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HALF PRICE Items This Week at Woolworths (23/8 to 29/8/10)

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Thought I'd combine the Woolworths special for this week as there are few sporadic ones already posted (original post linked below - sorry if there's anything I miss) and I don't want OzBargain to be flooded.
Credit goes to OzBargainers "jg3374" from Tasmania who first created this style of posting for weekly specials.

Duo laundry powder 500g - $1.45
Doritos 175-200g - $1.49
Kirks soft drink varieties 10 x 375ml - $3.99
Kraft peanut butter 780g - $3.99 (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/30121)
Vittoria espresso beans or ground coffee 1kg 2 for - $26 (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/30082)
Home collection container 55 litre - $7.99
Glade sense & spray primary - $4.99
Nature's Way fish oil Pk 180-200 - $7.49
Burgen bread varieties 700-730g - $2.39 (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/30094)
Chocolate or strawberry iced donuts with M&Ms Pk 6 - $1.80
Bertolli spread 500g - $1.99
Papa Giuseppi's family pizza 485g - $3.14
Peters choc wedge Pk 8 - $2.99
Pitted Greek kalamata olives from deli - $11.49 /kg

HONOURABLE MENTION (Larger pics / price in catalogue)
Gatorade Bolt lemon ice 600ml - $1.98
Huggies jumbo nappies Pk 72-108 2 for - $66
Cadbury favourites 600g - $9.99
Always fresh olive oil 1L - $4.99
Sorbent toilet tissue Pk 8 - $5.29
Finish dish tabs quantum Pk 48 or max in one Pk 51 - $19.99
Great value special edition DVDs (12 to choose from) - $9.99
Tempo donut, pie or crepe maker - $19.99
Woolworths fresh soup varieties 1 kg 2 for - $10
Australian beef rump steak - $13.98 /kg
White witlof 2 pack - $3.47
Brushed potato bags 1 kg - $2.96

20% Off Duracell AA batteries
20% Off Gillette range - excludes cartridges
20% Off L'Oreal total range
20% Off Entire Armor All car care range
25% Off Radiant laundry liquids
25% Off Pledge grab-it duster range

Other good priced items not mentioned above (my personal pick):
Spam 340g 2 for - $6
Greenseas plain or flavoured tuna 95g 6 for - $6
In a biskit 175g or premium crispbread - $1.29
Arnott's TimTam or Mint slice 150-200g - $1.85

This is taken from Sydney catalogue. Most items should be available Australia-wide, but one or two might be state-specific. Please check your local catalogue.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    We need a Woolies/Coles Wiki.

    • wiki would be great so that forumers can add on state specific or more localised deals as well - also sometimes stors will have one day specials sometimes so a wiki works to update these deals without adding on new threads.

      I guess we can always just post a comment though

    • You mean Grocery Watch ;-) Created by Choice/ACAssoc - Pulled before launch by the Govt. D'oh

      BTW for those that don't know Aldi's regular grocery items are all online with their prices (if only the others played so nicely!): http://www.smartershopping.com.au/

      • +2


        He admitted that at least 4 to 5 million dollars has been spent to date on the website

        Typical labor spending. braces for neg onslaught

        • well, at least we know it won't happen again

    • although i'd try and help, its hard to work out a wiki for this sort of thing? alot of data input, and would probably need a full database depending on what we're looking for :/

      • I was thinking only for the weekly specials. An easy page for anyone's reference to prior to their grocery run.

        • +2

          maybe formatted for smartphones so people can look it up in the shop

  • Thanks very much for taking the effort to summarise the catalogue, much easier to read than the online version. I can use another packet of Duo.

  • probably the dohnuts and the kraft peanut butter seem the best deals

    • My three personal pick are Doritos, Spam, and Kraft peanut butter. All three are priced at something I haven't seen in ages.

      Edit: Wow, I just realised that that's my full day meal taken care of (lunch, dinner, and breakfast) :O

      • doritos on peanut butter with raw spam for all 3 meals?

        • I don't think spam can be raw…?

  • i think id rather go hungry, than eat spam (from a can

    mmmm mint slice/tim tams..

    • and my comment deserved a neg because?

      • the antique simpsons joke?

        • Looks like a genuine typo to me.

          • @Livert: its wasnt meant to be taken to heart ftr davo (tried to take it off for you)

    • +3

      they did credit you..

    • +4

      You should take it as a compliment, that your style works so people have adopted it…
      It's not like you copyrighted it or anything. Does using your style really hurt anyone? He even credited you with it.

      Good deals, i'd personally take the doritos and tim tams :D

    • +1

      Ha, this is an open forum. If someone got in before you that's to bad. Maybe you should read the voting guidelines as you have absolutely no justification for a neg vote under the terms you signed up for.

    • +1

      no mercy here and you are only good as your last post, cheers

    • Weird turn of events. Voted positive due to jg3374's comments.

    • Hahaha
      Eveyone was grateful when you posted last week, now no-one cares:
      Sticking your bottom lip out isn't going to help.
      Welcome to the internets

    • your vote has been withdrawn as it does not meet the voting guidelines. He has made reference to you in the original post, he cant really do much else than that.

  • mmm doritos!!!

    what ever happened to that build an advert promotion for doritos? did that finish and air on tv yet?

    • +6

      all your catalogues are belong to us.

      • +2

        Come on jg3374, does it really bother you that much that vwh posted this before you? Get your post for next week's catalogue onto ozbargain as soon as the catalogue is out, before someone else beats you to it again.

        • Yeah right so like, a list is your invention???

    • I hope so - I find these posts helpful. I take it these posts really cause you a lot of harm?

    • +7

      Who cares? As long as someone does it, it'll be OK.
      It's not like they get paid for it or anything.

      In the end we're all just helping each other.

        • I like him, but think he needs to take a chill pill on this one.

          His previous posts have been good and appreciated, but he hasn't got a patent on the layout

    • -5

      Just wondering why I'm being personally attacked and the comment remains, but I can't reply in my defense? If you delete my comment, the least you could do is delete their comment as well. Fair is fair.

      • ??? They deleted your vote because it was not within the voting guidelines. They left your comment there and looks like you can still comment on this thread if you want to reply and put in a defence

  • +1

    hmmm, I would normally say that if I want to see a whole catalogue, I would go to lasoo, but this catalogue isn't there nor is any other woolworths catalogues so maybe worth the post. The only problem is that I don't want to read through a whole catalogue or a stack of different items on a post to find the bargain I want. I want specific bargains and that is why I visit ozbargain. So I will reserve judgement based on what I have said unless someone else convinces me otherwise.

  • -4

    This is just a waste of a post really. Its easier to go look & brows the weekly brochure that I assume most people like me get in the mail box every week.

    If I wanted somone to reposte the whole weekly specials may as well go read it myself. Much easier to do.

    • I'm not like you then, I have a No Junk Mail sticker on my mailbox and they are fairly good at respecting it.

      But all you have to do is not click on the Woolies special link on OzBargain and head out for your mailbox instead. :)

    • +8

      This isn't for people like you, g12345567 - It is for those people, like me, that don't receive the catalogue days after it has already started, and therefore after I have done my shopping. This way I can see what I want to get from Woollies, and then coles, etc etc… Also for people who don't get the catalogue in the mail…

    • +1

      I don't get the catalog every week. I think posting all the specials in an easy to read format on Ozbargain is a fantastic idea and I hope it continues.

  • +2

    +1 for all the typing etc :)

    • +1

      +1 for all the typing etc :)

  • I just print this as a shopping list then decide what I want at the store :)

  • +1

    Thank you very much OP for this post. I check Ozbargain regularly and now Woolies 1/2 price specials listed makes my life a lot easier. I couldn't be bothered looking up other websites! Thanks!

  • I find these posts really useful, as I don't get the regular weekly catalogues as my housemate throws them out, so, thank you. It really saves time as well to just see the summary items. Good picks on your personal choices, they are spot on good bargains.

    Positive from me.

    • you can always check their catalogue online.

  • thanks vwh for taking the effort to type all that up.

  • +3

    Thanks for your post. Your layout is much better then that jg3374 guy.

    • -1

      It's the same, I am jg

  • Ahh, why all this aggro? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, no matter who imitated who. In fact I in your place would just let the other guy have the job. It's not as if it's very inspiring work, cutting and pasting all that text. But I'm grateful that somebody is doing it, I don't really care who, because it saves me time.

  • +15

    Hey jg3374, if it irritates you so much, feel free to copy and paste, and submit a new post. I will gladly ask the mods to delete my post.

    I only do this as I've seen some people started posting one half-priced item per post. If no one summed it up, soon enough there would be more than 10 posts just for the half-priced items flooded OzBargain.

    Also, I never get the weekly catalogue in the mail. Only sum this up from the online version which is up on the 12:00 am Monday on the website. If I got the catalogue early by mail (like some people here did) I would post this earlier so there would be no double posting like above (i.e. the Burgen bread, Kraft peanut butter, and the Vittoria coffee).

    I would urge anyone who got the catalogue early to spend some time and use this format pioneered by jg3374 to post the weekly specials. In the end, it doesn't really matter who posts the bargain, as long as it is posted here, to the benefit of all OzBargainers.


    • +11

      Well said vwh,

      I saw a niche on OzBargain for a post that lists the 'best' supermarket specials all in one post, rather than here and there.

      I can't believe how popular it has become over the past few weeks, last Woolworths post being over 2300+ views.

      My only request is that the OP takes the time to use my format that is easy and straight forward to read.

      Now that I've had time to get used to the idea…vwh is correct in saying that it doesn't really matter who posts the bargain, as long as it is posted here, to benefit of all OzBargainers and if you find the post 'helpful' show your support and click 'like/+'.

      So with that all said….HAPPY SHOPPING everyone!

      • +1

        goodonya! i can see how you initially took it a bit personally as it felt like your baby, but here is for sharing. At the end of the day, it doesnt matter who posts, as long as the ozb community gets to see the bargains.

        Ahh harmony is restored again.. we're happy little ozbargainmites as bright as bright can be..

        • On that note, I hear Coles are doing a special on Vegemite this Thursday.

        • Yes harmony is restored again…phew

          Yeah your right it did feel like 'my baby', but now my baby is up for adoption so please take good care of ummm…it?! :)

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