This was posted 9 years 1 month 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Optus 10GB for $50/Month for The Life of Your Month to Month Plan



Get 10GB for the life of your $50 SIM Only plan, if you connect by 3 April 2016.
TALK/TEXT - unlimited.
INTERNATIONAL TALK - 300 mins. Standard international calls to landlines and mobiles to selected countries (charged per min)

Can combine any My Plan Plus (including SIM only) and My Mobile Broadband Plus plans on the one bill to pool and share the data.

Thanks to GaelicAU for pointing out - you can add a one-off $5 sim to share this data with your other cellular devices.

New services only. Fair Go Policy applies. Additional data $10 per 1GB. All for use in Oz.

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closed Comments

  • +14

    This exact same plan with 10GB was only $40 per month last week.

    • link please…
      are you referring to this

      Get a huge 10GB with your first $40 recharge on My Prepaid Ultimate! Plus keep rolling over unused data up to 10GB.
      Recharge by 12 Feb 2016. Data rollover when you recharge before expiry."

      This is only for the first month.

      • Pretty sure the mrs is on this plan. I think it expired on the 4th though, and was 12 month contract

      • +5

        No that's not it. Try this one Lasts as long as you remain on the plan but yes you are locked in for 12 months.

    • +4

      Apologies, it was not exactly the same, the $40 plan was 12 month minimum contract.

    • -2

      that's a 12 month plan !!

      • who cares, plans will only be better in 12months time, also it stays the same once your 12 months is up

        • Plus you get that $5 Roam Like its Home option with Vodafone if travelling overseas where you can use your standard call and data inclusions overseas for $5 per day.

        • +3

          $5 a day is a rip. $150 for a month. Cheaper to get a prepaid sim overseas. Works out hell of a lot cheaper even if u don't use the service ur paying for

    • Or Virgin for $40 - 'only' 7GB but $300 of credit to call any overseas destination.…

      • +3

        Optus has 300 mins of international calls also

        • But it's only for 30 selected countries

        • @TechVisar:
          True, but I think you'll find the selected 30 countries will suit the majority of the population.

          Selected Countries Include: Austria, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA and Vietnam.

        • @GaelicAU:

          Is this Optus or Vodafone? 30$ or 40$ a month?

    • -4

      It's not a bad deal except it's on Vodafail

  • +2

    Optus are struggling to keep customers, Vodafone now has a better network

    • Is the Vodafone really better than Optus now?
      Everywhere or just some areas?

      • +3

        vodafone is better than optus? optus must be pretty bad

      • Vodafone doesn't even have 4g where I live, the speeds are lucky to beat old adsl. Telstra have had it for years now, Optus for about 12 months. Vodafone network is so slow, might be better in capital cities.

    • +4

      Are you for real?

    • +6

      Recently traveled down south to Albany in WA, had absolutely no data coverage on Vodafone while Optus continuously had 3G/4G coverage. Vodafone looked like its on roaming and provided no data connection. I wouldn't renew my vodafone contract after that experience.

      • +1

        I'm around Dunsborough / Yallingup / Margaret River right now and I have the opposite- my wife is with Vodafone and has had much better coverage than I have with Optus- even now in Dunsborough town I have 0 - 1 bars in the house we're staying..

    • +1

      Sorry, just re-read that, it reads as Vodafone has a better network than it used to have, still not better than Optus.

      • -1

        yeah voda have poured millions and millions into upgrading their network while it's not perfect in all areas, it's definitely getting there compared to what it was

        Optus on the other hand do minimal upgrades and have blackspots galore, Optus being highest amount of complaints to the TIO also and now Vodafone is definitely a good choice … where as before it was Optus or Telstra

    • +2

      I disagree. I moved from Voda to Optus about 4 months ago and Optus is def better. That's for Footscray in Vic

  • +1

    ah mannnn

  • +1

    This is a month to month plan… please compare this with other month to month plans not 12 or 24 months deals.

  • +7

    it's not that Optus are just struggling to get new customers but also keep existing customers. All their current and recent promotions have been for new customers only.

    I have been with Optus for 10 years and currently out of contract. Last month Optus had quite an appealing deal. $40 a month for 12 months which gives you 10GBS free calls and texts and a bunch of international minutes. I misread the fine print at first of being new customers only. I spoke to a customer service who stated this was for new customers only. Long story short after talking to a few people, the best they could do was give me that exact same deal except for $60 per month. Not many bigger companies these days reward loyalty which is a shame.

    • totally agreed, I have the same issue with Telstra regarding broadband. New customer, get more data, new modem and even cheaper price. I did managed to get a better deal at the end, but only through lots of phone calls and finding a good operator on the other end..

      • That sucks, but at least you got somewhere! I'm bored at work and for the hell of it just started a chat on the Optus site. Told them my situation where I am out of contract and been with them for ten years. Asked them if I could get the current deal 50$ a month (they said no to me for last months $40 a month)in which they said it's for new customers only. Asked them if they match other companies, no they don't. Nothing he can do for me so I said thanks and was about to log out in which he got a last chat in saying "Who is your broadband with, do you want to bundle up your broadband with your mobile phone contract?" They're joking right? lol

        • I signed up to the $50 for 8gb that was offered a couple of months ago. I joined chat and the guy said I would need to cancel and order a new number. 99% of people would not want a new number so I used the magic word and he transferred me to another rep. They basically said the same so I used the magic word again and after a few mins of waiting, they changed me over to the $50 for 10GB plan.

          EDITED to show transcript

          After back and forth with the first, then the second rep ….

          Me: What is the process so I can keep my number and move back to Telstra?
          Optus: Let me get you all the details to you
          Me: Thank you
          Optus: I see that you wish to go to the $50 plan with 10Gb data.
          Me: : I am on the $50 plan but only get 8GB
          Optus: What I would do for you is upgrade you to this plan

        • +1


          The magic word is "I'm moving to Telstra"?

      • +2

        Port your number out to a different carrier which is really cheap after the porting is done close your account on the old carrier then sign up again. Did that with Voda last year because of the same reason

        • How long do you have to port to another carrier?

        • @sauce2k6: Pretty much as long as it takes to fully port. Some cases 24 hours

        • You didn't need to do that. With Optus all you had to do was move from post paid to pre-paid and then back to post-paid, taking up the $40 10GB plan.

        • @tf323: even easier!!

        • +1

          Actually, all you have to do (What I did), is transfer your Optus postpaid number to Prepaid, then you can transfer back to Postpaid $40/10GB plan as a "NEW" customer.
          Process is painless. No SIM change required. Had it all sorted within an hour.

        • +1

          @HONDA4LIFE: this is great news, I'm on live chat with an Optus rep right now trying to "sort out" my wife's plan.She has been on the $99 Timeless extreme plan for years and this month she will be out of contract.Optus sent her a letter saying her plan will no longer exist from end opf January and they are moving her to a $100 similar plan(?). This $50 BYO plan looks like a great deal!
          P.s. "Lucina" from Optus chat just confirmed we can do the post>pre>post-paid trick ;)

    • +1

      Just to provide some perspective on why companies prefer attracting new customers than rewarding loyalty.

      All "loyalty" displays is a willingness to pay at the current price. When Joe Bloggs says he's been a loyal customer of Telstra of 20 years paying $100/month, all that says is JB is happy to pay $100/month. If he's been paying $100/month for the last 240 months what's to say that he won't be happy paying $100 the 241st month.

      Rewarding loyalty would just be providing a discount to someone who is happy paying the current market price.

      Even if a new customer is offered the same benefits at a lower price it does not change the personal value of JB's service/product.

      Companies have always attempted to attract new customers. The only shift has been away from loyalty to retention. The difference being that only once a customer has displayed their dissatisfaction to move away, only then is it in the corporation's interest to "save" them.

      TheGMan is correct in that for you to maximise your utility, you must be willing to churn, port, move, shift, flim flam and stratagem to take advantage of "new customer" offers.

      • +1

        I just kept starting new chats going through different people. Came to a guy Matt S. He gave me last months deal. $40 a month 10GB Data. I am amazed haha

        I have spoken to four people in chat today. Last month spoke to about 5 people over the phone and numerous people through chat. In one second this guy accepts it. I was after this months plan of $50 a month for 10GB. He gave me last months $40 for 10GB :D

    • Virgin Mobile have that same "for new customers only" or "when you switch networks" but I have found that being an existing customer, you can just request it with no hesitation. Virgin Mobile although only having 7GB with $300 international calls for $40 is quite worth it considering that roll over may give you a little boost the next month.

    • Port out and port back in?

    • Ditto. Many many times I've tried the - come on man. Loyalty since analogue days!!!! but EVERYTIME they shoot ya down. Hmmmmm with sooo many things to change due to new number and sick family and new born I don't wanna stuff around porting for days - knowning my luck that's the day things will stuff up.

      I would like to cite Leo Gets ahla Lethal Weapon 2 here :
      "They fruak you at the drive through!, first they screw you for money then they furak your order up." Just change the words to include Optus and account, and you get my sentiment.

  • +3

    OP might also want to state for a one off fee of $5 (and no additional recurring costs), you can activate a second SIM and put into your iPad, USB dongle etc, and use the same data quota.

    • Thanks GaelicAU, I thought I included in the description… but somehow left it out. I actually got two of these one off $5 sim for my 20GB mobile plan. I'll add this in the description.

    • can I my family member use the sim actually for calls like another real number? or it just for sharing between tablets if you know what i mean

  • Tip to those already with Optus, if they won't let you change your existing plan to this, switch your Optus plan to an Optus prepaid before porting out as Optus charge a leaving fee…

    For those comparing to the Vodafone one:
    - Double check your countries are included for Optus as they don't offer as many countries as Vodafone
    - Vodafone deal has the first two months unlimited data
    - Optus can be combo'd if you have their home internet
    - In terms of connection, I find that speed wise and reliability Vodafone is much better (metro) and when I need to go to the rural areas I just use Telstra

    • On Optus you can go to pre-paid and then back to post-paid to take up the offer for "new customers"……

      • Agreed. I did this last week.

  • I signed up to the month to month $50 8gb a few months ago with unlimited calls and texts and the 300 international minutes.

    I figured their new $40 plan was a good deal but you're locked in for 12 months so I just got the $70 plan with unlimited calls, texts and international minutes + 10gb of data but the catch was it was 50% off for 6 months - making it $35/month. This is a month to month plan. I figured in 6 months at EOFY they would have better plans and I could just switch over to the better plan again.

    The only catch was they wouldn't let me transfer directly to this plan though and I had to port out last saturday to Vodafone and sign up again to Optus to get this plan. Just received the sim today and activated the new service.

    • Bugger. Missed it by a couple days, your right, in 6 months time, be a better deal around.
      Enjoy the $35 half price 10gb package.

      This deal is valid till April anyway, so even if you enjoy 4 months old half prixe, then this one at $50

  • Optus rep on Chat just switched me across from the previous 8Gb for $50 promo effective from next bill. For the convenience of doing exactly nothing apart from having an additional browser window open I'll take it. Pleasantly surprised with Optus.

  • Spoke to Optus the $40 10gb plan is still available until the 31/01/16 just have to ask them on chat, unless you really think your going to change plans within 12months, your better off going saving $10pm & going for the $40 12month plan, also it remains $40 after the 12months is up

    • I signed up for this deal and the rep (Burwood, Nsw) said that the deal duration had been retracted to end early on Jan 24th.

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