BONUS $80 Harvey Norman Gift Card
Nespresso Cashback -$70 or $95 coffee credit
BONUS $80 Harvey Norman Gift Card
Nespresso Cashback -$70 or $95 coffee credit
It's shiny!
Which capsule machines steams the milk for you? Even cafe machines are manual in that regard :)
Like this one but anyway some may want to use a steamer instead of a milk frother.…
The milk frothier is automatic. It just looks like a manual machine, but all you do is sit the milk jug on the stand and it does the rest.
At least you can get proper barista grade milk texture. It is actually very good.
I have to agree. Tried it over the weekends at HN while picking up the Noodle machine. Milk is just like the one you get from barista.
Quite a weird combination. People go Nespresso to save time, or side with barista-style coffee machine for quality coffee.
Not really, if you need to make a few cups you will have to wash the milk frother every use but with steamer you don't need to.
@superforever I've always just made as many cups as I needed to before setting it to "clean' on my latissima pro. Are you saying that after each cup I am suppose to "clean" the pipes?
I mean the Aeroccino 3 milk frother, if you have the Latissima of course you don't need to :)
It's still automated - the milk frother looks like a manual steam wand, but it is automatic - you just sit the milk jug underneath.
The biggest gripe with the pod machines is that the milk frothers don't produce proper textured milk like a steam wand - this is the gap that this machine fills. Just like the previous Maestria model, but that was manual operation.
100% agreed.
Can't deduct the Harvey norman gift card from the price and surely you'd end up getting the coffee capsules that you bought the machine to use. Really $699 machine thanks to Amex offer, plus gift card and capsules.
Initial reviews by unofficial Nespresso tester / collector 805fan aren't great:
"stay away from the Creatista, it's milk temp sensor in terribly unreliable. Today it burnt the milk so hot it was lumpy. I'm going to try and get a refund from the good guys tomorrow."
"If your can afford the Creatista Plus, get the Lattissima Pro…Just don't buy a Creatista, period."……
Keep in mind that the sensor could just be faulty
Look for this price, you might as well be getting a manual espresso machine. Why pay $550 for something that does the exact same job as a $100 machine? Manual I understand - there's art/ritual and technology behind it. A capsule machine though? Yea, nah.
but it's not the same as a $100 machine……
Bought Nespresso Innisia for $149 (Vanilla Color) from Good guys with $30 Concierge service that will replace the device if it goes wrong but I doubt they ever will, collected and dropped by them, plus they will also SMS or email you $20 store credit vouchers ( 3 per year) for 3 years for the Concierge services bought.
$40 cashback from Nespresso as well
its free if you calculate the savings.
Have the same machine. Would buy this again and again over paying big $$ for a fancy looking Nespresso machine which essentially does the same thing.
but it doesn't - fine if all you drink is espresso or long black, but if you drink milk based coffees then the two machines are simply not the same.
Mine came with the Aeroccino 3 milk frother. I am more than happy to pour the milk in myself to save lots of money. It works very well.
I have a Maestria Machine which has the milk steam wand but its manual. I can also adjust the size of the coffee is delivers. Im guessing this new one can do what my Maestria can and more
Basically yes - the only difference is they've tried to automate the milk texturing part.
You can set a lot of parameters like the milk temp, coffee pour etc via the menu.
That is the only one slightly annoying thing in that the machine is menu driven, so not quite as fast as hitting buttons.
Maybe time for a upgrade
All this extra rubbish just so people don't have to grind into a brewing handle.
If you click on the video from the HN link you should see how they recycle their aluminum pod.
Coffee pods are turgid.
Anyone know how soon the gift card is available after purchase? If you buy in store can you use it immediately after purchase?
They give it to you in store, it's valid for 24 months.
I got Creatista for $640 from Harvey today. They price matched Myer/DJ (both have 20% off going on now). Then paid with 2 amex cards, that's $200 back. Makes it $440.
Still have the $80 gift card (to use in harvey norman only) and nespresso cashback ($70 cash or $95 if you wanna use it for coffee pods).
Makes the machine itself about $275-290. At this price it probably deserves its own post in OzB.
$550 for a capsule machine and I have to froth the milk myself??? They are taking the piss surely