This was posted 8 years 8 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$10 Tyre Puncture Repair - Brandon Park Ultratune Melbourne


Drove past and saw they were advertising it, seems like an ongoing deal rather than special.

It's a good price for a Tyre Puncture Repair in Melbourne.

I paid $30 recently, wish I saw this when I needed it.

Edit- OzBragain confirmed with the store it's an internal patch repair, not a push in plug.

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Ultra Tune
Ultra Tune

closed Comments

  • Interesting deal.
    It's probably not really an impulsive type of purchase like most of the things on OzBargain.

    • +1

      True, but good to know if you live around the area.

      You don't usually shop around for it, but handy to know.

  • +3

    I DIY with $10 tool and it can fix 5 times with the rubber it comes with.

    • I thought about doing buying a kit but don't really trust them.

      • +2

        Used them multiple times, worked fine every time

      • +1

        It's the same as the tyre place (unless they use a mushroom plug which they never do). I paid $7 for the kit and used it on my motorbike.

        It's safe @ legal speeds, anything faster within reason, at your own risk

      • +3

        They're not designed to be a long term solution. They leak air and road traffic authorities dont deem them as a safe method of fixing punctures.

        To do the job properly they need to be fixed by taking the tyre off the rim, which allows inspection for damage to the sidewall, proper application and sealing not only of the puncture but also the tyre itself which will be susceptible to moisture with an improperly sealed repair.

        Use the kit to get yourself out of a tight spot by all means, but the tyre still needs to be repaired.

        • +2

          is $10 Tyre Puncture Repair including this check? i doubted they will with this price

        • @LoveBargain15:

          I would like to think so.

    • I paid $28 for a boxed kit from SCA and already used it 3 times, are you talking about the kit with the thin black strips/snake that are pushed into the tyre?

      VERY satisfied with it, works a treat

      The tyre started at 38PSI i removed the nail, reemed it and inserted the "snake" [use 1/2, a full one is a waste] in it, still 30PSI dropped just 8PSI

      Highly recommended, now all mates/relos want free repairs :-)

      $10 is a loss deal, great price, i was paying $20 and up

    • I DIY with $10 tool and it can fix 5 times with the rubber it comes with

      As others have mentioned, the push through plugs only intended to be a temporary fix. $30 is about the standard price to repair most punctures properly which isn't much to pay if you consider what could happen to your family (and other road users) if your $2 fix fails at highway speeds.

      • I had mine in months and been on 110kmh Hwys, hot roads, dirt roads, bumps etc, zero issues, not 1 PSI of pressure drop.

        I think the centrifugal force inside and heat sticks the "wings" inside the tire liner so it cannot really come out. BTW i only used 1/2 of one strip, seems wasteful to use a complete piece.

        When these tyres are worn i will hacksaw it open to have a look

        I am ok with it being a forever repair and not a temp.

        Time will tell

        • I carry a DIY kit in the car for emergencies. Haven't needed to use it yet but it's only purpose is for remote locations to get me to the next place that can do a proper repair. Small price to pay in my opinion

          I am ok with it being a forever repair and not a temp.

          Time will tell

          I hope your money saving repairs don't fail but if it ever happens on a highway I also hope you're the only person in the car and you don't take out any other vehicles.


          Tyre repairs
          Punctures in tubeless tyres must only be repaired by fitting a vulcanized plug or patch from the inside of the tyre. In all cases the tyre must be removed from the rim to check for internal damage. Plugs that are fitted from the outside do not provide a permanent repair. Tyre repairs are only allowed in the tread area and are best performed by a reputable tyre dealer.

    • While not illegal (many suggest it is), it's advised against by experts, motoring orgs etc. It's last-ditch solution.

  • Good price. Nationwide?

    • +1

      Doubt it.

  • is it safe to fix a puncture? rather than replacing?

    • +2

      Within reason, yes. As long as the sidewall/shoulder of the tyre isnt affected, and the tyre hasnt been driven on flat then they can be repaired.

      • The tyre shop will let you know if it's unsafe to fix.

        When you think about it, there is an incentive for them to tell you it's unsafe to fix, rather than the other way.

  • +2

    Just called the store and was surprised to be told this is an internal patch (mushroom plug) for $10.

    Great deal!

    • +1


      Definitely a great deal.

  • I suspect this is done as a "loss leader" to either sell you a tyre (if it can't be fixed) or perhaps some mechanical work / servicing they might pick up from the visit. Still a good deal though.

    • +1

      I agree,

      There's not much money to be made, but it's good advertising for their car servicing.

      Ultra tune get a bad rap for servicing, but at the end of the day, it's up to the individual owner of the Ultra tune franchise that provides good or bad service. And generally, you only hear about the bad ones.

  • Every time I've gone to a tyre shop to fix a punctured tyre they've told me it can't be fixed and needs a new tyre.

    • +1

      The same tyre shop?

      They may be correct, if the puncture is close to the side wall of the tyre.

      Get a second opinion in future if you're insure.

  • +1

    For $10 there's no holes in how good this deal is.

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