This was posted 9 years 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Fallout 4 Season Pass @GMG for PC (Steam) $24 US (Approx $33 AUD)

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Not quite as cheap as this deal:

But it is Green Man Gaming so no VPN required, just order and play (or you can when it is actually released)

Now get back to playing…there are more settlements that need your help!

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closed Comments

  • Cheers

  • What this pass is for? I got this when I bought fallout 4 never used it?

    • It's a pass for all future DLC for the game. If you own the season pass, you'll get each DLC as it becomes available.

      • Thanks mate. One more questions though, do new dlc will be downloaded automatically on my Xbox or I have to do anything?

        • I don't have an Xbox, but I'd imagine if it isn't automatic, once the first DLC is available, you'll see a DLC menu with the option to install it.

    • +1

      DLC is released monthly starting in march. So far there's 4 and they're $10-$15ea. Season pass gets you all of them + future DLC later in the year.

    • +4

      Also the season pass will double in price world wide March 1st

      • +1

        Not worth it at double price. WTF.

        • Depends how many DLCs you will get for it. It may be worth even more, if there will be many DLCs.

        • @derek324:
          They're doubling the price because they're doubling the amount of DLC.

    • Just check you really got it.

      There was a flyer for Fallout 4 Season Pass in the standard game but it isn't a code.

  • Thanks for this — via PayPal this cost me $34.81 AUD at current exchange rates (1 AUD = 0.689468 USD).

  • +2

    Cost of Season Pass supposedly set to go up, so buy now if you can

  • Tempted, but the New Vegas DLC was really underwhelming, I'm not keen to pre-order anymore!

    • +2

      Old World Blues was underwhelming? It's one of my favourite DLCs of all time!

      All the others were definitely worth playing through at least once, and had some pretty great weapons and gear to find at the very least.

    • +2

      Different developers.

  • Ordered - cheers, OP! Didn't want to risk there not being another decent deal on this in the next ten days. If there wasn't, I may have to wait years to get all the DLC at this price!

  • Thanks Inifite Monkee. I wasn't planning to get it but your voucher was all the convincing I needed :)

  • +2

    For anyone wondering, this price is going to increase on 1st March to $79.95. Bethesda has said its due to them doubling the size of the DLC they are releasing.

    Not saying weather or not you find this worth it or not, but this is probably the cheapest youll find it for a long time

  • awesome deal, especially since the price will double. Cheers for the link + cashback

  • Hopefully this coupon will work with the 5.6% cashback.

  • Can someone please post one for Xbox :(

    Im looking to buy before the price rise and they're all $50 AUS.

    Starting to think this is a clever ploy by Bethesda to sell more Season passes, they better make the $50 worth it.

    • Xbox Season pass from Microsoft site has now increased to $74.95 but JB Hi-Fi still have the Season Pass for sale on line for $49.95… for the time being at least.

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