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Stanley Kubrick: 8-Film Masterpiece Collection (10 Disc Blu-Ray Boxset) with Hardback Book - £25.98 (~AU$41.76) Delivered @Zavvi

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Special Features:

  • 78 page Hardcover book
  • All-new Kubrick documentary - Kubrick Remembered
  • Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures
  • O Lucky Malcolm!
  • Onece Upon A Time…A Clockwork Orange
  • Stanley Kubrick In Focus
  • Commentaries
  • Rare Interviews
  • Behind-the-Scenes Featurettes

Lolita (1962)
A divorced British professor becomes infatuated with a flirtatious 14-year-old girl after moving to a small-town America.

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
A psychotic Air Force General unleashes an ingenious and irrevocable scheme to send bombers to attach Russia whilst the President and Soviet premier frantically try to save the world.

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Kubrick's dazzling Academy Award-winning achievement (Special Visual Effects) is an allegorical puzzle on the evolution of man and a compelling drama of man vs. machine.

A Clockwork Orange (1971)
In future Britain, the singing, tap-dancing, derby-topped hooligan Alex has a "good time" - at the tragic expense of others. His journey from amoral punk to brainwashed proper citizen and back again forms the dynamic arc of Kubrick's future-shock vision of Anthony Burgess' novel.

Barry Lyndon (1975)
Redmond Barry is a young, roguish Irishman who dupes, duels and seduces his way up the social ladder, entering into a lustful but loveless marriage to a wealthy countess named Lady Lyndon and assuming wealth and power beyond his wildest dreams.

The Shining (1980)
The Shining is Kubrick's epic tale of a man who journeys to the elegant, isolated Overlook Hotel as an off-season caretaker with his wife and son, and ultimately descends into murderous delusions.

Full Metal Jacket (1987)
A superb ensemble falls in for Kubrick's brilliant saga about the Vietnam War and the dehumanizing process that turns people into trained killers.

Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
Tom Cruise plays a doctor who plunges into an erotic foray that threatens his marriage - and may ensnare him in a murder mystery - after his wife's (Nicole Kidman) admission of sexual longings in Kubrick's daring and controversial last film.

Thanks to HUKD

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Best… Boxset… EVER!

  • +1

    I bought several years ago from another deal.Love Barry Lyndon from my 20s

  • +3

    damn…none of his nasa filmography & faked moon landing footage? :(


  • +2

    What's wrong with me, why don't I like Kubrick's stuff?

    • +1

      Ha, don't worry… it isn't for everyone. You don't have to like it. Love it or hate it or anything in between I think as long as you recognise what made Kubrick such a master craftsman then his job is done!

    • +2

      Sit down and watch Barry Lyndon sometime when you have the patience and stamina to watch a long period drama. It's epic in scale, very funny, and technically impressive (like most of his movies).

      I can get why people don't like or appreciate 2001. The Shining is really scary and unsettling. Dr Strangelove is in black and white and hard to appreciate the jokes unless you have a good sense of what the height of the Cold War was like. All great movies but not for everyone.

      But give Barry Lyndon a go sometime - you can even watch it over two nights if you like, because there's an intermission!

      • +3

        Dr Strangelove is (profanity) hilarious. I don't think Cold War knowledge is strictly necessary. Peter Sellers is just a wizard.

        • +3

          Think about it from the perspective of someone born this century though… the sixties was a long time ago. Peter Sellers is great but the context might be lost on some people.

  • +2

    can watch The Shining over and over

  • I got a similar boxset (same cover art, without the book). But The Shinning in the set does not play for some reason, otherwise a great collection of one of the greatest director ever.

  • I'm only interested in 3 of the films, but it's still worth it!

  • 2001:A Space Odyssey
    Pity I don't own a DVD or Blu-Ray player :(

    • You filthy pirate.

  • +4

    With these sort of boxsets they usually throw in some garbage. This one didn't have that. Then I started wondering if Kubrick had anything genuinely garbage. I went to IMDB to see what garbage Kubrick has in his history.

    Nothing. Everything's good. A couple things aren't my cup of tea like Spartacus and Eyes Wide Shut but they're clearly well made and plenty of other people like them, that's just a personal preference thing. The Killing is great (not in this set) and I would have preferred it over either of those. I suppose The Killing Kiss might not be good, I haven't seen it.

    But the point is - he appears to never have made anything bad or even mediocre. That's amazing.

    • I must be one of the only ones who actually really likes Eyes Wide Shut. Yes it's Tom & Nicole and may have even instigated their breakup but the creepy darkness it emits just oozes Kubrick. The initial arrival scenes at the Masked Ball are pure cinematic perfection in my opinion but should only be fully appreciated in context with the rest of the movie. It still captivates me to this day… even after I'd say 50+ viewings but I'd say a lot of it is the music. That piano piece plus the Masked Ball music by Jocelyn Pook fits the moment so perfectly it sends chills down my spine. Man, I want to go home and watch it this arvo now!

      • I see scenes like that and my brain immediately goes "people don't do that unless they're posing for a camera". It works in a supernatural horror where some weird shit is going down but when I see humans do it in what's meant to feel somewhat like reality it just looks so fake. People do do weird stuff but not in that clean and stylised way.

        • … and I think that's exactly the point. Most of this movie was designed to blur the lines between reality & dream and I think Kubrick nailed it.

        • +1

          @SteveAndBelle: my point is that it doesn't blur the line. It makes it clear this isn't reality.

        • @tantryl: I see what you did there ;)

  • +2

    Great set. The only disappointment was Lolita, but we can probably blame the censors for that.
    edit: the 1997 version was not much better. Maybe its just too hard to translate to the screen.

    • -2

      Being a paedophile is cool if you're an artist.

      • +5

        That was what you took from the movie? I suppose Full Metal Jacket was pro-war? And you'd best not watch Clockwork Orange.

  • +2

    Finally the right time to upgrade from DVD has come along. Bought for $39.85 delivered with 10% off code, bargain!

    My all time favourite director, the master of all genres. Passed away far too soon.

    Cheers Spaceback.

  • Wow!! Great set. 2001, best sci-fi movie ever. Kubrick, true master of the cinema and that applies to Kurosawa as well. Now we just need a boxset from him.

  • Yes, good, but…..

    Without Spartacus, and more importantly, Paths of Glory, this is significantly deficient.

    No doubt there are good reasons for these omissions (copyright, blah, blah, whatever) but this is not a 'Masterpiece' collection without the actual masterpiece, Paths of Glory.

    I guess I am a Kubrick fan: I wrote papers on his works while at uni; I already own all his films on DVD; and I place 2001 in the top five films I've ever seen. But, as good as this collection is, it is somewhat like a James Joyce collection without Ulysses, or a Leonardo da Vinci collection without the Mona Lisa.

    • I agree, but even still despite the title, it's a great value package

  • This seems to retail at 30 Pounds on Amazon UK, so not the biggest discount. But still tempting.

    • plus amazon removes vat, so its 24.99 pounds after removal, but postage is 3.58 pounds, so abit more expensive.

  • Damn missed out :(

    • +1

      Back in stock but £29.99.

      • +1

        Still pretty good, thanks!

  • Shame it is missing a couple of his earlier movies

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