cartman » user profile

Member Since 18/07/2011
Last Seen 36 min 15 sec
Badges 2
Location Perth

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Noticing it's also being reported on the other post, which is the one I got the original price from. Seems to be linked [Other…
10/07/2023 - 00:05
Yeah, my original charge sat in pending for a while then disappeared. Today have a new $6.31 charge pending. Account page still says next…
09/07/2023 - 22:21
Not if everyone else downloads this free ebook too! Perhaps keep that information away from your work colleagues.
04/05/2023 - 18:10
Very, very late to this awesome comment and post. I'd look into this a few weeks back, wish I'd read this comment at the time - 100% works…
01/04/2023 - 01:56
Probably worth getting a couple for the emergency bunker.
12/07/2022 - 19:43
Well, mine was delivered today as well! I'm in the process of setting it up so hopefully it meets expectations. Good luck for yours.
22/01/2022 - 16:29
Mine hasn't been delivered but is now "unexpectedly delayed" with expected delivery Feb 7. According to the product page the item is still…
21/01/2022 - 17:26
Someone must have remove one from their cart - just got one a moment ago still at $279.
05/12/2021 - 16:05
I'd been tracking the price of the original Go through the camel but not this one. This is a very good price even for the original, and it…
05/12/2021 - 15:53
From the link: **Offer valid when extending a current active membership by purchasing a 12-month membership of the same type (Individual or…
11/04/2021 - 16:18
Holding the Westpac Amex shouldn't preclude you. I just cancelled mine since they notified me of closing the Westpac Amex link and then…
05/01/2021 - 16:42
I can confirm I've never grown up. Want this regardless of kids.
04/09/2020 - 15:25
Thinking about getting it couriered to Perth but I don't know if the quoted $999 is worth it?
03/10/2019 - 10:35
"90% of parents place importance on their kids having a good understanding of where herbs and veggies come from…" Because when the zombie…
11/09/2019 - 19:36
How quickly will your wife figure out the differences in the two phones (or ecosystem perhaps) and how much time do you want to devote to…
20/08/2019 - 21:36
Did you used to have the flip top head?
02/08/2019 - 00:24 I don't need to buy this but thanks for sharing. Sent from work BTW
26/06/2019 - 19:38
I think that's what most people were hoping for. I wonder how many people that did buy it, actually own a Switch?
18/06/2019 - 01:11
Luckily I read the T&Cs and kept my receipt. I've also only applied for one (again, in the T&Cs) so hopefully this is only a minor issue.
04/06/2019 - 19:05
This sucks. Every time a special deal is posted you guys over east get plenty of time to access it. I just tried to sign up and it looks…
01/04/2019 - 09:54
Used sloshie's Mine:
27/02/2019 - 01:26
For those asking, these have a constant on for the USB ports. I purchased one from Amazon a couple of months ago in the hope that the USB…
20/12/2018 - 17:50
Actually, just jumped online and asked to have this offer added. Online chap has done this now - much better.
24/05/2018 - 20:57
Spewing, I finally got around to transferring last week but I did track down some details comparing the rates between suppliers in WA :…
24/05/2018 - 19:53
Oops, must have commented on the wrong deal. Was meant for theC64 mini "deal" at some point today.
23/03/2018 - 23:42
The screen shots don't show the rear. If they've managed to include the cartridge slot I could still fire up my copy of Wizard of Wor. I'd…
23/03/2018 - 10:10
I need to stop doing this. Just purchased the VR600 without really looking into it. I'd researched VR400 and figured it would suit me, then…
21/03/2018 - 22:17
I've read that the Broadcom chip used in this pretty decent for FTTN. I was thinking of purchasing this and using it in bridge mode with my…
21/03/2018 - 17:54
Yeah but if you know anything about comedy it's all about the delivery.
13/02/2018 - 03:05