Ships in 3-5 weeks
Great price for this card, not sure if part of the recent price drops or a price error…we'll see.
Ships in 3-5 weeks
Great price for this card, not sure if part of the recent price drops or a price error…we'll see.
agree. no point to buy a 3 years old techni
760->860?(Why no 860 out there?)->960->1060
8 series was reserved for Mobile GPU's I believe.
Unless you need a graphic card now or don't really care, the RX 470 releasing at the end of this month may offer a much better value.
This deal is quite obviously targeted at people on a severe budget, not the most value conscience consumer. The 470 will be at least 2x the price, if not more.
On the very low end of the spectrum (which is what this pricing targets), this is a fabulous deal relative to comparably priced, frankly trash cards.
Yes, I'm aware, as such I said if someone doesn't really care. Of course it is a completely valid reason to buy the card.
Should I get this or the 1080???
Octo-SLI this. it will beat the gtx1080 and cheaper
IF you have a quad SLI mobo already.
Not sure if serious but the post above was sarcasm.
I'm getting this Spanish deal and placing a 1080 sticker kit on it
No one expects the Spanish GTX 1080.
Haha good bait.
Thanks OP.
Needed a budget upgrade so this suits perfectly!
should I sell my Sapphire R9 270X OC 2GB and buy this? I wonder how much I can get for my card…
its like swapping a 2002 corolla for a 2002 mazda
hahaha thanks i like that analogy :)
I'd swap my 2002 Corolla for a 2002 Mazda RX-7 so maybe incorrect analogy. I find it hard to drift the Corolla.
Doesn't seem like much of an upgrade from an R9 270x. Maybe a few frames per second difference at most? Check out… I'd go for something a lot more powerful if you wanted to upgrade and get better value.
Unfortunately there really isnt any good cards for under $200 if gaming is what you want to do.
The above 760 is 2 to 3 gens old and would be fine if you want to run 720p and of course, HTPC but then that's not what people are really after.
720p? The 760 would be good for medium to high graphics for most games at 1080p
a friggin' potato would run CS:GO LOL at fhd…
Unless you buy second hand. I'll be pawning off my 3GB 7950 soon enough and that still does pretty much everything @1200p on high/ultra settings just fine. That goes for about $200, or a bit less.
Buy a second hand card from Ocau or Ebay???
I'm about to dump my R9 GPU on ebay next week, because I got this targeted offer that lets me sell 3 things without having to pay the seller fee.
Looks like we will be competing for buyers
Had kind of given up on my hunt for a low end GPU to compliment the low end build that I'm currently creating but this is very tantalising. So far I have:
And this deal looks like it might make a nice little edition. I was initially thinking of just getting a GT 730 or R7 360 but it feels like this would be a much better buy.
It's a beastly GPU for mid-tier gaming. CSGO, League, Dota, etc will all run perfectly. As for games like GTA V, it should allow for ~60fps on low-mid settings - it'll get the job done.
Seems I missed the deal as I was typing my comment. Ah well
I am still using a 5 year old Asus EAH6850. Would this card be better than the one I have? My Asus one has 2xDVI, 1xDP and 1xHDMI.
I have a ASUS GTX 760 and I'm still running modern games on reasonable setting and getting good performance. Overwatch, I run on 1920x1080 medium and get a constant freamerate of around 60FPS. Other games I run easily: CSGO, ARMA 3, DOTA 2, DOOM 3, Rust, Starcraft 2.
Why not wait for AMD RX 460 which is out by the end of this month
Are these a good replacement for gtx 570?
Just lol.
Get a the new AMD card when it releases.
I haven't bought an amd CPU or gpu for my workstations in years. I can't bring myself to pay good money for an inferior product.
Thanks for your suggestion.
BTW I'm only looking to replace the 570 because they have a limit of 2 monitors per card. I'm running a quad monitor workstation, but had it set-up for sixtuple monitors.
Explain inferior product please…
The card isn't even out yet … facepalm
Explain inferior product please…
amd products are inferior to intel. their product line have always been a cheaper alternative to intel's.
it seems to be an old card for $125
better off saving a bit more for something newer