This was posted 9 years 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NUUVEM] [STEAM] Fallout 4 Season Pass ~AUD $26.08 (VPN Required)


This is the lowest price as far as my knowledge for the Fallout 4 Season Pass. It was recently announced that Bethesda are going to increase the Season Pass price up to USD$50 due to increased amount of DLC being created. Although there is a good chance that the price will return to around this price after 6 months, it is a decent price for those who are interested in upcoming DLC.

In order to activate:

  1. Use TunnelBear or VPN of your choice
  2. Set it to Brazil
  3. Add Fallout 4 Season pass to your account
  4. Apply coupon "BEMVINDO10" at checkout
  5. Pay with Paypal
  6. Once the Paypal screen appears, turn off your VPN and refresh the pop-up window
  7. Enter your details and pay
  8. Go to your Nuuvem library and access your code
  9. Activate the code on Steam

DLC codes like the one provided are NOT region locked unlike the base game itself.

Upcoming DLC information can be found here:…

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closed Comments

  • DLC?? im not even way quarter through the game yet and ive had it since release :/

    • I clocked over just about 60 hours in order to finish the game. I haven't explored everything by any stretch, but i'm keen for some DLC.

    • +1

      I just started. God I hate being forced to build on settlements for quests. Is that just an early game thing to introduce you or a requirement throughout?

      • +1

        Just an early thing. Somewhat like a tutorial which you will never have to encounter again. Settlement building is completely optional and you can ignore it entirely after the tutorial sequence.

        • Once you figure it out it is actually pretty fun! I just focused on expanding my own base settlement which I called my home, rather than bother too much with other sites. Now I have my own decent tree house and trading house with bar and deck up stairs :D

          I have ended up expanding a few other sites though now that I am quite far into game (nearly 3 days clocked so far)

        • +7

          @Infinite Monkee:

          Each to their own. It reminds me too much that I should be renovating instead of playing FO4.

        • @theworks: haha I am sure all of us could be doing something more useful than playing Fallout but oh well :P

        • +3

          @Infinite Monkee: I'm still annoyed I wasted my time building an impenetrable fortress only to have the raids spawn in the town or under my defences…

          I had two yao guais spawn under my defence structures in Sanctuary… was not impressed. =(

        • +1

          @ProjectZero: Similar story for me, but I had a 'kidnapping' from one of my well defended places :/ lame

        • +1

          @Infinite Monkee: Hoping for the creation kit to come out so someone can fix it… not holding my breath for bethseda to fix the spawn points…

      • Can't you skip the Sanctuary quests and go straight to Diamond City?

        • not until mods are out

        • You can lol, I've done it before but if you want to join a certain faction, you will have to do the sanctuary mission.

        • @Infinite Monkee: You can… someone put a video up of them doing the Concord area after going through diamond city quests

          Spoilers if you click the link

        • @ProjectZero: sorry I thought you meant the beginning stuff for minutemen. Aside from prologue am sure you are fairly free to do any quest at any time, you could walk straight to the glowing sea at the start of the game if you wanted

        • you can - but make sure you stock up on enough weapons and ammo first. The Ghouls and Super Mutants will make a mess of you otherwise.

    • The main story is quite short though… you must have been doing side quests lol.

      • +5

        Im listening to the kind black man with the wonky hat. We just killed a big crab.

        • Hmm… he gave you crabs (mission) huh? Basically if you've done the mission reunions, you're pretty much half way depending on how you go about the last stretch.

        • @ProjectZero:
          Ahh good to know. I was probably just stuck on the build stuff for a while because I couldn't figure out how to connect a cable and went exploring for stuff to scrap for cables. Rookie error.

        • @theworks: NB: settlement type missions appear to random in order

  • +2

    Anyone seen the season pass cheap on PSN?

  • What is a season pass, as I'm guessing this isn't the actual game?

    • You're paying in advance for all the upcoming DLC at a discounted cost

      • So all future DLC they ever release?

        • All upcoming DLC for Fallout 4

        • @Blasted: So there could be DLC in the future this doesn't include?

        • +1

          @Spectator: Possible but given Bethesda's track record of producing season passes, highly unlikely. If you look at Skyrim, Fallout 3, they usually create 3-5 'expansion packs' which are usually generous in content. As opposed to say something like Borderlands, which seems to generate 100 dlc packs, all of which are pretty forgetable and even if buying a season pass, doesn't include ALL dlc.

          I'd say that with the FO4 season pass, it's pretty likely that you'll get ALL content released. As it is, FO4 didn't have any preorder DLC bonuses so even if you splurged for the pipboy edition, the game was the same as the standard edition.

        • @Spectator:

          They've said all future DLC for Fallout 4 will be covered by the one Season pass

        • @Vladdo: it should hopefully include all dlc since the price rise to take effect in March will effectively make the Season Pass the price of a full game.

          I hope the price rise is reflective of how much content is planned.

    • No, not the main game. It's just a bundle (exclusive of the main game) that gives you all the upcoming DLC. Buying the season pass is also cheaper than buying the DLC individually.

  • +1

    Don't exit the Paypal window during the process as the code then becomes invalid.

  • +1

    Anyone seen the season pass cheap on XBOX One? CDkeys is selling it for A$46.21!…

    • +1

      Second that.

      Was hoping Season Pass was on Target 20% off eBay sale but nope.

      Its available on BigW online but no coupons or vouchers beside normal employee discount or use cheap Big W gift cards via groupon etc

  • A good time to buy it as March 1st it doubles in price world wide.

  • deleted

  • Thanks OP, bought it. Good time to grab it before it doubles in price.

  • i hate when i paid for DLC then completed the game in Dec with nothing compelling me to play it again

  • -3

    It doesn't seem worth messing with VPN to save $4 :)

    Just make sure you buy before Mar 1st when the price jumps dramatically!

    • +1

      Many of these VPN are just browser add-ons. Including installation it's probably less than 10 extra mouse clicks. I'll take the $4 any day of the week. Heck I'll even buy it for you for $4 commission

      • Many of these VPN are just browser add-ons.

        Oh, I had thought they were paid services… Are they safe? Do you need to be good at under-the-hood computer stuff?

        • +1

          Are they safe? Maybe. This is why you should disconnect the VPN once at PayPal login screen as the op has suggested. I don't see the need to refresh the PayPal page though.

          Hola is a popular add on. I have used it many times in chrome for Nuveem. If you can install a browser add-on you shouldn't have an issue. Pretty simple stuff

    • +7

      on steam its $29.99 USD or ~42.20 AUD vs this deal of ~AUD $26.08 ??

      • Ah, I have made a foolish mistake! That's better :)

  • It's sad that Humble Bundle never posted a bargain for Fallout series week before Fallout 4 Release or after

  • +1

    I added the coupon and it worked, but then paypal checkout said 79 BRL instead of 72, now the coupon gives me this error (coupon already used)

    EDIT: Using another proxy and account worked.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, really great deal and really needs to be highlighted before the pass doubles in price at the end of the month

  • +1

    Good deal, clear instructions - thanks OP.

  • +4

    Good deal, but it's annoying that they're forcing people to buy the season pass now by creating a false sense of urgency. I'd rather see more of the upcoming DLC before I commit to buying it.

  • +1

    But I have it on Xbox :(

  • Used Hola Chrome browser add-on and worked perfectly!

    Got the key and activated in Steam no problems at all, easy done!


  • Tried to get it working, but when i turn the VPN off it closes the Paypal window, hmm

    • +1

      As the window appears. Turn off the VPN (You will not need to turn it on again). This will cause Paypal not to load and you should then refresh the pop-up box. Enter your details and the transaction should be made. Hopefully it will go through.

  • Nice one OP. Cheers!

  • Does this include the base game?

    • No

  • Had no issues with the instructions you left OP, thanks!

  • -5

    is there any benefit to buying this if I'm a pirate?

  • Great bargain, and easy to follow instructions. Nice one!

  • Thanks, your instructions worked great!

  • Thanks OP, this worked. However I didn't have to disable Hola for the paypal popup to appear (is it because hola was only set to activate on the nuveem tab?) and just went through with payment fine.

    First time i tried to disable Hola the paypal window closed and the code didnt work anymore, created a new account and didnt disable hola and it worked

    • +5

      You should be careful using any free VPN. Hola in particular has been called out as being Malware and stealing information.

      • Thanks for the info

    • -1

      Disabling the VPN before paying is to prevent your paypal information being sniffed, although theoretically it shouldn't happen because of SSL.

  • I followed the steps in the OP but I'm using PrivateInternetAccess as my VPN and after I completed the PayPal process, Nuuvem said my order wasn't approved :(
    Maybe they've blacklisted PIA or something.

    • +1

      It worked for me with PIA around the time of you posting this

  • +2

    Code seems to be invalid now. Can someone check if it is still available? I really want this thanks.

  • +3

    Can't get payment to work. Tried both leaving the proxy (TunnelBear and Hola) on and switching it off and reloading the paypal window, but each time after I do the 'place order' in paypal it then closes the window, makes a progress bar on the checkout page and then throws up a "this item is not available in your region" message and sends an email saying the payment wasn't approved.

    • I've got the same problem using PrivateInternetAccess. Maybe Nuuvem is catching on and blocking/banning IPs :/

      • +2

        I can confirm I used PIA (Brazil Proxy) about 5pm(EST) and redeemed the code via Steam.
        I did get some random error after the PayPal payment, but I had the code in the games log, so who knows.

        • Did you use an Australian Credit Card and payment address in Paypal?

        • Double Post (thanks Tunnelbear)

        • Yeah, aus credit card, and default address for PayPal.

    • +1

      Me too.

  • +1

    Yeah I can't get it to work either. I'm using TunnelBear and I can get all the way through Paypal before it tells me "Operation canceled. At least one product in your cart is not available for purchase in your region."

    I have to assume they've blocked AUS credit cards in Paypal?

  • +1

    VPN PIA here and it didnt work for me. Why do I have to turn the VPN off and reload Paypal?

    (Some games in your shopping cart are not available in your region)

  • Also getting the some games in your shopping cart are not available in your region.
    I'd say foreign CCs have been blocked.

    Also not using some free VPN, but a service I pay for.

    • Yup I suspect it's the foreign CCs being blocked now. Has anyone been able to successfully buy the FO4 Season Pass today? If not, may be time to mark this deal as expired.

      • +1

        i have just tried with my CCs - couldn't get it to work.

  • At least it's still only $41 on Steam until the end of the month.
    Probs just end up grabbing it from there. G2A had some for $34 yesterday but they're all gone and selling for the same price as Steam now.

    • +2

      It's $24USD at greenmangaming with their 20% off voucher.

      • Oh nice :) Thanks Dr Phil!

  • Another settlement needs your help…
    On a serious note, has anyone that's bought the season pass (from anywhere) tell me what yours says in Steam? Mine says it's added, but "Not Installed" - I bought it back in November.

    • +1

      There's nothing released yet, so nothing to install. If it's showing under the DLC tab in your Library, you're fine.

  • +1

    Doesn't work, probably needed to get in quite early before they added more restrictions. Kudos to the OP who went through all the trouble of getting this deal through anyway (to those of us lucky enough anyway), champion!

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