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Beach Towels $9 (Was $35), Pool Rings $12 (Was $39) & More + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ EB Games


Extended Summer Sale @EB Games:

Pool rings (Pokémon, The Simpsons, Disney) $9 (Was $39)

Beach towels (Pokémon, The Simpsons, Minecraft, Disney, Sonic the Hedge Hog, Star Wars) $9 (Was $35)

Also glass sets, pyjamas. Am on the phone so can’t link properly.

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +29

    100% polyester towels. I don't know about beach towels. Is that normal? You take your towel down to the beach to tease the sea with the all the microplastics coming its way?

    • +4

      Yup, why you would buy polyester towels is beyond me. They don't even dry you properly. As a mat maybe. That's it. Cheap fabric is really nasty…

      • +4

        Hang them along the wall in a gaming room. Thats about it?

    • +8

      I went to feel them, and they feel like shite. Not worth 9 dollarydoos

    • ikr.. some will find $9 a great bargin in this lol

    • +1

      Also these towels are tiny. Not useful for anyone older than 5.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Daughter just ordered a One Piece towel.

    • +30

      Aren't all towels one piece?

      I've never seen a 2 piece towel before.

      • +20

        Since I am the dad in this situation only I can make dad comments like that.

  • got two towels cheaper then my noraml ones

  • +2

    hmm. some of this stuff is significantly more than the sale from the other day - Harry Potter necklace was $14, now $36, cushion was $8 now $19

    • +1

      I do wonder how much time is spent applying and then removing all the sale stickers. I love EB sales but it does seem like a strange business model to put the prices back up on the sale stuff that didn't sell.

  • +2

    The Simpsons pool ring is $12

  • +2

    Actually had everything in stock in one store for a nice change

  • +1

    Pool ring is actually $9, just got one. but website shows $12

  • Hopefully I can’t lose the pikachu one at the gym or wherever…

  • Why is a game shop selling pool equipment??

    • +2

      Pool is a game, I prefer snooker though

    • +1

      Because most have clued on that even their pre-owned games prices are taking the piss, so they're trying to cash in on whatever they can.

  • +2

    Might get a pool ring for my next round of hemorrhoids

  • I've gotten glass sets from EB that have been absolutely brilliant, they are large, and very solid. Hoping these ones on sale are the same make. The graphics are slowly peeling off though, however if I end up with plain glasses, i'll still be very pleased.

  • A loin cloth if you will

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