$74.99 USD for the Mi Box in the last deal. Now they've reduced it to $69.99 USD which equates to $100.35 AUD (if you're using Geekbuying's exchange rate).
Video Review of the product.
$74.99 USD for the Mi Box in the last deal. Now they've reduced it to $69.99 USD which equates to $100.35 AUD (if you're using Geekbuying's exchange rate).
Video Review of the product.
Currently listed at $US107 on Aliexpress, if I'm looking at the right place.
$69.99 here https://goo.gl/xbBw4M and here https://goo.gl/UYKvq4. The site is a but funny with search, the first link I found first via mobile app
Are those definitely the same model as the one posted by the OP?
@carva848: As far as I can tell, yes indeed. All internation version of mi box. Don't think any similar boxes have Android TV 6.0
You are not. Still us$70.
whats the difference between the International and China version?
The international doesn't love you "long time"
Different OS, dont buy chinese ver unless you can read chinese. Also chinese servers are painfully slow to stream.
Almost there in term of features but I will wait for future model that could play 4K 60pfs smoothly.
Do you know if there is any box in this price-range out there that can do that except for the expensive Nvidia shield etc?
Roku Boxes can do it but dunno about price range.
None at the price range and therefore I am still waiting.
I thought this played 4k @ 60fps good? Is there something i'm missing?
Yes and no. It can played 4k at 60fps but stuttering and unwatchable.
Does it come with a proper AU power pack, or US power pack and a crappy travel adapter ?
a crappy travel adapter
Is there anyone using this to watch any Hong Kong channel TVB??
I read a few forum saying this can live stream, but those forum threads are mostly not from Australia, so I'm really curious..
I want to know that too, and can this actually playback all kind of video formats too?
If you are only after TVB Jade, I would suggest to go for TVBanywhere as their price has come down a lot and start looking reasonable.
This is a box to be used as a media centre if you need them, e.g. netflix, hulu, …etc. And of course you can run TVB anywhwere on this box as well.
And to Kaikor, to play back various format is depended on your play back app. Most people will be running Kodi on these boxes and is capable for playing most of the format. Single app like MX player will play most of the formats as well, e.g. if you are asking for like rmvb.
I have a Chinese version Mi box. I installed Jodi but haven't played any video yet. What's the difference btw international model apart from language?
I Mainly streaming live TV but my adsl2 sucks!
If you are talking about this particular model - MDZ-16-AB. AFAIK, the chinese version is MDZ-16-AA which has a customised firware and can be rooted. The international version, the model mentioned above, runs standard Android TV and can stream netflix at 4K, supposingly if available here. It cannot be rooted yet.
My 2 cents.
Thats right, Thx. Most HK tv series are in rmvb, psu mkv and mp4 for korean ones. Coz my current noontec likely to die very soon as the internal fan has gone, hence the unit is very hot. Need to find anther box to play all the tv series files, and I realise hardly any more media player on the market, everyone going to these TV boxes instead.
I'm using TV Plus 2.0. Lots of access to Mainland/HK/Macau channels. You need to download the apk and install it.
http://www.shafa.com/ you can find most of the tv streaming apps via this app market
e.g. to watch CCTV you can download HDPlive (go directly via www.hdplive.net)
Dumb question…. and I watched the review..
I'm new to these types of players. Obvs netflix/Spotify etc are paid subscriptions.
Do these allow me to access a range of content that I can stream free of charge?
What's the main benefits of having one of these?
4K h.265 hardware decompression plus a very nice user interface. Subscription services are not free.
But can I access any content for free thru Kodi etc or is everything paid? Right now I don't have the means to have lots of paid subscriptions so would be pointless (right now) having this if I cant access anything for free.
I have the device and Kodi is installed as an app through Google Play store.
In effect you could install kodi and stream for free.
Yeah there's a good bunch of content on Kodi. The exodus and phoenix addons are all you really need.
I mainly use it to stream content, watch stuff on my hard drive, play games, browse the internet etc etc. It functions similarly to an android phone/tablet.
Yep, all good, you need to just become familiar with Kodi, it sits as an app at the opening androidTV screen but will stay 'up' when out of sleep… From within Kodi you have to get the Aussie catchup TV add on installed from which you can have iview, sbs on demand, 7plus, but also things like Smithsonian channel, YouTube, Ted, Arte, all sorts of workable content can be added.
I also downloaded the AppTV skin which, after much getting used to was able to have everything in nice icons (bit like appleTv) and all works great… Apptv skin highly recommended
it would be nice if it had a lan port, from what I understand the wifi could be flaky
An USB ethernet adapter works good for me.
Hi gr8m8sam,
Thanks for the tip. Is the LAN speed fast enough for streaming movies (without buffering) over the MI Box USB 2.0 port?
An actual 4 star rated review for this on Gearbest. How did that get through?
How long does shipping usually take to Sydney?
With free shipping it's typically 3-4 weeks after processing. Advertised time is up to 30 business days.
+1 bought this at the start of December and it took 15 business days to arrive.
Hey rep,
Why doesn't this ship to the US?
I don't know the exact reason but it's already available locally in the US at stores like Walmart.
Another one with Lan and 4 USB ports (very handy). Handles all the latest codecs. $44.
So many options.. which one is the best value one to get?
Avan - They are only 1G ram, 2G is really needed.
Perhaps if you want to use several apps and flick between then quickly… but the 2G versions are always quite a bit more from my experience.
The ones I posted above run Kodi flawlessly, which is what I use 99% of the time… and h265 files.
Also, the 4 usb are very handy. My old box had only two which were consumed by the hard-drive and controller receiver. Made things difficult if I wanted to transfer files using USB stick or play something someone brought to my place to watch.
Just providing options. Each to his/her own.
Not necessarily true. Maybe for gaming or other multitasking but just playing videos 1Gb in generally fine.
Even well respected units like WeTek Hub play 4k content well https://wetek.com/product/wetek-hub
Depends what you're after. That TV Box is running Android for phones and tablets while the Xiaomi is running Android TV and is powered by the Amlogic S905X-H SoC. One pro of the Xiaomi is Netflix HD support.
X96 is also much cheaper at Geekbuying before discounts are applied ;)
Can any of these have ESPN similar app which can watch NBA? Thats what my son wants.
Does anyone know if it will play any sized external hdd through usb or is it size limited?
These are going for the same price or slightly less on Aliexpress but with 7% cashback