This was posted 9 years 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Telstra New MX $40 BYO 7GB Data 12 Months Contract (New Customers Only)


New Tech Savvy deal from telstra

MX BYO gives you an impressive 7GB for only $40/mth (min. cost $480 over 12 months) if you're a new customer and do everything online. Our MX offer is based off our $50/mth Go Mobile BYO M Plan with 5GB (min. cost $600 over 12 months) but comes with a $10/mth discount plus a further 2GB for being tech-savvy. It’s our way of rewarding those who help themselves.

Includes $1000 worth of calls To standard Australian numbers & unlimited SMS/MMS

Direct link

Mod: The MX offer is listed as invitation only in the terms & conditions, proceed at your own risk. Whilst the above link is accessible to all - the deal may not be honoured if you haven't received an invitation. See comment

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closed Comments

  • +53

    New customers only because we rip off the existing one's until they complain or threaten to move on.

    • +7

      This new customer bs is pissing me off, I'm not on a contract so I can leave any time, why not offer it to customers without a contract as an incentive to enter or renew one?

      • +12

        It's a tricky one. It's extremely difficult for a telco to determine whether a customer is price sensitive or not.

        I guess they work on the basis that if you've been happy paying $X dollars a month for the past 12 months, there's no reason why you won't be happy paying $X the 13th month.

        They don't want to get into a situation where they are discounting to customers who would have been prepared to pay at the usual price.

        So in order for you to ensure you are always ahead be prepared to show no loyalty and port anywhere and everywhere.

        Here's a longer post summarising -

        But times are changing. If you remember Woolworths' targeted offers, you might have been offered "Spend $30 get $5" whereas your wife's card was offered "Spend $30 get $10". It's a form of mass targeted marketing.

        Telstra have also recently started emailing offers like, "Get 2GB bonus data on your next recharge" to select numbers.

        Next time you're in the Telstra shop and the clerk brings up Siebel see what "market segment" you have been assigned. For example, "Family safe keeper" might mean you have a lot of telstra services in the family and unlikely to port so you won't get targeted offers. This might eventually target retention based offers to price sensitive customers.

        Watch this space!

        • +2

          I like your analysis and agree with it.

          Those who complain about "loyalty" not being rewarded etc. are forgetting something. You're paying for a service, and the business provides you that service for the price you have agreed on.

          What did I highlight? Business - i.e. their goal is to make money and if they give you a "loyalty discount", they make less money.

          You're already a customer, why would they (from a business point of view) "reward" you when they've already got you? Who are you to them? You're already making them money. If you're not happy, then move. Leave. Vote with your feet. To try and minimise the trouble, tell them you will leave for Vodafone/Telstra/Virgin (and may port back to take advantage of the new customer offer?), because I would assume it is easier/cheaper/quicker for them to just give you the cheaper offer when you threaten to leave, as opposed to having go through all the hassle of porting in and out etc.

          If you just choose to leave without saying anything, they can't drag you back because you've already left. At the very least, try and request it first and see if they will give you the offer for new customers. If not, leave and port back in.

        • @illumination: My view is that customers out of contract should be able to request access to promotions such like this and have their request fulfilled. I wouldn't expect or ask Telstra or any other provider to actively seek the users out though.

          I feel it's good for word of mouth if the customer has bothered to weigh up their options and initialise contact, and if they've gone to that effort there's a good chance they have looked elsewhere too and considered their options.

          In my eyes that's a fairly solid long term strategy which wouldn't likely cost the carrier much and would win them loyalty. Many ISPs allow for this, particularly if the new plan is of an equivalent price but higher quota so I'm not sure why so many carriers can't accomodate one off requests to increase a quota to match that of a current offer, especially when off contract.

          It's their business I guess, but mobile carriers aren't always looked at in the most positive light and I suspect a part of that is their handling of current customers. Look at the mass exodus and issues that Vodafone went through and haunt them to this day when they tried to expand their customer base at the expense of customers. People did walk and it cost them big time.

        • @Smigit:

          I agree with that, but I also think as you said, it is their business so they can choose how to act. As I mentioned, if your intention is to port out, then port back in to be recognised as a new customer, I see no logical reason why they shouldn't honour your request at all, because I imagine this would be a lot easier for all parties involved to simply honour it.. unless they consider the "cost" for a competitor to have to invest time/resources into setting up an account for you, calling up to port etc. to be worth it LOL

          And the thing is, a lot of us on Ozbargain are very aware of deals because we are Ozbargainers. I still think the majority of the general population don't bother with all this porting in and out, and even if they knew, they would often think, "it's only $10/mth". They don't think it's worth the time to contact live chat/go in store to save $10/mth.

          Mobile carriers definitely don't seem to get much love, but they also don't seem to care much.

        • @illumination: one thing I did read is if you port out you need to have been with the other company for a month until you can port in as a new customer. Possibly to dissuade people from the practice. It does seem odd as I can't imagine many customers do it and I'm not sure why Telstra wouldn't want to guarantee they get those super dedicated customers back.

          Not sure how closely that policy is adhered to but. Also some people have success getting these sorts of offers if they are persistent enough to ask multiple staff members. Often one will eventually do it for them assuming they are off contract and negate the need to port out.

        • @Smigit:
          My view is that customers out of contract should be able to request access to promotions such like this and have their request fulfilled. I wouldn't expect or ask Telstra or any other provider to actively seek the users out though.

          You can do this, there's a Disconnections department that has authority to do this.

        • @ONEMariachi:
          Exactly this, in contact users won't get anything, you agreed to pay what you agreed to pay so that is what you'll pay. As a business if someone is content paying more for less why would you change their plan?

          If however you are out of contract just request a port out and they nearly always offer a deal if you have one, always threaten to leave when your contact expires and you'll nearly always get a better deal.

        • +1


          I completely agree, but I'm simply arguing that I am given no incentive to stay with Telstra, when they're clearly focusing on making it a better experience for new customers, and not ones that are already on board, but have no reason to stay.

      • +1

        Mainly because a lot of people are unaware that they can get a better deal, or are too lazy to change. Insurance companies exploit this as well.

    • Even as an existing customer I was able to get the $40 for 5GB deal that was 'only for new customers' back in Jan. I imagine there's a degree of discretion here so it's always worth asking the question.

  • +2

    Targeted offer, the full T&Cs on the page state;

    MX Offer: To be eligible to take up the Mx offer you will need to sign up to electronic billing, sign up to direct debit and activate MyAccount, within 30 days of activation and self-service via the Telstra self-care channels. Failure to comply with any of these conditions may result in removal of the $10/mth discount and bonus 2GB.

    The MX Offer is invitation only. However, if you like it, we are hoping to launch it as a plan in the future.

    Some usage is excluded, such as calls/text/MMS to premium numbers (e.g. 19xx numbers), 1234, 12455, 12456 and satellite numbers, content charges and use overseas. Unused allowances expire monthly.

    Calls and messages to standard Australian numbers. 2 Minute standard call is $2.
    Extra Data: If you go over your Monthly Data Allowance, we automatically add data to your allowance for that month in 1GB blocks for $10 per GB. Extra Data is for use in Australia with eligible plans, is shared between eligible data sharing services on your account and expires at the end of that billing month.

    This is why you'll be redirected to the standard 'Plans and rates' page

    • +3

      Also, there is no access to the call centre or stores without losing your $10 discount and 2GB bonus. Here's the comparison table between the M and Mx plans for those that have been invited and deciding to sign up -

      • Surely you can still go in to a store if you have problems after signing up. Isn't it just how you apply?

        • +1

          Shrug. It's omitted from the 'service' section in the plan comparison, so who knows?

          It seems if you want your $10 discount and 2GB extra, you agree to only use Live Chat/CrowdSupport and agree to direct debit.

          To be eligible to take up the Mx offer you will need to sign up to electronic billing, sign up to direct debit and activate MyAccount, within 30 days of activation and self-service via the Telstra self-care channels. Failure to comply with any of these conditions may result in removal of the $10/mth discount and bonus 2GB.

        • @BeauGiles: I know it'll vary person to person, but I've had better experiences with the online chat anyway compared to over the phone support and arguably in store as well. Half the time the web based support resulted in Telstra calling me anyway, and I'd assume if they call you themselves you aren't forfeiting anything.

          At least if I get stuck in a line for web based support I can do something else where I feel pretty stuck when I call them up and get put on hold.

        • @Smigit: I use Live Chat a lot and for basic things they're great. Rare circumstances require me to go in to a store. I'm on pre-paid.

  • How many international minutes?

    • +7

      0, you will have to pay extra when make international call, much better with Vodafone and Optus if you make lot of international calls

      • +3

        Yep, this kills the deal (for me)

        • +1

          Are you better off on Telstra Pre-Paid Freedom Plus?

        • @sween64:not if you want international calls, the only great plan for Telstra unlimited is the $195 plan which would let u call international numbers unlimitedly

        • +2

          Freedom plus now has international credit:

          $30 recharge adds $200 international credit
          $40 recharge adds $350 international credit
          $50 recharge adds $550 international credit

          Granted it's not unlimited but it's a nice extra they added a few months back

  • +3

    link does not work ? stays on screen for less than 1 second before it just redirect to standard telstra page

  • No mention of Google play with Telstra billing it seems (?)
    Edit: actually, it's just the standard plans page.

    • +2

      Is there much of an advantage to having it on a post-paid plan?

      • +2

        No advantage. It gets added on top of your monthly bill as oppose to prepaid which deducts it from the amount which you pay anyway

      • Oh right, thanks. Originally link wasn't working. Didn't know what was going on.

  • +4

    My family member signed at with JB Hifi at World Square over the weekend and got the same offer but with $20 credit so it was down to $30 a month.

    Not a targeted offer. Good luck!

    • $20 credit for the first month or first 12 months?

  • wow I'm with Optus paying $30 for similar call $ however only 4gb of data, Seems like a decent deal especially given it's on the Telstra Network

  • But if you are a new member we already have you on the hook - you can pay $10 more and another $20 for the extra data if you use it. Nice isn't it.

  • How does this compare with Boost's BYO?

    • +3

      Telstra doesn't offer unlimited calls. Unlike boost.
      Boost doesn't get 4gx. Unlike Telstra.

      • +2

        Incorrect - Boost does get 4GX (700MHz) coverage….but capped network speeds.…

        • Has anyone done speed tests on Boosts to see if the 50Mbps and 10Mbps limits apply…?

        • +1

          @sween64: No limit for Boost. I get speed test up to 65Mbps

        • @CheapyAus: Telstra speed tests can be as high as 200Mbps.

      • +1

        Telstra does offer unlimited calls on certain plans, just like Boost. Look at Telstra Prepaid Freedom Plus $40/month…..

  • -1

    All the mentions to "MX" confused me. Maybe remove from deal name

    • +1

      M stands for Medium plan
      X stands for Gen X - targeted "Tech Savvy" crowd

  • +1

    12 month contract? :(

    Give me that on pre-pay, no contract and I'll port over today.

    • Better deal already on Telstra prepaid

      • I wouldn't say "better", depends on your situation. Not better for me.

        • Only 3gb data sorry

        • @The Land of Smeg:

          Yeah I assumed (silly me) you were referencing the 3GB night time data also …. but I use 99% of my data during the day :)

        • @sloppy: still a very good deal aside from that

  • +1

    Pre-paid is still better value IMHO. Effectively I'm spending $40 a month on a bunch of Google play apps (or other very limited options) and getting my phone plan for free.

    • +1

      Or is it the other way round?

      You're paying $40/mth for your phone service and getting a bunch of Google apps for free.. because you'd be paying for the phone service anyway (maybe not $40 but you would still get a phone service with someone else), but I'd be willing to bet most of the apps you buy are just being bought "because your credit is about to expire" (i.e. you do not "need" them).

      • If it's currently $40 and sufficient, why go to the trouble of being a new customer?

        • What?

        • @illumination:

          Assuming @Nukkels is satisfied with the pre paid $40 offering, there is limited benefit to be made of going to the effort to port out to meet the new customer prerequisite for this offer, especially as Google play isn't in the offer.

        • +1


          Yeah, nah, you've missed the whole point of what Illumination is saying.

        • @fatty:

          Yes.. what sloppy above has said.
          You've completely missed my point.
          I said nothing about porting out to meet any new customer requirements.

  • When does this offer expire? I've just paid for another month with Optus.

  • Hmm just before Christmas I got a similar plan. Came with bonus 1gb per month first 3 months. Then because I signed up for free Apple music trial for 1 year they gave another 500mb month for a year. Ended up being around 9.2gb per month (can't remember exactly why that much). At least I get reception at home now

  • Lack of international minutes is a bummer. My contract with VF is expiring next month. Any suggestions fellow OZbs?

    • +1

      vf has deals on sim only one year and month to month

    • +1

      My main suggestion is to not sign up on another contract.

      Most prepaid deals now have international calls as either an inclusion or a tack-on. If you're happy with VF, check out their current prepaid plans.

      • Not very happy with them tbh. Wanted to port to Telstra since their coverage seems whole lot better, might go optus.

        • +1

          Optus not even there yet. I reckon Telstra is still the best out there, even in the bush. Meh because there are so many offers out there (i.e. Amaysim) hence why I go for those, after I finish using up all my prepaids, I will definitely go back to Telstra and sign up for iPhone 7.

        • @cloudie9: is the coverage that bad? If you have used Vodafone, how do Optus and Vodafone compare in terms of coverage?
          I'm looking at the optus $50 month to month plan, it's looking awesome so far with 10 GB data and 300 Intl minutes.

        • +1

          @GeneralZod: Coverage isn't so bad when you're out and about in the CBD but when you're in the bush, they are crap. So if you thinking of spending lots of time outside CBD, get Telstra..

  • Ugh. I need at least 10GB. Currently with Optus and I cannot be bothered leaving and coming back. Has anyone done that to get the deal?

    • +3

      Went to telstra and back to optus …..hated the $1000 at $1 min vs optus unlimited calls….less to worry about. I want to enjoy not manage …..

    • +1

      Telstra are doing $60 a month, unlimited calls and sms and 10gb for 12 months.

  • +3

    still happy to sit on Freedom Plus until they offer this as their new whizbang new pre paid service.

    One thing I can say though, the amount of data that telcos are now offering on <$50 plans is increasing every few months.

    • +1

      Exactly, and there will be more allowances given the $/Mb of LTE vs 3G technology. It's a heaps more efficient use of spectrum. They are also refarming 2G and 3G bands to bring further capacity.

      • Doesn't mean they'll pass that $/Mbps efficiency onto customers, their stakeholders will want increased profits. Likely it'll fall somewhere in between.

        • +1

          They paid a handsome sum for the spectrum, so they need be competitive to get returns on it.

  • I would be cautious entering into this 12 month commitment. Telstra have a lot of unutilised spectrum and as users adopt new handsets that support those bands they will have capacity to offer more data allowance.

    Pre Paid, 6GB for $40 /month with roll over of last month quota and other purks is likely very soon. In fact you already get that with the night data inclusions.

    Optus are in the same position.

    • I would be cautious entering into this 12 month commitment.

      This x 666.

      The mobile market is so hot right now because Vodafone is back from the dead and signed TPG's 320,000 customers (still in migration). Optus is pumping out deals left, right, and centre, both direct and through their MVNOs.

      All 3 carriers reported falling ARPU (average revenue per user) in the last couple of weeks.

      Telstra is trying to slow down competition by signing folks to contracts.

  • Looks like it's been removed.

    I get a message about the offer no longer being available.

    • Works fine here if you access it via the landing page first, not the direct link to 'Buy online now'

      • interesting. doesn't show up in IE. Does in Chrome.

        • For me in Chrome I can see the offer, but about 5 seconds after loading the page I get automatically redirected to the mobile plans and rates page, with no deal in sight. Not sure what they're doing here.

        • +1

          tech savvy doesnt use IE? :p

  • If you need international claas and text telechoice live 28 12 month plan is better choice
    1000 dollars value., all can be used for Inernational calls/ texts.
    Unlimited texts and MMS in Australia
    7 pm to 7 am unlimited National calls
    2.5 GB data.Telstra 3G network .soon will be 4 G
    Live usage deatils by dialling a code
    SMS warning when usage hits 50. .80. And 95 %
    Also free calls and text between telechoice customers

    • Where did you get info that Telechoice are getting 4G access?

      • I am informed by the franchisee who I know well
        For the same reason they are replacing old SIMs
        when you are upgrading or changing plans.
        Their live update by dialing *159# is great.
        Why can't every telco introduce this feature.
        Sorry: then their revenue will go down
        Telechoice says live 28 plan offer 2.5 GB finishes on 6th March. Not sure

  • I was on one of the previous deals ….only disliked the $1000 calls at $1 per min….never exceeded but a pain to manage … on optus $40 pm 10gb unlimited calls just need to watch data but it adds 1gb for $10…no bill shock. The time will come when they all do unlimited calls and differentiate by how much data…you can only make so many calls but download lots of data.
    Bill shock on calls at $1 per minute ouch !!!!!

  • I don't see how this is such a great deal.

  • +3

    Guys, I'm sitting here thinking should I say something and i must…some two months ago there was a Telstra deal on OzBargain: $55 less $10 credit and 5GB plus 2.5 GB bonus per month which I decided to take up as a Business customer. Being a business customer, you would think should be expedited and seamless right?
    Now let me tell you that only yesterday after six weeks of stuffing around, over 20 hours of frustrating phone calls, several car rides to unhelpful Telstra staff, giving my details innumerable times, having my phone cut off and lied to, blah blah blah blah I have to tell you to BE WARY. For a rich communications company, it is patently obvious that they not only can't they communicate with their customers, they cannot communicate within house. This company is a bleeding scandal and I would recommend jettisoning their shares also as clearly they know nothing about efficiency.

    • I echo the problems with Telstra Business. I helped someone get a new mobile activation, finally after 3 weeks finally connected after some hardcore complaining. If I hadn't spent two days calling non-stop just to find someone even willing to connect me to complaints dept then there order would literally sit there forever inactivated. It's like they don't even want your business. Unfortunately their products are second to none and that's the only thing pulling them through.

    • I also have to echo this. While not signing up with Telstra Business, I've spent the last 3 months being stuffed around. They just don't do anything. Every time I follow up, its either that I have to go to a local store and provide with everything proving I exist or they are waiting for the info to come through. Its crazy and even the helpful Telstra store staff is at a loss as to how crazy it is. Pretty much given up, but its a pity not being able to get 7.5 gig for $40, on a decent network.

    • -1

      Have you put in a formal complaint detailing all of this? If the staff you talk to won't do it on the phone, you can do it yourself on the web. In that complaint let them know you're be going to the telecommunications industry ombudsman. That sometimes gets them moving. After 6 weeks I wouldn't just threaten, I'd be quite inclined to do it if not resolved very quickly.

  • Sorry
    This offer is no longer available.

    To view the other great post-paid mobile offers we currently have available.

    • Didn't work in Chrome iOS for me, tried Safari and it's fine.

  • +1

    12 months free Apple Music membership as well - might want to put this in the description?

  • Can't load it on Chrome, Chrome Canary, IE.

    Loads on my phone.

    Spoke with a rep, stated 'they're having issues' and to 'try later on… as it's time sensitive'


  • The deal is on the main telstra page now.. its not an invitation/special deal only

  • +1

    I'll keep waiting so I don't have to sign up to a MX plan with their conditions attached.
    These 2 deals were better late last year (same deal as this but on a BYO plan instead of MX) (better deal, $200 credit works out as $33 on a 12 month plan)

    • Yeah I agree. Why sign up for bad customer service. Telstra do bad service for my broadband bundle and don't give me $10 off for the trouble. Our home phone wasn't ported from tpg correctly and I told them this and I hadn't received calls for 2 months then they just kept me at my phone trying to call for an hour. 16 times later. they called me on my mobile and were like. "It didn't port over correctly". I asked them to compensate me for the phone service I wasn't getting for those two months… No discounts so far…

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