With an SRRP of $399 this seems like a very good price (although not quite the historical low).
Some reviews here: http://www.head-fi.org/products/philips-fidelio-x2
With an SRRP of $399 this seems like a very good price (although not quite the historical low).
Some reviews here: http://www.head-fi.org/products/philips-fidelio-x2
Annoyingly I am noob ;)
Amazing how they managed to get the coupon code into this thread.
Great headphones. Just for info, there's an updated model, the Fidelio X2HR, due out soon so there could be a price drop on these in the near future. Still, well worth it at this price and if you buy these they won't suddenly get 'worse' just because a newer model comes out.
People should also be aware there isn't any change to the speaker configuration or sound. Only the pads and the headband are changing. So that's another factor you may want to consider. These are a steal at this price.
Are they neutral sounding?
No. V-shaped, and quite bassy for an open headphone. There should be lots of reviews online as they were very highly supported by headphone folk.
Great price!
Great headphones! Amazing price as I paid over $350 for this lol :(
Better than Momentum 2 over ears?
you're comparing an apple with an orange
momentum 2 are portable closed headphones designed to be worn while travelling/ walking
fidelio x2 are open designed and meant to be for home use
Yeah but a bit exxy for me. I just paid only $55 for a Marley TTR over ears headphone from Amazon. Now that's a deal. RRP is supposed to be $299.
How did you get it for $55? It seems the one I saw does not ship to Aust too.
This one from this seller, ships to Australia via Amazon fulfilment expedited shipping and brand new. These Marley TTR NC headphones are really nice. I don't know how they compare to the Philips Fidelio X2 headphone since i've never owned one but still very nice just the same.
Yeah I have the Marley TTR for $55 odd sometime ago.
They work well for R&B music, but you need the NC turn on.
Yes they are made to work with NC on. But i don't know why you would buy a NC headphone and not have it turned on.
@hollykryten: I've got no problems with them on. But some people may prefer to have them off on occasion. These can sound terrible with them off. This info may be useful to some.
Yes i reckon it sounds much better with NC on on those Marley TTR headphones, it comes High Definition.
Thank you guys for all your help.
What is the lowest historical price anyway?
I think that was a price error. I believe your deal is the actual cheapest.
Grabbed a pair through this deal last week, looks like they'll be delivered today. Ended up being less than half the price of my other option…… a K7XX with an Amp/DAC.
FYI, these are a different version of the original X2 that features in a lot of reviews. The originals were the X2/00 made by Woox, these are the X2/27 made by Gibson. There were some rumours about a drop in build quality but they appear to be largely disproven.
EDIT: Looks like they're sold out
What amp/DAC were you planning on getting?
Probably the Schiit Fulla 2
Not the Fiio Q1/E10K?
@congngo: Did some reading and the Fulla 2 seemed to be more powerful/versatile, if I was going to go down that path I'd rather get something a bit better that'll last if I get dragged further down the headphone rabbithole. Even with an E10k I'd be looking at $400 all up.
@dav3: I know what you mean by the headphone rabbit hole.
I have spent more than what I would have like on hp :-(
Love the name. :)
I read some review somewhere that these can get hot under the ear. Can someone confirm this?
Mine arrived last night, they didn't seem too bad considering how warm my room was at the time.
Do any of your other headphones get hot for you?
I've used my m50x in similar conditions and reckon they were a little warmer on the ears.
Just ordered a pair of these as my 8 year old DT770s cable was having some issues. From what I've read, these can be regarded as a slightly more 'fun' sounding version of the HD600s.
That's pretty much why I got them, they've got that bit of extra bass that can make listening more enjoyable (if that's your thing)
If your DT770s are on the way out it might be worth looking at doing a removeable cable mod…….. if you're that way inclined
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