This was posted 8 years 3 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Before the Flood - Full Movie | National Geographic (FREE UNTIL 8/11)


A must see documentary.

National Geographic has made Before the Flood, available for a limited time (until Nov. 8th) on YouTube.

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        • Gershom you clearly have a vested interest in fossil fuels and are blinded by your own self interest. Prove it if it's not true.

        • @Gozzhogger: it's true, I own Exxon.

    • +7

      At the very least when sourcing links, try to find an article that isn't written by someone that has ties to polluting industries.

      Here's a nice bit of information I dug up on that author.

      "Willard Anthony Watts (Anthony Watts) is a blogger, weathercaster and non-scientist, paid AGW denier who runs the website He does not have a university qualification and has no climate credentials other than being a radio weather announcer. His website is parodied and debunked at the website Watts is on the payroll of the Heartland Institute, which itself is funded by polluting industries.[1]"

      Funny how before you called someone a pretender for using the word climate "denier". And here you are using the term "global warming cultists". I guess the old saying comes to mind. Don't throw stones in glass houses.

      • Whereas Professor DiCaprio is fully qualified of course. If you are looking for accredited skeptics, start with the Professor of Climatology at MIT.

        Just because you dug up some lies on the net about Anthony Watts does not prove the discredited global warming hypothesis. I suggest you go and see some real hands on science that Anthony organised at

        • What part about Anthony Watts is a lie? I challenge you to answer me that.

        • Also, I invite you to take a closer look at the links between Anthony Watts and the Heartland Institute, whose funding sources have been questionable.

          You might be interested to know that Heartland have worked with Phillip Morris in the 80s and 90s to debunk the risks of smoking. And ExxonMobil has previously funded this organisation.

          I go back to the saying, "there are lies, damn lies, and statistics". There are always 2 sides to an argument, and information can be manipulated to suit ones agenda. So is it not important to look at the motives behind the people making these arguments?

        • @TeslaFan: I see you are remaining wilfully blind to the RMIT prof, and countless other scientists, and sticking with Prof. DiCaprio.

          Do yourself a big favour, do your own research with an open mind. But you won't will you? Your too happy being a sheep. Baa for now.

        • @TeslaFan: Your level of gullibility is astounding. Everything that agrees with your world view is gobbled up, everything that challenges it must be a lie. The opposite of gullible is skeptical, as in global warming skeptic. Real scientists are trained to be skeptical of everything, not to decide what's true by having a vote and some Hollywood PR. There is no debating with the likes of you, because any time the facts are approached you have to run and find some internet lies about people with a different view. You are the definition of a fanatic.

        • @Gershom:

          See, I knew you wouldn't answer my question regarding my apparent Anthony Watts "lies" so do you want to try again?

          But OK, I'll bite and address your MIT professor of Climatology. If you're referring to Richard Lindzen I'll again invite you to look at his links to oil and coal interests as well as OPEC.

          Its interesting that you called me a sheep, when it is you that has been sucked in by what is clearly paid "research". So if you talk about open minds, has it ever occurred to you that you are in fact the sheep?

  • It's also available in full under "featured" on foxtel… only got half way through it last night.

  • great movie, must watch.

  • i really want to know what caused that "great flood" in bibalic era - what bloody dirty energy did our ancestors use to trigger the flood… i am sure scientist can give us a good lession there…

    • It's all cryptic, just like the Moses stuff. It was probably a flood of disease or famine caused by the mistreatment of the earth.

    • +1

      Grammatical errors aside, you're assuming the bible is based on fact, yes? Please respond tomorrow, as I've laughed enough today.

  • -1


    Rich celebrity douchebag who lives in opulence & travels the world in private jets & whatnot joins forces with even bigger race-baiting war mongering globalist douchebag (imagine what Barry Obama's carbon footprint is like - a fleet of planes/choppers/armoured cars) to preach guilt inducing hyperbole to less economically mobile about how the burden is on them.

    Me buying a Prius, running the A/C on 24 with the blinds shut and setting the washing machine to run during off peak is not going to save the world from the impending perils of climate change. Get back to me and the other Joe Sixpacks when there is actually an affordable, feasible and realistic plan to reverse or at the least reduce the impact of it.

    • +2

      you don't know the power of many yet. 5 cent short of a million can't make it a million dollar. what you do, however small it is, might help other's life; the butterfly effect

      • -1

        You really shouldn't drink the bong water mate.

    • +1

      Solar power and Tesla battery pack for your house are the first steps.

      • See that's what I'm getting at - how many people have a lazy $20k to invest in something like that? How does the average suburbanite make a meaningful contribution beyond what I outlined above? It's all well and good for ivory tower dwellers like Leo or Barry the Bomber to preach sustainability and responsible consumption but their brand of champagne socialism doesn't fly when you take a look at how they are living.

        • +1

          Technology is new it will only get cheaper and better.. wait until they start working with aluminium ion batteries.. a whole game changer

        • @eXtremist:

          I don't doubt that, but will the advent of cheap & efficient technology come only after it's too late to save the atmosphere? You won't get people interested until it becomes economically viable to install batteries & panels on every building & cover every desert.

    • +1

      Careful, pointing out reality makes you a 'conservative'

      You wouldn't want people to call you racist now would you.

      • +2

        I know right, almost forgot to check my privilege and say sorry for being a white CIS male…

  • I watched it last night, it's not the most enthralling piece of film, thats for sure.

  • +1

    It's been extended for another 2 days

    • +1

      I am downloading now. Almost missed it.

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