• long running

$0 Rosetta Stone Subscription (1 Free Language Only Per Email Address) @ Rosetta Stone & EBSCO


Sharing this deal as the old one is expired, however, it is once again working. Be sure to check that thread for any FAQs. Cut and paste OP below:

Cracking freebie here. Follow the steps below and you'll be learning your language in no time. I did this on iOS, however it doesn't matter what device it's done on (as long it's a mobile device). Overall this took me less than 5 minutes, so it's totally worth it! :)

Step 1:

Must be done on a mobile device (iPhone or Android, it does not matter)

1a) Download Rosetta Stone App. Google Play link iOS Apple App Store link
1b) Make a new account by clicking 'Get Started'.
1c) Choose Language(for this example I chose Arabic, but any language works!), enter your Email Address and Password
1d) Once created Log Out on the app. Do this by clicking the cog in the top right corner, scrolling all the way down and tapping log out

The first step is relatively straight forward.

Step 2:

2a) Press the "Go To Deal" button or click HERE
(See tips further down if you have trouble opening the page)
2b) On page enter the same details that were used in step 1c before. (Note for Username field enter the Email).
2c) Once details are filled out then click 'Sign In'. You should see a page like this if not, do not worry. Follow the tips further down and try again.

I struggled to get step 2 to work at first, however with persistence, I eventually got it! Hang in there, we're nearly done!!

Step 3:

3a) Go back to the App you downloaded before. On the App click 'Log In'. (Down the bottom)
3b) Click 'Work and School' Account type.
3c) Enter your Username and Password.
3d) Enter code "s8476284" in the "Workspace" area. Press sign in.


(You should see this screen)

Might be a good idea to download courses for offline use!

Tips if struggling to open the link in step 2:

  • Try Copy/Paste the link given in the description rather than following the 'Get Deal' button.
  • Due to shortened partially hidden URLs use: secure.rosettastone. com/lp/ebsco/?custid=s8476284 (and delete the space before 'com'!).
  • Try using Chrome browser if you're on an iOS device.

If you're getting an error signing in at the final step, please ensure you used the exact same details for step 1c and 2b.

Should you want more than 1 language then you can rinse repeat with another fresh Email Address.


Available Languages:

Spanish (Latin American or Spain)
English (American or British)
Chinese (Mandarin)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Filipino (Tagalog)
Persian (Farsi)

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  • +12

    "¿Donde está la biblioteca?"

  • +5

    Up to which level is free?

    • +5

      This is the key question I feel. Lot of offers to get up to basic level.

      • Mind you, this one iprovides free access to Rosetta Stone for only ONE LANGUAGE per email address through EBSCO.

        maybe that's the catch?

  • +7

    omelette du fromage

    • -3

      oui oui croissant baguette

  • Thanks, worked for me.

  • Little bit fiddly figuring it out but I eventually got there. Thanks!

  • +1

    English! excellent

    • +7

      Its already paying off

  • +7

    Hope to impress the Klingon in-laws next xmas.

  • Cпосибо OP 😊

  • Works fine for me too!

  • This won't work with an existing account, right?

    • Worked for me.

      • How did you get it to work without creating a new account?

        • Dunno, just worked?

          I made the account long time ago but barely used it.

    • Worked for me

  • +11

    British English

    Cor blimey, ‘bout time I stopped standin’ ‘ere like a right lemon, grinnin’ an’ noddin’ while they rabbit on. Soon enough, I’ll be slingin’ the lingo meself, all duckin’ and divin’, no more lost in the apples an’ pears of their chatter. Proper sorted, innit?

    • +2


    • +1

      I could've had it away with this cracking Julie, my old China.
      Are you telling pork-pies and a bag of trout? Because if you are feeling quigly, why not just have a J. Arthur?
      What, billy no mates?
      Too right, youth.
      Don't you remember the crimbo din-din we had with the grotty Scots bint?
      Oh, the one that was all sixes and sevens!
      Yeah, yeah, she was the trouble and strife of the Morris dancer what lived up the apples and pears!
      She was the barrister what become a bobby in a lorry and
      tea kettle!
      And then, and then
      She shat on a turtle!

  • +1

    I'm waiting to practice Esperanto. Thanks for reminding me to continue with my Chinese (Mandarin) - after 5 speaking ;)

  • Danke

  • Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Thanks OP!!! just wondering if there is a time limit or is it lifetime use for each course?

    • +1

      Wanted to know too, can’t find anything in menu

  • -3

    I don't think this is a legitimate way to access Rosetta Stone as a non-subscriber, unless you are among the intended recipients of the workspace code.

    • +2

      This is designed to be done through a library access, so this would be no different to signing up through the library - following the link to EBSCO shows this access is available at my local council library and also the local universities.
      You can check your own local access here: https://www.ebsco.com/find-my-organization

  • This has just reminded me, I meant to learn a language on the old Rosetta Stone deal, but never quite got around to it. Along with all those Udemy courses I signed up to.

    • +2

      And don’t forget to play or use all the free paid apps and to read all the free Amazon paid ebooks

  • Is this worth downloading if I already have Duolingo?

  • +3

    'Password cannot contain any special characters'
    That's pretty alarming in 2025, but a great deal OP!

  • Thanks OP. I'm gutted when the previous one was cancelled and I nearly never used it, but now I'm determined to use it to the fullest

  • -2


  • thank you it worked! saved $150!

  • +1

    From the Rosetta Stone and EBSCO page linked, it states you can study multiple languages but you have to change the linked language on that Rosetta Stone page:
    "You may study more than one language. Switching from one language to another language must be performed only on this page."

  • Best time to learn a new language is when you are young, next best time is NOW.


  • The site says 30 languages, you have listed roughly 22. Are they right or are you right? I ask because the language I am interested in is not on your list.

  • Worked for me. Thanks

  • When I did this I had an issue signing into the app, so when you finish step 2, make sure you sign out of the web account, then you should be able to re sign back into the app no issues.

  • Danke shon!

  • So it will forever be in my account right? Worked absolutely fine…..4 Languages.

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