NSW HSC/ Prelim Question Bank & Practice Tool (15000+ Questions with 0-100 Difficulty) Free @ Studitory


TLDR; Go to Studitory.app to use my trainer with 15000+ free HSC practice questions [ Growing daily - 2/3/4U Math, Chem/Phys/Bio ]

Hey all,

Bit of a self-promo for a side-project I've been working on for the last year!

I'm Phil (graduated 17' Ruse), and I believe in equal access to study material, so I've built Studitory to address these two problems:

  1. Finding enough quality practice questions without paying for expensive tutoring
  2. Matching students with questions at their current skill level

My sibling is currently going through the HSC as well, so I've spent building out a huge Question Bank/ Practice Tool with questions from a variety of sources (disclaimer: no HSC questions because of copyright). It also has progress stats so you can tell which topics and difficulties are a struggle.

Current Stash:

* 4U Math - (2000+)
* 3U Math - (2000+)
* Physics - (800+)
* Chemistry - (400+)
* Biology - (600+)
* Advanced Math - (1500+)
* Economics - (2000+)
* Business Studies (1000+)

* 3U Math - (1500+)
* Advanced Math - (1500+)
* Standard Math - (1000+)

* English Adv (if there is demand for it, I can't imagine people writing full essays online)

There will be bugs and some questions will have issues, I will try to address them all but it may take some time as it's just me!

Finally, if you have any good or bad comments, please leave them here or in my inbox at [email protected]

Good luck everyone,

As this is a beta release, I can vouch it will be completely free for at least the 25' cohort
For now - if you would like to help contribute to my API/ hosting costs, :) https://www.patreon.com/c/Studitory or https://tinyurl.com/studitory

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  • +13

    Great initiative! Thanks OP.

  • +21

    For those who didn't know, like myself, HSC is the Higher School Certificate.

  • Pretty cool. Good luck with your initiative… Will be very handy for yr12 students this year.

  • +24

    this is how Ruse will reclaim top spot

    • nah nsb is the best

  • +8

    Brings me back to the (not so long gone) days of sharing around past paper PDFs

    • yeah that was such a vibe. really brought me closer so some of my mates.

      also wondering if OP should have a buymeacoffee link because this is something that I would support directly

      • No need, he's going to turn it into a business.

  • +2

    "Missing required parameters"

  • +1

    Excellent Intiative @phil458 My son just started Year 11 and has taken all 4 of the subjects in WIP. Do you know when would you be able to complete them? Happy to donate to help in this cause as I believe you are helping the community a great deal.

  • Good on you. Good luck

  • Good stuff!

  • OP - Cannot generate questions, gives error missing required parameters.

  • +2

    English Adv

    Would be too adv for OZB folks. ;)
    Please start with English Elementary e.g. it's vs its; adverb vs adjective; noun vs pronoun; advise vs advice.

  • If you cannot generate question, choose the topic in the filter section.

  • Thanks all for the support, really means a lot that people may find this useful 🙏🙏

    If you're getting missed required parameters, you need to select topics before generating questions > I'll have to enforce the requirement, somehow slipped past my mind 😅

    • still getting "Missing required parameters"

    • Dont worry, after setting up the profile, it works now

  • Wow just in time for my Y12 kid, thanks for doing this

  • +7

    Exam Insights does this for the Queensland syllabus, they use the actual past exam questions, as, unlike NSW, these are not under copyright. It’s on a freemium model… started by two high school
    students in 2023.

    It’s great as a teacher!

  • +2

    Stupid question but how does this relate to kids in Victoria doing VCE. Not a native Australian but have a daughter doing Y11 in Melbourne.


    • +5

      Different courses, as HSC is the NSW course.

      While there's some overlap, using this bank will definitely cause confusion for a VCE student unless they're really clear on what is and isn't in the course.

      • Thanks for the info. I won't highlight it to the young 'un

  • Man I feel like doing some 3U maths for fun.

    • I enjoyed the 4Q maths a bit more.

  • How do I get on board with you :)
    Love it mates thanks!

    • email him.

  • Maybe I should give 4U Maths and Physics a try! :-)
    Both my sons graduated from SBHC some time back- so, a lot of water has flown since I did my HSC (abroad) - may have to brush up on some of the formulae.

  • +1

    If you're getting the invalid parameters issue, you need to setup your profile on the top left.

    I had this issue since I signed up via Google, so maybe OP has to have the profile setup flow be triggered after Google signup

    • thanks for the heads up, more work for tonight 🫠

    • +8

      I think it's more their work ethic if I'm honest. From a middle aged white aussie bloke.

    • +11

      Rubbish. Asians or Indians aren’t just born to naturally do well in HSC. It’s their upbringing and placing a high importance in education and work ethics thats allows them to perform well.

      • +1

        Very true. It doesn't mean all indians/Asians do well but generally speaking you have nailed it. Considering they and their parents learnt to compete with 1 billion population, they know just mere passing is not going to get them anywhere. Those ethics play a big part.

    • -1

      You guys are all in denial. Black people run fast, white people swim fast, Asians are good at maths, and Indians are good at IT. It's basic human anatomy 101, just get it.

  • -1

    "I'm Phil (graduated 17' Ruse)"

    Apostrophe should go before the "17" - that's why North Sydney Boys is #1 - GO FALCONS lol

    In all seriousness - awesome effort! What stack did you use?

    • +1

      🥲 'Next.js for the front and back, 'Supabase for the database, 'Mantine for the components

    • No, they had it right the first time. They graduated in the 1700's.

    • -1

      nsb are the best 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • Hey @phil458 You probably missed my question earlier. Do you have any date when you plan to finish the ones in WIP?

    • +1

      Since this a side project and I'm a bit busy with my current job as well, I'd say earliest by the end of Feb but I cant guarantee how much content there will be - I'll probably target Adv Math and Econ/English first!

      • -1

        Thanks. That would be great. Just another question - where are you getting these questions from? Is it from multiple resources?

  • Thanks very much Phil! My son is doing his HSC this year so we'll try it out

  • the landing page is nice clickbait disguised as dashboard lol
    I am not sure either it is good or bad

  • tremendously cool!

  • -2

    Doesn't work page is clickbait

  • -1

    website is a data farm beware

  • +4

    Says a lot about the flaws in our education system that this exists.

    At a certain point, it isn’t about kids learning things, it’s just about kids being coached to do well in tests: the entry exam for a selective school, then HSC.

    • If that’s the case, what would you change?

    • +1

      most of the hsc is rote learning

    • +2

      Honestly a lot of things that you learn even throughout university you won't need in the real world - I mean I'm sure not using linear algebra for anything
      What's most valuable from schooling is work ethic, and experience using critical thinking to solve problems that pop up in whatever field you end up in - I think things like this can help in both

      • Yessss Agree 100%

      • You can easily get 90+ ATAR from just rote learning alone. Critical thinking is not taught. Exam papers are not written to reward critical thinking. You are being examined for recall, ability to follow instructions, and to some degree work ethic (where work = rote learning).

  • +3

    Awesome concept - love it. My child starts yr 11 this year, will get her to take a look and more than happy to provide feedback and questions etc in return if you like!
    Would be interested also in Adv English and Legal Studies if there is an opportunity. thank you.

    • The rest of the planet disagrees

      • -1

        All hail Planetary President SlickMick, speaking on behalf of the planet.

        • Nice of you to defend someone else's argument for them. Oh, I see you're one of 3 that actually agree.
          Yes I'm clearly wrong, there are actually at least 4 on the planet likeminded.

          The neg has been removed though, so I guess the powers that be disagree.

          I think I can accurately state that the 4 of you are universally wrong.

          • @SlickMick: I don't agree actually. It's currently free so that's a deal.
            I just don't like tw*ts presuming to speak on behalf of others with whom they have not consulted.

            Oh and btw, congratulations! Wow! Your status has been upgraded from Planetary President to Universal Umpire.

            you are universally wrong

            • +1

              @tenpercent: You upvote a comment that is clearly wrong, then make an issue of my using hyberbole in refuting the statement.

              but I'm the tw*t.

              • @SlickMick:

                1. How would you know what I'm upvoting?
                2. Stating with hyperbole you disagree with something isn't exaclty a refutation. (Although the person you were replying to didn't explain their position either).
                • -1


                  1. How would you know what I'm upvoting?

                  You know that everyone can see who upvoted any comment right?

                  1. Stating with hyperbole you disagree with something isn't exaclty a refutation.

                  Is disagreeing with something a refutation?
                  But exaggerating reduces the degree????

                  I reckon we've worn this conversation out. Shall we call it quits?
                  Have one more reply if you must, I'll try to resist.

                  • @SlickMick: No I didn't know that. Doesn't matter anyway. I now also don't think this one is a deal, so my upvote indicates my agreement. My reasoning is that this product has never been offered under a pay to use model so getting it free is just the usual price so there is no bargain to be had.

                    • @tenpercent:

                      Me: I see you're one of 3 that actually agree (that this is not a deal)
                      You: I don't agree actually. It's currently free so that's a deal.
                      You: I also don't think this one is a deal

                      I don't think you even know what we're talking about, or at least what your stance is on the matter. You should start your own post on whether hyperbole is acceptable.

                      • @SlickMick: Initially I naively thought it was a deal. At that point I had not upvoted the original comment and was only replying to your presumptuous speaking on behalf of me (me being part of "the rest of the planet").

                        I later upvoted the comment when I had reconsidered and changed my mind about it not being a deal. It has never been anything other than free so that's just the usual price. There's no bargain. There's no discount. No deal. I changed my mind, I thought that was quite clear.

                        I now also don't think this one is a deal

                        You changed your mind about whether you were speaking on behalf of the planet to speaking on behalf of the entire universe, and later just on behalf of yourself because hyperbole.. can I not also change my mind?

    • Explain your reasoning here?!?

  • +2

    Great initiative, being an ex-HSC from boredofstudies back then was the great time.

    Here are some sources one can use for this.


    Would love to see this expand to Industry certs,

  • +1

    It hasn't been called 3 unit or 4 unit in a very long time. The equivalent is mathematics extension 1 and extension 2.

  • How did you approach automatic classification, especially with latex? Or did you do it manually?

  • AI used to create the questions?

    • nowadays, yes

    • +1

      Nah that would kill the whole point, human questions (in exams) are made to be stimulating and require you to think differently, AI is literally pattern recognition at a massive scale

      • Not quite. AI can be fine tuned to “think differently” or in a way that you want.

  • -7


    • +2

      it will be completely free for at least the 25' cohort

      Settle down, ipiok

  • -4


  • +1

    this is incredible! im long graduated from high school but i admire your desire to contribute to the greater community.

    • You don't suspect this will be monetized somehow (even if it's just data analytics and profiling users)? I don't think OP said he's doing it for charity.

  • Hats off for your incredible effort

  • Big congrats to OP for a job well done!

  • Wow what a legend.

    • ^^

  • What Is 3U math?

    • Math Extension 1

  • Is this suitable for Victorian students or a Vic equivalent available?

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