TL/DR - We're selling some once off pieces, samples, seconds etc at great prices.
OK so this is a little bit 'different' to what most stores do but we're clearing out some of our Samples, Factory Seconds and Left Over products at great prices. A whole bunch of new and different items this time - note that this is part 2 of our initial clearance campaign from a few weeks ago. If you're looking for high end stuff, this isn't the deal for you. But if you're looking for a genuine one-time bargain then get in while you can. First in first served. Products sold "as is". I'm expecting to sell out of most stuff quickly.
Some products include:
* Nutrition
* Shoe covers
* Rain jackets
* Arm and leg warmers
* Thermal jackets
* Vests
* Tyres
* Knog
* And more
If you can't see it anymore it's because someone else snapped it up.
Shipping Special:
Buy 1 item from this list, shipping is $4.99
Buy another item, shipping is an additional $2.49
Buy a 3rd item, shipping is an additional $0.49
Buy 4-10 items, shipping is no additional charge
(Shipping rules applies to this products list only, and applies to orders within Australia)
Copy and paste comments from Part 1.