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Nintendo Switch Console - $449 Delivered via Gamesmen eBay


Cheapest price I've seen anywhere for just the console, Neon sold out! Grey still available (changed link)

I also grabbed a carry case which gave an extra $5 off combined with the 10%… yes prices are jacked up from RRP, but with the 10% it all works out pretty nicely, combine with Cash Rewards for an extra 1.3% off!

Original 10% off sitewide at eBay deal post

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closed Comments

  • -6

    The wiiu was a disaster. This actually looks just as bad. I can't find one thing that is a major improvement.

    2x the price of an xb1 for 1/4 the power.

    I'd price it as a $100 ornament :)

    • +1

      The switch is what the Wii U should have been.

      • +2

        It's essentially the same concept, but now it's portable.

        It's still woefully underpowered to play modern AAA titles that are not Nintendo first party games (the reason the Wii U did so poorly wasn't the gimicky screen - it was the hardware not being up to standard for 3rd party developers to port their games over).

        There's only so much Mario Kart, Mario, Zelda ect that people really want before they start reaching for more adult content based games, and if they just don't exist on the platform then they will be in trouble again, like they were with the Wii U.

        I am a sad owner of a Wii U, but I got the Target $9 Guitar Hero Live for it which was nice.

        • -2

          Now Your Playing With Power

          It has enough power though, not that it really matters, these companies are just in bed with Sony/Microsoft for the most part.

          Video games are for kids though, most of those "adult" games are still aiming for the younger teens/ blockbuster film going group. They advertise games on buses for peak periods for a reason. Why alot of games dont have much variety or gameplay anyore on those platforms at times….

          Wii U had alot of creative independents and other retail games from other companies, though angry internet gamer, sony, xbox types just didn't bother to look or wrote them off… Unless they were on their favorite platform of course.

          As an Xbox person i got the Wii U and found alot of variety and creativity there, then internet nerds claimed.

          Hopefully the Switch does well, seems to be doing well already.

        • Power isn't what will determine third party support though. The Wii received a huge amount of third party support, even if they had to reduce the graphics and change the control scheme so it fit the Wii Remote. Granted a lot of it was shovelware, but you did see yearly CoD releases, and FIFA all the way up to 2015 (hell it's still receiving Just Dance sequels).

          It all comes to ease and cost of development for the developers themselves, as well as userbase. For Wii U, cost to develop was high (dev kits were rather pricey), it didn't support many modern engines (such as Unreal Engine, something the Switch seems to have fixed), and the userbase wasn't high enough to mitigate such costs.

          Had the Wii U actually had a decent userbase, it would have likely received more PS3/360 ports such as Metal Gear Solid V (the series has been on Nintendo before), at least 2 more CoD installments, GTA V (GTA has been on Nintendo handhelds), and even games from EA (although Nintendo shares in the blame for that in souring their relationship to the point that Crysis 3 was cancelled for Wii U).

        • @Ventak:

          There were alot of family friendly, smaller company games, sim games and minigame deals that were awesome on the Wii, but alot of the angry xbox, playstation crowd wrote them off as "shovelware". There was some, but it was exaggerated. Ironically there were alot of mediocre shovelware third person shooter and first person ones on the 360/ps3, along with copy paste open world games too, that were never acknowledged as such.

          At this point, we can consider alot of big AAA games bordering on shovelware, especially from the EAs, Ubisofts, GGs, Activisions given how similar they are, with little creativity, poor gameplay and reuse of the lesser aspects of their game engines. For every new Saints Row, theres alot that do very little with the formula (Far Cry, Assassins Creed, The Division).

          Companies gave up too early on Wii U unfortunately.

        • +1

          @BNN: I enjoyed my Wii u far more than my PlayStation. The game selection was limited, but you know what, it was fun. No one does couch co op better than Nintendo.

    • +3

      This isn't designed to go against Xbox/PS.
      Every single review has pointed towards it being a great bit of kit.
      If you don't want to waste your money on a device that can be played literally anywhere in the world, don't, but have fun watching others.


      • +1

        This is true but when Nintendo prices it similar to other consoles it's hard not to compare. I don't buy consoles besides the wii I am a pc gamer. But I will buy a Nintendo just for the games.

        I wouldn't call the wiiu bad it does its job very well. I hated having to wait for games but that happens every where.

        • +1

          Similar yes, but you get so much more for your money.
          2 controllers from day one
          Hybrid device that can be played on the go
          Will have HR eventually…

          Dam cheap when you compare it to Apple products ;)

    • +6

      Can you play xbox1 on the go? On the bus/train? Ohhhhh wait. It's not meant to compete with xb1 or ps4, so comparing price and power doesn't really make sense.

    • Depends on perspective. If you're the kind that wants to game with 4K resolution, maximum graphical power, and only at home, then sure, this isn't for you. But if you're the kind that wants a hybrid console, something that you can both play at home on the TV, and take it with you and still have decent battery life to play quality games for a few hours on the go, this would be something to consider.

      I see this console as a successor to both the PS Vita + PSTV, Nintendo handhelds and the Wii U, all wrapped together in one.

      • No console gamer wants to game with 4k resolution and maximum graphical power. They would get need to spend $2k+ on a PC if they wanted that.

        It may be the same case as the Wii U with the hardware being under powered to the point of 3rd party developers not bothering to port games over. If the Wii U was actually portable then that's great - but I wouldn't have used it anymore as I wanted a sit down Nintendo console. I would have just got a 3DS otherwise.

        It comes down to what games are available on the platform that sells it and the price (perceived value), not gimmicks such as being semi-portable.

        If comparing costs and game availability; the Nintendo switch is significantly more expensive, less powerful, and doesn't have a great set of 3rd party games coming out. Sounds like the Wii U when put like that. So if this is a portable then it's much more likely to cannibalise 3DS sales than it will compete with Xbox 1 or PS4 (I don't own either, I own a Wii U and gaming PC).

        Nintendo didn't really do anything different this time around. They really better hope it sells at least 2x better than the Wii U so that developers would think it's worth having to port from more powerful hardware or optimise for such an under powered console.

        The list is not looking great.

        • +1

          Switch has alot of third party independent developers lined up, a bunch of high profile non Nintendo companies, and alot of Japanese support.

          The internet gamers and bloggers claiming the system doesn't have much 3rd party, arent really telling the truth… I wouldnt trust clickbait links either in the modern edrama controversy for clicks era.

          But those same games, they'll pump them up if they're on the xbox/ playstation platform. Gamers are funny like that. Cant they all just get along?

          If it sells well, will probably see more AAA/ AA titles. Not that the ps/xbox have had as many quality ones since alot of devs went under last generation. Some good ones here and there.

  • +1

    Awesome, 1 2 Switch, Snipperclips, Zelda BOTW and Bomberman will be great for launch,

    might have to go with the Big W one, but this is a nice price. Cool.

    Nice to see Nintendo has kept the independent support up for launch, Fast RMX will be awesome.

    • Why do you have a neg !? Must be from someone a bit 'special'

      • +1

        Dunno. Because people think im a gamer hater or something, which im not, i just dislike the angry stereotypical attitudes in gaming and internet gamers.

        I like the Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo, i just try to give an honest take on things from an average video game fan perspective, some of which alot of the hardcore,

        do not like, i generally dispute some gaming narratives or how gamers are supposed to think when it comes to certain things. Which is fine i guess.

        I dont take video games too seriously. I think it will be a good year for the 3 big companies. I think the future is bright for gaming.

        That Spiderman game will be great and probably do well on the PS4, Crackdown 3 will be Epic and The Switch is making gaming great again.

        People do need to relax.

        • +1

          Agreed, I read too much 'console gaming is dead' this is it ps4 pro, scorpio and switch within 12 months of each other. Make or break!

      • Think the voting system is a bit amiss here. Especially for one negative vote the post shouldnt be greyed out

  • Keep in mind they shipped previous orders today, so if you want it on Friday, make haste!

  • +3

    Nice price but I don't think this will sell more than the original Wii if ever.

  • Why the nintendo console so expensive.. also any exclusive games out ? ie. monster hunter or bayonetta?

    • +1

      What did the PS4 and XB1 launch for?

    • zelda.

  • All I can say is if your keen better jump on it fast before the scalpers do.

  • Damn. I was hoping this was a Nintendo mini classic back in stock

  • The BIGW $519 Zelda combo appears still to be best in market?

    • +3

      Yep, end of the day if you buy a switch at launch, and you're not buying zelda, you shouldn't be buying a switch at launch…

      • Yeah I figured about everyone is going to buy Zelda too.

        I just called my local Bigw who advised they are getting 60 units in so plenty it seems to go around

  • Give me a Pokémon or donkey kong and I'm in

    • +1

      DK 64 -esque game or donkey kong country 2 remake. Either would be wicked!

      • Donkey Kong Country 2 is still considered the greatest game ever made by me

        • Well if you MADE the game, of course you'd consider it the best ever. Biased much??!!

  • i just don't like the idea the prices been jacked up.

    rather buy it from bigw with the zelda bundle

  • It is not the huge saving of this eBay deal considering you wouldn't get it on the launch day. I would rather buying from bigW

  • I have never seen clear pictures of the tablet showing how thick it is. Is it like all new tablets, meaning around 6-7 mm?

  • -3

    Switch sells for USD300, we should be paying no more than AUD430 including GST. Don't buy so Nintendo get's the message.

    • This is delivered. I don't want one myself but why would people hold out for $19?

      • +2

        This is OzBargain. $19 can go a long way…

    • +2

      US price will be vary by the tax of different states I guess, and the currency rate isn't very favor to Australian , and won't see much difference from buying here to America

    • Then you shouldn't buy anything. A lot of the extra for says games goes to your lovely Australian classification board. Also dont forget we are a island pretty far from the rest of the world. Another thing can be the simple reason we do not have the population density and economies of scale plays a role here. Also if you wanna buy things from a brick and mortar store here you need to account for the higher rent, wages, insurance etc. Is their price gouging? sure. Do we have a choice other than to ship it from a cheaper source? Nope

  • -2

    Why are so many people shilling for the Switch? It's going to be another Nintendo failed console with maybe 10 playable games over its lifetime.

    • Haven't really been paying attention to the games already announced have you?

      Here's a hint: It's already more than 10.

      • +2

        Forgive him. I am sure he is a victim of a Wii U owner.

        • You are correct my friend.

  • Neon sold out

    Grey still available

    Mine has shipped this afternoon :D

  • This console is relatively so cheap compared to PS4 and Xbox.

  • Any one know what sort of postage they send it? I bought one, and it was posted yesterday afternoon, and already collected from them, wondering how long it may take to get to me in the NT.

    • Looks to be Aus post parcel post. I received a tracking number on my order when they dispatched it.

    • I received mine today, but then again I'm in NSW… you'll probably have it early-mid next week

  • Hold off on putting skins, wraps and stickers on your new Switch for the moment:

    • good they look tacky anyway…

      • if it didnt have debris and air bubbles on the side, the white mattes look awesome

        • i'd be shocked if nintendo don't eventually release more colours… including something like that

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