• expired

Watch Live and Let Live for Free on January 1st (Usually $5)


Hello people,
I thought others would be interested in starting the new year with a more healthy plant-based diet and environmentally friendly lifestyle. I haven't watched this film yet but from the trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10MK7v6Mhjc) it looks like it's well made and worthwhile.
Please stay open-minded and save any negative feedback for after the deal expires (and only if you have actually watched the film)

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and compassionate 2016 :-)

Watch the film and learn about the history of veganism and the ethical, environmental and health reasons that move people to go vegan! From butcher to vegan chef, from factory farmer to farm sanctuary owner – Live and Let Live tells the stories of six individuals who decided to stop consuming animal products for different reasons and shows the impact the decision has had on their lives.
Philosophers such as Peter Singer, Tom Regan and Gary Francione join scientists T. Colin Campbell and Jonathan Balcombe and many others to shed light on the ethical, health and environmental perspectives of veganism.

Go to our Vimeo site (https://vimeo.com/ondemand/liveandletlive) on January 1st, click on 'rent' and enter 'vegan2016' in the 'apply promo code' field and watch Live and Let Live* for free!

*Available subtitles: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Hungarian, Romanian, Greek or Chinese!

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Is this normally something they charge for? Is this a bargain?

    • +1

      Normal price is $5 to rent, $10 to buy.

    • +4

      That basic detail is supposed to be in deal title or description.

      But ask an over-enthusiastic vegan, & they'll give you the unabridged story for free. They'll probably buy a copy to show you ;-)

      • -2

        The basic detail is in the title and description. Perhaps a re-read is in order.

        • I saw no $5/$10 usual price in deal description. A re-read didn't change that. It only says it is free with code, not what the normal price is. That's a basic requirement for posting a deal - show it is a real saving.

        • @Infidel: Google play/video ezy/etc free rental deals dont specify the saving.
          The word rent means that there was a charge.

        • @Venom_TAG:
          And free Play store deals say buy & require a payment method. Buy does not necessarily mean a payment is made.

          Rent just means you don't own it, not necessarily that it costs anything.

    • Free NOW on YouTube as pointed out by sneakydean
      So free seems the normal price to see this doco.

      (In deep film promotion voice-over) Why wait until next year - see it now on a screen near you ;-)

      • If it is a legal copy.

        • Don't worry, I didn't watch it ;-)
          After being with vegans over many years, I don't know there will be something new to warrant the investment of my time.

      • Wow that is some terrible sound-recording for the first couple of interviews.

        Also why would anyone condone a weird German couple sneaking onto farmer's property and stealing 6 chickens.

        They haven't changed anything, all they did was steal 6 chickens…

  • Nevermind

  • +7

    I thought others would be interested in starting the new year with a more healthy plant-based diet and environmentally friendly lifestyle

    you thought wrong

  • +14

    jeco01 joined our community minutes ago & posted this 'deal' almost immediately.
    No Rep or Associated flagged, which seems necessary.
    How thoughtful of jeco01.

    Ah the Report count for this deal is still going up ;-)

    • He hasn't even watched the movie, so I'm pretty sure he's not a rep or associated.

      • +5

        There are many ways to be closely involved with a 'deal' like this, requiring declaration.

        Just because someone says something while promoting their beliefs or product, doesn't necessarily make that true!

        Groups often have a guide to how to push their views to a wider audience, while insisting the person expressing the views is not a member of the group or representative for the product. Its an old but successful ploy. The PR industry has used & abused it for so long. Talk back radio is its best friend.

        That may not be the case here, but we should be cautious. We know nothing more about the OP than they joined Ozbargain to push their ideological belief. This 'deal' is their only involvement with this community.

        (I appeared in an award winning movie, spent time on set, watched the rushes, but never watched the final cut. My involvement would mean I would have to flag my association, even though I never watched the movie or profited from it's success.)

  • +1

    Topic is not so clear. Its basically Rent free Video "Live and let live" normally $5.

    BTW, I am planning on eating healthy food, just not vegan. I think non-vegan food is important for health. Infact I think I need to reduce potato chips(fresh cooked and packed).

  • +13


    Stinks of spam. OP is related to the project? Didnt say they were associated with it?

    I would rather watch a film by Gerry Harvey about the positive elements of paying full retail prices in his stores…

    • -1

      A negative vote is not for spam. That's what the report button is for…

      Found it cheaper elsewhere? You have previously purchased it and it was defective? You have previously bought other items from this retailer and had major issues?

      He also said he hasn't watched the film. If he was associated or a rep, that would be very strange.

      • +2

        Reps don't necessarily see / use the product then promote. But they do have a vested interest in it or its values.

        You can see the doco for free now, as many times as you like, when you want on YouTube. So seems little benefit restricting your viewing to 1 day.

        As you say, click on Report unless there valid grounds for a Neg.

      • +1

        You're right, its not for spam, but it is for defective products. Its an opinion piece based on nothing than an idea. It isn't based on facts and science, hence the information is biased and one sided, hence, defective by its own nature.

        And as others have also noted, it is free elsewhere.

        What do we allow next, films that support anti-vaxers because it's a "good deal"???

        • -1

          Thanks for forcing only media that you support to be on OzBargain. You're truly an inspiration, almost as good as Rupert Murdoch.

        • +1

          @twocsies: No, forcing only bargains to be on OzBargain.

        • @endotherm: Report SPAM, don't spam it!

  • From a random google search to backup my point

    There is a lot of anthropological, scientific and archaeological evidence around us that suggests had there been no meat, humans would have remained idiots. And, if our ancestors would not have discovered animal protein, they would have been gorillas, chimpanzees or some other pre-human species.

    so, I prefer to improve our evolutionary path and eat meat ;)

    • +6

      copy pasting something from a random, source-less website doesn't back up your point ;)

      • +1

        A quick search found it was in firstpost.com. Just an opinion piece, no references, probably written as click bait. But it is a area of debate.

      • copy pasting something from a random, source-less website doesn't back up your point ;)

        plenty of vegans do it so why not

  • +6

    Sometimes vegans like to explain how gorillas, who are quite close to humans genetically are vegetarians. What they fail to mention is that to get some vitamin B2, which they can't get from meat, gorillas eat their own shit…

    • And?

    • +1

      Vegans seem to enjoy talking and promoting shit so I guess they get their shit another way

  • +2

    a more healthy plant-based diet and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

    lentils give me gas

  • +7

    save any negative feedback for after the deal expires (and only if you have actually watched the film)

    I don't think I like being told how & when I am allowed to have a differing opinion.

    Like with fundamentalist beliefs, you must listen / watch their propaganda viewpoint before you have the right to express a differing point of view. (And then be denounced for your views.)

    There are great vegans around, its just the proselytizing ones I avoid.

  • free bacon?

    • +1

      That would be a popular deal on Ozbargain ;-)

      • +2

        Maybe tightarse could organise it for us, with the coupon code PIGSARSE.

  • +1

    I've been teaching my kids this year that if you add bacon to anything it becomes an "awesome" thing. So cheeseburger + bacon = awesome cheeseburger. Watermelon + bacon = awesome watermelon. So I guess vegan diet + bacon = awesome vegan diet.

  • +4

    I haven't watched this film yet

    …and yet you feel the need to comment!

    Please stay open-minded and save any negative feedback for after the deal expires (and only if you have actually watched the film)

    …while others are not allowed the same courtesy!

    Seems hypocritical to me…

    • +1

      Exactly, this stinks of self-promotion, particularly as it's the "new year".

      How do you know if someone is a vegan? Oh trust me, they'll tell you.

      Also this junk is free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfNvGYCYtN8


  • VampiricVEGAN likes this deal.
    Isn't blood sucking & Veganism incompatible??


  • -1

    I'm looking forward to the movie when it's free, 'Raise The Planet's IQ, Shoot A Right Wing Voter'

    • +1

      How? The right wing voters have all the guns.

  • +1

    Is this really what this site is about. There are interest groups that give away all sorts of things to get exposure for their views. Doesn't make it a bargain. A local coffees shop has a sign up they give a free kitten to unruly children. Is that a bargain?

    • Well reduced adoption fees for pets have been posted as a deal.

  • +1

    free on youtube (possibly not an official upload)
    Saw this film a few months back (via this link) with a vegan friend trying to convert me.
    And while the film makes a couple of interesting points at a few points it tries to say that simply stopping eating meat will cure just about any disease !!

    Just enjoyed a nice steak and chips for new years eve dinner
    Hope everyone has a good evening and drinks responsibly

  • +1

    Great movie for all those Connery fans ;)

    • Hehe I too thought Live and Let Die starred Sean Connery but I discovered recently it actually starred Roger Moore.

      • My comment was tongue-in-cheek. The producers wanted Connery, but he said no; hence Roger Moore was cast , disappointing a legion of Connery fans.

  • +5

    Salad is what my Food eats!

    • Should be on a bumper sticker!

      • Glad you like, been using it with all the vegetarians for years ;)

  • Is there a vegan beer out there?

    • +1

      Plenty. Isinglass as a fining agent isn't all that common these days, with many Aussie breweries using other methods to clarify their beer. Coopers would be the most widely available that's not actually too terrible.

      FYI: http://www.barnivore.com/beer

  • It's not a more environmentally friendly lifestyle being a vegetarian.

    Just last month researchers bothered to do the sums from start to finish, instead of just making shit up, and found that per calorie meat is the environmentally friendly choice.

    Sure it's less damaging to the environment to grow one lettuce than it is to raise one pig but a whole pig is a hell of a lot of meals with a hell of a lot of calories whereas a lettuce is sfa.

    If you want to do your bit for the environment then get more of your calories from meat.

    • +1

      Many articles debunked that, here's one. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/vegetarian-bad-for-environmen…

      But to sum it up. "you'd have to eat 93 cups of shredded lettuce in order to equal the number of calories in four pieces of bacon, which is absurd. Nobody would eat that much lettuce, and that's why measuring foods calorie-for-calorie is misleading."

      • +1

        Not debunked rather put into context. Huge difference. The research is still accurate it's just it was presented in many media outlets incorrectly aka the normal way most science is reported.

        “You can’t lump all vegetables together and say they’re good,” Fischbeck said. “You can’t lump all meat together and say it’s bad.”

        “My bottom line is that there are no simple answers to complex problems,” Fischbeck said. “Diet and the environmental impact of agriculture … is not a simple problem.”

        The point is it flies in the face of the idea that going vegetarianism is unquestionably the more environmentally friendly choice as proposed by OP and most proponents of vegetarianism. It's not.

        Also measuring calorie for calorie isn't misleading, unless you're really simple and not aware that foods have a wide range of calories and lettuce is one of the worst. The amount of calories you need to survive doesn't change because the source is different (well actually it can but let's not get that far into it).

  • +3

    I like my meat

  • Spam.
    I like meat too.
    Think I'll have a nice veal schnitzel tomorrow or a medium rare fillet steak, love it when the blood mixes with with the peppercorn sauce, yum :)

    • +2

      Might go get a Meat Lovers pizza to bring in the new year alone haha

  • +2

    Spam spam spam spam

    • +5

      Quoting a journalist doesn't exactly scream credibility. You could at least quote the report…

      "But the panel's decision was not unanimous"

      Oh right.

  • Please see the voting guidelines and the deal posting guidelines.

    Please also refrain from personal attacks. This includes groups of people as well as accusing and attacking the OP. We shouldn't accuse new members of sockpuppeting. If you have evidence, then feel free to hit the report button or use the Talk with a Moderator forum.

    • +4

      happy new year

  • What?
    Ozbargain used to be propaganda free.

  • …So you're tryna sell propaganda then giving it away once that fails? That's not a deal, this kind of thing is already free all over YouTube, and even elsewhere on the internet.

    Nothing against veganism or the choices of others, but there's really no deal at all here - it's something for free that should be (and usually is) already free.

    Edit: just to clarify, negging as the deal is not the 'cheapest' (it's equal with every other offer out there) and is defective in my opinion (documentaries should be factual, not misleading).

    • -4

      So what you are insinuating is that the Sydney Morning Herald and the World Health Organization are spreading the same propaganda??

      In reality the ones spreading propaganda are the meat and dairy companies just like the tobacco companies used to do a few decades ago, they also call it "advertising" so its well regulated and all with our best interests in mind? History tells us otherwise, they just want your money.
      We have been brainwashed by their advertising and our social circles to accept this mass injustice that is the leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions/climate change and is only leading us towards an ecological catastrophe.

      My previous post is no longer visible so I'm reposting the link to SMH (please read the full article, speaking of being factual and not misleading):

      "A research division of the World Health Organisation has announced that bacon, sausage and other processed meats cause cancer, and that red meat probably does, too."

      Also I'm not associated with this film, and some film makers are not independently wealthy and would like to be remunerated fairly for their time and effort, in this case they are generously giving it away for one day to try and help create a more just and friendly world for all beings and future generations, that is all.

      • +1

        Seems like a case of cherry picking IMO. You don't need to have worked on the movie to be associated with it JSYK!

      • +1

        Without even reading it, I bet they are reporting the story without the emotive language and judgementive attitude:

        … I believe that to make a lasting and more holistic change in lifestyle and our collective consciousness…
        … environmental and ethical issues …
        … continued exploitative production and consumption…
        … 150+ Billion of our fellow species whose lives were brutally and needlessly cut short…
        … worst ongoing crime and systematic holocaust in human history.

        Cancer is natural and a fact of life. So eating meat "probably" causes cancer too, so what? Just about everything these days causes cancer. The Sun causes cancer too. Do you want to eliminate that too? It has been statistically proven that breathing air and drinking water results in death in 100% of cases.

      • +2

        No, I'm stating vegans are using misleading statistics and information to spread propaganda.

        World health organization ranks the evidence showing something can cause cancer, NOT the RISK factor.

        Smoking increases your risk of lung cancer by 2500%, meat eating increases your risk of cancer by around 18%. Vegans (such as yourself) are inflating the numbers by literally over 100x (when saying it's as bad as smoking) and sourcing World Health Organization, blind to the fact they've completely misread the article and/or have not even read it themselves. To add to this, the risk of lung cancer is usually <0.5% in a lifetime, it becomes around 10% when smoking - while meat eating goes from a 5% chance of cancer to 6%, scary right?

        So no, I am not saying they're propaganda - I'm saying vegans sourcing it invalidly* is.

        *Either they say your risk is 18%, 18+5% (23%), or as high as smoking. All invalid. 5% + 18% = just under 6%.

  • +1

    Smells very much like an ad..

    no one would pay to watch this. (well rarely anyone)

    • -3

      Actually more than you might think, its one of the fastest growing social justice movements in history:


      Vegan is going mainstream, trend data suggests
      By Elizabeth Crawford, 17-Mar-2015

      The appeal and potential for vegan products is expanding beyond the small group of people who avoid animal products for ethical reasons to include the much larger base of consumers seeking healthier, cleaner foods, according to an industry expert…

      The trick is to add alternatives and try different recipes with your existing diet and then gradually reduce animal products when you've found healthier options that suit you, its really not as scary as it seems.

      I wonder if I watch 50 Mcdonalds ads in a day ill get a notification telling me I've become too brainwashed and that eating this junk will probably end up killing me, I dont think it will happen, but maybe in another few years. So really one has to take personal responsibility for what one chooses to consume and the exploitation and cruelty one pays others for that often one is incapable of and/or would refuse to do themselves.

      • +5

        one of the fastest growing social justice movements in history:

        You are stretching things far too far there! That food industry marketing piece does not support your claim at all.

        Making false claims to support your belief is a reason many will stop listening.

        According to that Industry piece, your group are part of a "small niche group of vegans who make up about 6%* of the U.S. population".

        It is only the potential appeal of vegan products to a wider group of non-vegan consumers that is growing. It says nothing about growth in your group. That's where the headline "Vegan is going mainstream, trend data suggests" came from.

        And certainly does not support your claim of social justice, only what some people in focus groups think of when vegan is mentioned - animal rights, etc.

        It reports, there is a growth in discussion (such as this) in social media - which may not support any growth in vegan beliefs, just that it is being talked about. That does not mean there is a rapid increase in vegan numbers, just they are a vocal & persistent group using any avenue to promote their beliefs as widely as possible.

        And what is the source of your claim of the rapid growth in vegan lifestyle?
        "FoodNavigator-USA is the leading daily online business-to-business publication covering the North American food & beverages market"

        So how can the food industry (McDonald's etc) cash in & use veganism for its profits?

        “Social media analysis shows incredible volume” for vegan related references to the point where “vegan and Coca-Cola are competing for space for who is getting the most social media messages and marketing,”.
        So fear of IS & controversial subjects will be up there with vegans in discussions - doesn't mean it is great.

        This food industry trends piece designed to increase industry profits - finds some people would like to reduce their consumption of animal based food. Wow!

        Most GPs would recommend reducing red meat intake, along with processed meats. That many people surveyed want to reduce meat intake is not surprising. But, eating some non-animal food sources is nothing new, and is not vegan.

        So the piece was about pushing non-animal products to lift the manufacturers' sales. Where's vegan in that?

        That's a long way from your claim that veganism is "one of the fastest growing social justice movements in history".

        The document is up there with promotion of gluten-free foods to increase industry profits, based on (often unfounded) concerns in some that it may be a health issue for them.

        The manufacturers & promoters of the use of food trends surveys don't give a high priority to concerns about the public, health, or medical evidence - just that trends sell.
        It's up there with the old belief that draping a semi-naked woman across the bonnet of a car increases sales - it might, but it's got nothing to do with the car. They use trends & associations to sell. The only consideration is profits.

        Surely a vegan lifestyle has more integrity than to associate itself with a food industry piece, that trends & gimmicks are not what it is about. Now to wait for the McVegan Burger, following the food industry advice to cash in.

        If this is an example of why we should become vegan, it seems a vegan lifestyle is incompatible with reasoned thinking. Sad.

        • -3

          Firstly, sad is what i would call the level of carnism, ignorance and speciesism that is keeping the blinders on tight for most of western society and some of the sadistic posters above.

          Secondly, arguing against veganism is arguing for animal abuse, slavery and torture. Being vegan means you've decided to stop harming animals and its a great step in the right direction. Being an animal advocate/activist then allows you to start helping animals. The animals cant advocate for themselves, we have to stand up for them.

          Thirdly, I posted that article to show that transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can be more appealing to some as a gradual process and not some deprived and drastic measure that too many perceive it as. Some corporations and big business like Beyond Meat will continue to capitalize and that is fine since some vegans still want the convenience and taste they associate with animal products.

          Fourthly, 6% of the US population is around 20 million people, in Australia the number of vegans is estimated at around 40,000 so its still less socially accepted, which stops many from considering the change (unfortunately). Most of us are so conditioned to suppress our conscience with regards to farmed animals from such a young age that our lack of moral judgement is unconsciously ingrained in us.

          Fifthly, Please watch Being the best we can be for the compassionate aspect and Cowspiracy for the environmental aspect.

          If you could keep your existing diet and just make it healthier and cruelty-free why wouldnt you? Not even trying it seems to me "incompatible with reasoned thinking".

        • +3

          I would be foolish to waste more of my time on your biased views.

          You read a food manufacturing industry promotion of how to profit from some beliefs in the public of vegan ways, by selling vegan foods to meat eaters - as justification for your cause. It was non-meat food sales that were being promoted, not veganism. You are merely their market to exploit.

          You will unobjectively imagine anything as for or against your biased belief. Fundamentalism and knowledge are rarely found together.

          I wasn't attacking vegan beliefs & practices, rather the peddling of misinformation as fact to justify those beliefs & practices.

          You have been shown up for misleading this community.

          As such, I have adopted the old practice of turning my back on you.

          I have decided to block your comments as unworthy of me to read, using the Hide button below the OPs comments.

        • +2

          @Infidel: Good idea. My first time resorting to the use of the hide button. I urge others to consider it also.

        • +1

          Once again you try to promote your beliefs with incorrect information. Not much better than the food industry hype you linked to. You both have vested interests in promoting a biased view.

          The '6% vegan in USA' claim is of course incorrect. The food industry was just using the term vegan to include the different group of mainly vegetarians. Vegan is probably 'sexier' as click bait & likely to be reported more widely.

          Wikipedia "Vegetarianism by country", shows in the USA…
          "only 221 of 11,399 adult survey respondents (1.9%) identified as either vegetarian or vegan. The survey also showed that 10.2% of adult respondents identified as former vegetarians or former vegans". That's a very high failure rate. No wonder vegans need to convince yourselves you are right!

          Of course more biased publications directed toward vegetarians finds the number of vegans & vegetarians is skyrocketing. That's handy if your revenue is from advertising to these groups.

      • +1

        Sure there are some interesting bits the documentary but it is more propaganda rather than anything interesting. And to sell it as a documentary is wrong to begin with and now to claim this as a bargain is not right hence the neg.

  • +1

    Ah vegans… Tell me again how popping vitamin pills is 'natural'?

    If the world lost all power tomorrow, you'd be right beside us, having chickens for eggs and eating meat.

    • I get all my vitamins from the bountiful fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes etc that the earth kindly provides us. Btw, why are there so many shelves stacked full of vitamins and supplements for so few vegans???

      Tell me again how systematically raping a cow, abducting her calf (and killing it if its male), then pumping the cow with increasingly dangerous amounts of hormones and antibiotics and then stealing her milk is "natural"?

      Drinking the baby growth fluid of a different species is NOT natural.

      Not only that but we humans are the only species that drinks milk into adulthood.. Natural? Far from it. Last time i checked I wasnt a baby cow.

      And if the world lost power tomorrow the government would have much better things to do than to continue to subsidize energy intensive and polluting industries some of which produce dead animal parts and their excretions you think you can't live without.

      Please see cognitive dissonance to become aware of the psychology at play.

      Unlike carnivores in nature, we do not need meat or other animal products to survive, and we continue to consume them only because of the culture we were brought up in and the following 4 factors:
      Habit. Taste. Convenience. Tradition.
      This is what it boils down to.

      With light and compassion,

      • Far out, stop preaching! Veganism is not a 'natural' diet for a species designed to eat meat.
        There are normal ways of killing and eating meat without a company being involved.

        Anyway this is gonna be like arguing with a wall, with you quoting biased sources or cherry picking quotes in an attempt to better your argument.

        It's ok, when you actually grow up you'll realise you need more than you eat Now.

        • +3

          I decided to Hide all comments from this OP, as I would do with other fundamentalists. It's not worth reading or debating when only one view is right.

          I am certainly not opposed to a vegan diet & practices, it's just the unending preaching, lack of objective & often self-righteousness I can't stand.

          This deal is an abuse of OzBargain in my opinion.
          It was posted primary to push a belief, rather than provide the community with a real bargain.

          I've previously discussed at length with the mods, the issue of fundamentalists misusing our community.

  • +2

    @jeco01 RE: 'Processed meats cause cancer and red meat probably does too: World Health Organisation'

    Drilling down into that SMH/WHO cancer article reveals that it is little more than headline-grabbing speculation supported by virtually no hard data.

    The data dealt with a theoretical scenario whereby people are eating an EXTRA 100 grams of read meat on top of a non-specified baseline, not no read meat ever. Without specifying a baseline or some kind of baseline chart taking into account body weight, ethnicity, cooking style, and a million other possible contributing factors to this extra 100 grams - what have we got? We would need to know all of the factors included with this so-called extra 100 grams and all of the associated conditions for the test data and conditions in which it is consumed. It is near worthless.
    How exactly to establish a credible control group within the same with comparative-matched population for socio-economic group/ ethnicity/ age and health status, then have half eat an EXTRA 100 grams of red meat daily for several years to contrast and compare mortality? Did they do this? Of course not.
    Some quotes:

    "the American Cancer Society tells the public, but "it's not exactly clear" which factors of that diet are important"

    "the experimental data is not terribly strong," said Paolo Boffetta, a professor of Tisch Cancer Institute at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine who has served on similar WHO panels"

    "the WHO findings go well beyond the tentative associations that other groups have reported"

    "it is hard for scientists to rule out statistical confounding as the cause of the apparent danger"

    So basically alarmist bulldust with a snappy seemingly-credible headline due to the WHO association.

    • Please stop deceiving yourself and at least reduce your consumption before its too late. One meat free day a week and/or two meat free meals a day are a good start.

      • +1

        Your "reply" is some unrelated sloganeering? Not much of an argument you are prosecuting there.
        You have introduced your point with a dubious bargain (not really, but that's OK) but now it would probably be best to trot off without saying much else, as the more foolish you look, the more your cause will lose credibility by association.

      • +2

        or two meat free meals a day are a good start.

        You have convinced me.. From now on I will no longer have meat for morning tea or afternoon tea…. I shall now live a better life

  • +2

    Political spam disguised as a deal.

    Forum topic at best.

  • +1

    I've previously used TWAM to discuss this type of 'deal' with Mods.

    I refer to a 'deal' like this as a Trojan Deal - the deal is not what is being offered, it's political / ideological / fundamentalist beliefs being packaged as a product at a reduced price to appear as a deal.

    It is usually posted when Mods may be less likely to be vigilant - Sundays & holidays.

    I asked the Mods for a new Neg category to cover these cases. The supporters of theses beliefs strongly object to their deal being Negged. Negs that don't strictly meet the guidelines are removed along with their comments by the Mods as invalid.

    There were many Reports lodged. I suspect that was on the grounds of perception of Spam, or undeclared Association or Rep posting. As the 'deal' is cheaper than listed price, it probably is not strictly Spam. Unless there is proof of association between the OP & the product, it passes for listing. That is my understanding as an ordinary member here.

    As with groups with fundamentalist beliefs, where "The end justifies the means", members of the group promote their beliefs as individuals. Groups often have guides to show how to push their beliefs & use others rules to defend their right to post their propaganda.

    As I put it to the Mods, groups will try posting 'deals' that fall within the posting guidelines, but may not be acceptable to many. They use our rule systems to stop their propaganda from being taken down! I gave possible cases of neo-Nazi groups offering objectionable material at a discount, IS offering deals, etc.

    It is better to have in place a way of removing or showing up by a new Neg category, propaganda from groups who think their way is the only way.

    Probably a worthy Forum topic.

    Feedback from the Mods was that OzBargain is a robust forum & members do express their opinions often forcefully, but it would be watched.

    I would agree with that opinion, as censorship is never nice. I attended the first International Writers Festival in Myanmar, 2 days after draconian censorship rules were lifted. I met wonderful people who had been jailed for years for simply expressing themselves.

    But an avenue to Neg on valid grounds that a deal is primarily a vehicle to promote a group's beliefs would be a welcomed change.

  • A very good effort by OP….. Don't worry abt all the Neg vote mate…its hard for ppl to come to the terms that whatever they have been eating for ages is fundamentally wrong and hurting our planet. Might take another couple of decade before everyone can understand the true reality of this film… Keep up the great work :)

    • Hi Kay,
      Thank you very much for your encouraging words and also speaking up for our planet and for those who have no voice :-)

      Actually I'm encouraged by the response here since it obviously touched a raw nerve and jolted some peoples conscience so much they couldn't resist making a silly knee-jerk ego-defending response, which (however ignorant) at least caused some engagement and possibly planted a seed. In a way that's preferable to the general apathy and indifference exhibited by most of society (and those who just kept scrolling here on the main page)

      In any case, I am optimistic that a mass transition to more compassionate lifestyles will take less than a couple of decades, in other parts of the world first but eventually here in Australia too. Such a change would initiate a ripple effect of ahimsa (non-violence) to permeate into other areas of our society. There are already at least 22 fully vegan businesses just in the Melbourne area so its getting more and more convenient to make cruelty-free choices (see vegvic).

      Wishing you well for 2016 and may all beings be happy,

  • +1

    An interesting doco title, considering Live and Let Live is usually defined as the opposite of how it is used here.

    Live and Let Live is an idiom in which expresses the idea that all should be able to live their lives in the manner they want to, regardless of what other may think of them.

    But here we are told how & when we may make differing opinions, told to change our ways (without any interest in what our current diet is), & telling outright lies to support their case, as I have shown.

    This 'deal' has taught me a lot about (some) vegans (to avoid), not to listen or believe what they say, and presented nothing I did not already know about an animal product free diet - which I enjoy.

    • "Live and Let Live is an idiom in which expresses the idea that all should be able to live their lives in the manner they want to, regardless of what other may think of them."

      Exactly, (quoted for truth).

      And btw, with regards to ones current diet, I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that its a good idea to add a variety of cruelty-free healthy alternatives to your current diet and see what suits you, then gradually reduce unhealthy animal products which you will find less and less appealing with time as you become more informed.

      I wasnt quite sure what you meant by your last line but I'm guessing its about you enjoying a diet based on animal products. I also used to enjoy the taste of some animal products, just like I enjoyed smoking tobacco. Fortunately for me I didnt grow up in the 50s when doctors were still recommending smoking and society was far less accepting today so I managed to quit several years ago. The trick for me was to build and maintain the mentality that I am not depriving myself by not "enjoying" poisoning my body and our environment we share with all other beings (human and non-human).

  • +1

    Some vegans & vegetarians celebrate Lisa Simpson ("Lisa the Vegetarian" episode) as an ambassador for questioning animal cruelty & refusing a meat based diet - at least in a popular medium.

    But conveniently forget her poignant food blog questioning their behaviour to fellow humans - "The Faceless Palate"… "This vegan meal was completely cruelty-free… except I saw the chef beating one of the busboys in the alley".
    (I've only known 1 vegan chef, & she certainly wasn't like that.)

    As one vegan said to me… humans deserve no rights with the horrors they commit on animals. He had just told me of his drugging & gang rape of a young female tourist staying on his WOOFing farm. Unfortunately the Police were not able to take action against him.

    I had the misfortune of sitting next to him on a flight from London to KL. He had been touring the summer festivals in Europe with his projector & usb stick full of vegan propagana.

    Why am I seated with the vegans on flights :(
    Just because we eat the same food does not mean we think the same!

    Of course there are horrible people in all walks of life :-(

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