do this, we find we receive better return this way, these are the apartments that will be used for this offer, they are 100% the same as those of the hotel, the only difference being that not all will have foxtel services.

        Check In & Check Out procedure will be the same as any hotel, just arrive at the main reception after 3pm on the day of your arrival & let the girls know you have made a private booking, they will then confirm this & issue you with keys to your apartment

        We also have a long standing business relationship with the owners of the Cinema’s & Restaurants offered in this deal so have been able to secure very good terms with them & have passed the savings on to you guys.

        So please feel free to email us for any other information, let your friends & family know that the deal is back on, ill let everyone know which provider we have decided to go with shortly, so make sure you check out their site & sign up to receive the great offers from them…


        Team @ Entire NSW PL"

  • +1

    It's the same resort with a different building management. Mantra is just one of the brands that operate apartments in that block. Entire do as well.

  • I take that back. I commented that the ouffer website that (the domain of the booking email address) is a cleaning services website but they deleted my comment. It is starting to look very suss.

    • If you're Eric, your comment is still up there mate, unless they put it back up now to avoid looking suss haha? anyway the answer seems to be (as per rep answer):
      "Im not sure that any comments are being deleted, this offer is arranged by a group of unit owners, restaurants,cinema. It is being handled by our office, which also operates a cleaning company, considering the amount of business involved we needed to allocate one to handle the enquiry etc."

      • Eric's one was removed, I saw his first one. That got removed then he reposted.

  • was about to say that myself.

  • Hmm just noticed the rep did do as previously promised in the other deal and has extended this deal out to cover 2 x dec/jan holiday periods as it is valid till feb 2012.

  • Jesus Christ guys! It's only $189, a bargain in my opinion! Snatch it up before it sells out! You guys like to talk yourselves out of everything? So negative, just press buy and pay for the damn thing and go enjoy yourselves!

    • haha, thats because we like due diligence, rather than post post diligence - no use whinging about it after the fact, do your research and you know what you are getting into. Anyway, I have done mine, and for the reasons I have shared with all here (particularly in post below) I'm going to give this a twirl.

      BTW, its not going to sell out, rep has previously posted here that there will be no upper limit of offers sold:

  • To summarise the comments made so far by the Entire rep on the Ouffer comments board (which cleared up a fair few questions for me):
    * there are no blackout periods.
    * there are currently dates available for xmas this year and easter next year.
    * rooms also have a double sofa bed which Entire will make up for you for $20 extra, and you can have up to 2 kids with you then on this deal for the extra $20.
    * extra cinema tickets are $8.
    * there seems to be a max of 20 rooms managed by Entire, though this varies throughout the year as some owners opt in and out of private management throughout the year.

    the MOST IMPORTANT point that I spotted was this:

    "Enquiries can be emailed to [email protected] to check availability, we are asking people to email their preferences to us so after the 4th Sept 2010 we can start allocating on a first come first served basis. It is first in first served - many people have already emailed their preferences. You are required to wait till the 4th so we have had time to sort through the emails & start allocating dates, you are welcome to send your request now - which will then be time stamped."

    So even though booking opens after Sept 4, if you have bought this offer, send in your preferences by email now so you can actually get the dates you want!

  • Looking at the Ouffer website, it isn't clear what the deal is.
    Does it include weekends?
    What happens if you buy the voucher and there is no availability?
    Do direct customers take preference on bookings over people who buy this voucher?

    • your answers:
      1. from the ouffer "Get away for a weekend, and pay only $189". so yes.
      2. then you'd have to book another day, hence validity till 2012. If you're asking about refunds, i'm not sure, but probably no.
      3. no, you are not competing against customers from Mantra and the other co's managing this property, just the 20 odd apts that Entire Group is managing. See my "most important" point above, if you do that chances are you can get the dates you want first up rather than having to pick other dates.

      • Re: pt 3, I think awws may have been referring to direct customers as in customers who book direct through the Entire Group rather than Ouffer.

        I'd say it doesn't really matter after Sept 4. Once you lock in your dates, it'll be too late for 'direct' customers.

    • [withdrawn]

  • I'm confused, I can't see the Harris Park deal anywhere??? :o

    • +1

      Sorry mate, Harris Park deal has sold out, you missed it. Ouffer put on a better deal instead for Ettalong Beach, check it out OP has updated the link.

      • +1

        +1 for the next Harris Park deal

  • 1864 sold. in a word.. epic! hope you all got your preferences in - on the ouffer discussion board the rep has estimated that the place is going to be booked out for almost all weekends between now and early Feb

  • has anyone heard from them yet?

    it has already been 06/09/2010

    • No, I haven't heard anything yet either… they're probably still sorting through the thousand odd emails requesting rooms

    • i haven't either. and it is not 8/9 already.

  • hi guys, just bookmark this and keep checking

    hmm honestly, i would prefer a deal that has a maximum number.. look at this, 1800+ sold.. for how many room? the guy cannot/wont tell us, keep saying "flexible, enough, etc etc"
    it just sound too good for the seller and too bad for the customer.

    • thanks erwinsie, just posted a comment on the ouffer comment page but got deleted in 10 mins…. guess these guys don't like negative comments!

      • haha.. and when you ask them they will say "no we never delete a post…"

  • Well, I finally got a response this evening. No first pref, but my second and third were avail.

  • +1

    Deal has been cancelled by Ouffer due to excessive complaints and substandard customer service from the Supplier. Got a refund email this morning.

    Extract from email - "Unfortunately, one of our recently featured companies has been unable to provide the level of customer service that we demand for our members. We have received numerous complaints that Entire Group (Apartments at Ettalong Beach) has been less than responsive in the booking process.

    While we have been in touch with Entire on an almost daily basis over the last few weeks, we have come to the conclusion that the best way to protect our members is to issue full refunds to all those who have purchased this Ouffer."

  • omg… whats wrong with them.. it is hard to PLAN before they sell ??? are they just running the hotel business for 1 day ?? something fishy here~!

  • sigh

    And I had all these plans for Easter too =[ What a bunch of duds…

  • +1

    i think, the problem is they are not fully prepared. funny because they should be, since the 1st deal on scoopon has been cancelled asewell.
    my suggestion : set up a online booking via website.(realtime) when some1 book, the dates not available anymore. this is really first in first served solution. everyone will be happy. no emails, phonecalls, complaints, etc.

  • +2


    I got the email from ouffer around 5am and the refund around 7am. Good on ouffer for refunding quickly and giving $10 ouffer credit as an amends, but I am so over EntireGroups offers. This is the second time they have bollocksed it up (previously with scoopon). Im not going to be taking up any other offers EntireGroup may have, so if anyone from EntireGroup is reading this, please dont bother to post anymore deals and wasting our time (unless you can provide a valid reason as to stuffing it up a second time)!

  • It would be interesting to know if anyone has a positive experience through direct dealing with Entire group.

    I've been refunded, and I am hesitant to purchase the deal directly with them.

    • Yeh, I am also hesitant. If they can't get the Ouffer and Scoopon bookings right at this stage, imagine if you book directly with them, turn up at the hotel only to discover that they stuffed that up too and there is no room or the price had changed etc!

      Best to steer clear of this mob altogether.

    • +1

      Yeah, agreed… risk not worth the reward

  • -1

    To all Ouffers members
    Re: Entire Ellatong Beach Luxury Apartments

    As you all already know we have decided not to proceed with this Ouffer deal due to non payment of funds.

    As per our agreement with Ouffer we were to received the funds within 5 business days which did not happen.

    We believe Ouffer is a very young and inexperience company that were not organized or prepared for a deal like this.

    As you are aware this deal was arranged from a group of private apartment owners, these same people own the cinema & restaurants in question, as well as some other business in the same town, we wanted to offer this deal to the public as a way to get people to our town & experience what we have to offer, im sure you guys can see that for $189.00 its pretty hard to make any profit with what were offering, we were hoping to market our town & our businesses in a hope to get you guys to refer us & return in the future.

    Prior to advertising this deal Ouffer did not contact any due diligence, they did not even ask for a single thing, our contract states that they will pay us within 5 business days of the ad finishing, this never happened, we did not receive 1c of your money, after the ad finished Ouffer decided to ask question, seek personal guarantee from our directors, we even agreed to open a trust account to place the funds in, this account requires our director & the Ouffer CEO to sign before using any funds. We bent over back wards to their every wish, all of this happened after our initial agreement.

    Our Director even offered to fly to France to meet with the owners of Ouffer - which they denied, to date we have never meet to owners of Ouffer,

    During these last 3 weeks we have been in contact with Ouffer representatives and we have complied with all their many invasive requests, from passport copies to education histroy, but all we got were promised that the funds will be released but it didnt happen, in the mean time we continued to book you all in, even when many times Ouffer appeared not willing to remit the payment as agreed & we therefore felt it necessary to cancel this deal & refund the members.

    Ouffer have been in possession of in excess of $300,000 in which they have held, gained interest & based on our findings possibly even used for their own reason

    Many of you have already booked with us & We have already confirmed the booking. Some of you might not have booked but wish to keep this offer and use it later on within the 18 months as per the offer.

    We are happy to still offer you this deal which you can obtain & purchase again directly through us.

    I realize many of you may have concerns for this deal, we are happy to talk you through any problems, even once your booking is confirmed you may call the hotel reception direct & confirm, we will also provide evidence of our discussion with Ouffer, our Directors have been doing this for many years, we have run ads in the biggest papers in Australia for similar deals more then 5 years ago & are happy to provide this to you to re assure you guys,

    In order to get things moving & be able to do our best to honor the upcoming bookings we will be offering this to you all until midnight Sunday 19th September, we can not leave it open any longer as we need to confirm numbers & start the process again, i realize many of you had a delay in response last time, i think now you realize that we were in fact never paid, the contract we had was breeched several times you will see we did more then was fair to you all.

    We apologize for any inconvenience caused & we thank you for your understanding & patience on this matter.

    Please send us any feedback you have negative or positve welcomed.

    Kind Regards

    • This letter only confirmes to me that the EntireGroup are a bunch of amateurs who couldn't be rusted to organise a birthday party.

      The letter contains grammar, spelling errors and contradictions.

      1. How can EntireGroup claim they decided not to proceed with the deal when it was Ouffer that stopped the deal while EntrireGroup claim they were still working on bookings until the last day?

      2. How can EntrireGroup claim they refunded the memebrs when they also claim they did not receive the money? We paid Ouffer, not EntireGroup, so how would EntireGroup know who to refund and how to refund individuals?

      3. EntireGroup claim that Ouffer did not conduct due diligence before advertising, but apparently, nor did EntireGroup.

      4. Whether EntireGroup was paid or not, does not excuse their (lack of) booking process and customer service levels. Personally, I am relieved that Ouffer did not pay EntireGroup, otherwise we may not have received our money back so easily.

      5. I am pretty sure Ouffer would have earned interest on the money for the 3 weeks they had it, but then EntireGroup could have held on to some the money and earned interest on it till Feb 2012 before the cost of the vacation was actually incurred.

      I get the feeling EntireGroup are just an entire stuff up!

  • omgoz.. so now the oufers is to blame!?!?!?!?! why cant u just bring ouffer to court then. we want to see who is the real culprit..
    remember, every1 here know you failed 2x with scoopon and ouffer..

  • I am really starting to think something dodgy is going down here. On the first Scoopon email explaining the errors they said "long standing relationship with restaurant and cinema owners" and on the Ouffer email they say that the owners of the apartments also own the restaurants.

    Sounds fishy. Has anyone been to these apartments through Entire Group? Or booked anything with them?

  • As we have mentioned we are happy to provide what ever you guys need for reassurance, ask the question that you want as we dont have anything to hide.

    We are in the process of taking legal action against Ouffer, for several reasons & will be happy to keep you all updated.

    I think we have been pretty fair, look at the amount of work we have done & the whole time we had not been paid, we never mentioned this to you guys as it is not your concern.

    We spent hundreds of hours responding to you & booking you all in, while each day went past & there was another reason we were not paid, we are owed over $300k & we still kept working to bring you this deal.

    If you have concerns, dont just say oh this is dodgy etc.. put the question up & let us respond, we have never done the wrong thing by you.

  • I would suggest you start again, rather than pushing on with the current booking process.

    Regardless of who was at fault, the fact is you've lost a lot of credibility and us Ozbargainers are a tough crowd as it is.

    No one is disputing that the deal is great value. The problem was with the booking process, which is unrelated to Ouffer. Timestamped emails? Besides being very inefficient, there is no transparency which gets the cynics talking.

    For starters, if you created an online booking website as suggested by erwinsie, thus making the booking process more transparent you'll regain a bit of that lost credibility.

  • Yes in theory the online booking would be great, it has issues though & is not always the best way to handle this model of deal - many people do not want to book in straight away, many want to gift it.

    Having a group of apartment owners makes it harder to control, at times we can access more then other times,

    There is also the cost to use to upgrade our current software, we arent making alot, if any on $189.00 we want to avoid cost, now we have massive legal bills on top of lost man hours, lost credibility the list is endless.

    We also dont have the time, our first guest are due in a week or so,

    Its just no simple way to make it all better, i wish there was

  • +1

    This isn't an attack on you, just some feedback. To be honest, I don't see any of the issues you've listed there as difficult obstacles to overcome.

    Availability is certainly something you would want to guarantee before making an offer like this. You'd be better off ascertaining minimum availability and capping the deal, then offering additional packages as capacity increases. You may not sell as much, but you also won't PO customers.

    Granted, software upgrades do have a cost, but it's a long term investment (which you'd recoup by savings in man hours). Surely you are not offering this once and never again? If the offer is as good as it seems, you'd expect people to return or refer friends right? Basically, the whole get the right tool for the right job etc..

    As for gifting? This can be solved with the software upgrade. Just skip the booking step and go straight to payment, flag it in your system to issue a coupon/voucher. Redeeming? Punch in voucher code to get the package at no charge.

    Right now, you are correct in that there is no simple way to make it better. Appreciate that you've explained your situation to us, but I daresay people prefer solutions over excuses. If you do run this offer again, would strongly suggest you plan it out better.

  • Hi EntireGroup,

    My previous booking was confirmed, but due to the cancellation of Ouffer, I'm hesitant to keep the booking now due to a list of concerns people raised. How can I tell that the deal is genuine? Are there ways to check the bookings? (eg: from Mantra Group's booking system?)

    I think many people are worried if they turn up on the dates booked and find out there is no such deal at the end, it will be more than just disappointment. So I think you need to issue some assurances/guarantees to regain the trust from the customers.

  • Yes once your booking is made we will need to send notification to the Mantra Reception desk in, from there they will file it away until your date of stay, they will then use this notification as our authorization to provide you with the key to the apartment.

    While your booking may not be for months, you can still call them & has have they received it from Entire Group

  • If we keep the booking, when do you expect us to pay? Can we pay after we confirm our bookings with Mantra?

  • Has anyone taken up this offer directly?

    • +2

      I haven't because:

      1. The email that was sent around came from an address rather than from an address…
      2. Email contained no ABN or any real business identification.
      3. Payment in to a bank account or Paypal (with $4.50 admin charge). Now that it's direct, why not just book like a regular hotel (ie: use CC no. as security and charge us upon checkout).

      It all too informal and unprofessional that I feel if anything went wrong, I wouldn't be confident I'd be able to get my money back.

      But, if that doesn't bother you, I have a cousin in Nigeria who has a gajillion dollars that could be yours for only a small deposit!

  • I guess as per what Entire said, once the booking was confirmed through them, people can then call Mantra to check the booking using the authorization (or voucher etc)…

    Has anyone ever called Mantra to check their confirmed bookings?

  • I have paid directly to BSB and received confirmation for dates in October.Will definitely be speaking directly with Mantra before departure and sure do hope that all is well !

    • did you get the long weekend? - wanna hear your experience! =D

  • Has anyone received the Voucher of the booking? They promised to send out the vouchers today…I haven't received anything yet…hmmmmm…

    • owned!

      • Got it finally :)

        • goodluck! please let us know how it goes - when are your dates?

          • @drmix: Mine is in early Dec, hope people who booked Oct and Nov can share their experiences. I'll check with Mantra before I go, hope everything will go well…fingers crossed.

  • +1

    Wtf, they have automatically signed me up for their spam list?! I don't recall opting in to this BS, absolutely unbelievable how amateur these guys are…

    And whatever crappy software they're using lets me view the email address used to spam their database??? Prepare to have more crap in your inbox… good thing I used my spam email account =/

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    You can go here to see it all =/……

  • I think we should all have our bookings confirmed by now, has anyone checked with Mantra on the bookings? I have contacted them lately and they said Entire has not made them aware of the bookings…what has gone wrong here again?

    • +1

      owned! they're in Paris with your money remember? lol

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