This was posted 9 years 4 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Free Origin Game Time (48/168hrs): Sims 4, Titanfall, Kingdoms of Amalur, Plants Vs Zombies & Battlefield 4


YOU WILL GET FREE GAME TIME - NOT FREE GAMES. Otherwise the title would read [PC] ORIGIN free games.

Origin account needed.

This has been posted before although I am not sure with all the games. Anyway, it is available again.

Sims 4: 48 hours

Battlefield 4: 168 hours

Plants v Zombies: Garden Warfare: 48 hours

Titanfall: 48 hours

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning: 48 hours

Once you start playing the time runs down, whether you are playing or not so make sure that you start when you have plenty of time to play the games (long weekend).

To add them to your account, log into your account, go to the page, click download. That should add them to your account and you can start playing/using the game at any time of your choice.


P.S.: You can always make more than one account and add the game time to each account.

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closed Comments

      • -1

        They are not always available. They come and go just like Theme Hospital.

        • +6

          Theme Hospital was on "On the House" which are full games added to your account permanently. Origin Game Time is a limited trial which is added to your account; once the limit runs out the game is no longer playable until you purchase it.

        • -3


          See previous deal. There were not all posted before and they are not always there.

          It is a freebie and a good deal for people wanting to try the games or just wanting to play single player in BF 4 which can easily be completed in 168 hours.

          And as you can see it was posted as a deal before so find someone else to harass with your comments.

          Funny how you don't let other people decide but try to influence them somehow by making other people's posts bad.

        • -3

          @Lysander: Even then, they're still time limited demos.

        • +3


          Mate, quit with the harassment calls; you're doing it in every post. I'm not harassing you. You're posting time limited DEMOS which expire; they are not FULL games. If you think a demo is regarded as a deal here then please feel free to post a F2P game from Steam.

          I'm not making your post bad, I've only commented on two posts. Your deal from yesterday where you ask people for votes which as I said is against the rules "Do not ask for users to vote for your deal". And this post now because demos aren't deals.

        • -2


          Funny though that when it was posted before you did not object to it being a deal - you just discussed Steam, Uplay etc. (fee free to check).
          So given that, yes you seem to be harassing me as when I post a similar deal you suddenly get on my back. And yes, I do see that as harassment whether you like it or not.
          It really would be best to just find someone else you can "teach' the rules. I am not interested in your "services".

        • +1


          Oh yes you're right, I come on OZB after work just to annoy you! Yes! If I'm harassing you then jv should be banned. Report me to the mods if you have an issue as I'm not responding to your nonsensical comments anymore.

        • -1


          So if someone else harasses, it is OK to do so? Strange logic. But I do welcome the fact that there is chance you just leave me alone which would be great. Play with whoever can understand your strange logic.

          P.S.: You have not replied though why you never made these comments in the older post. Was it a deal then but now it isn't? Is it because I posted it? If that's not the reason, what is?

        • @Lysander:

          I understand that is a valid question, can't say I have an answer to suit your needs. In older posts I either don't see it or I get caught up in the discussion within the deal. Feel free to look through my comments and if you could see my report history you would see that you are most certainly far from the only person who I "harass".

          Truly, I apologise if I've somehow upset you; it's totally not my intention. Evidently my classifications of certain subjects on this website differ from yours and probably the mods' as well. I'm only trying to enforce the rules (within my interpretation of them; I'm wrong a lot) to prevent this place turning into a shit-fest like a lot of other websites that I've been apart of. Rules are there for a reason no?

          I have no hard feelings but I understand how you feel.

        • @kaneissik:

          OK, I accept that but while rules do have a rightful place, they are always open to interpretation and some people even say they are there to be broken and that is where the fun starts (ever driven more than the speed limit on an empty highway? ;-)).
          Also, while I understand your point, there are enough rules in real life that are enforced so I would ask you to live and let live and let the enforcement be done by the official "police" of the website - they will do so if necessary. Too much enforcement will put people off websites - and believe me there are plenty of them that have been put off by the sometimes aggressive tone here regarding posts (not by you but other people).
          I think we can both agree that if freebies are brought to the attention of as many Ozbargainers as possible who would otherwise have missed it, that that is a good thing and therefore rules should be interpreted widely and teleologically rather than super strict, especially since we both know that different people have different views on things. So I for my part believe that it is best to let everyone decide for themselves rather than "telling" them if something is a deal or not. After all, we are all (hopefully) intelligent adults here with our own thoughts.
          Thank you. I hope you have a good night.

        • @Lysander:

          I agree on a few of your points. But, I'm unable to fully accept the 'let enforcement be done by the official police'. If this was the case, why would we have so many tools on the website for user reporting and disapproval? In reality, what I comment in these threads means nothing. I'm a cog in the mod teams wheel, they can delete and decide for themselves what is and isn't contributing to the website. If we look at the stats of last month's reports, there were 2054 reports with an average of one report every 21 minutes. If I'm reporting too frequently for posts I deem not a bargain then what about everyone else? Where do we draw the line?

          I was thinking that I should probably open a conversation with the mods regarding this very fuzzy grey area of the rules. If weekend trials on Steam can be posted (which I've posted a few of) then trials probably should be as well. A counterpoint to this argument is that the weekend trials on Steam have the game discounted while the Origin trials have no discounts whatsoever.

          I apologise if I'm incoherent, there may or may not have been some alcohol consumed throughout the night.

          Enjoy your night.

        • +2


          Not incoherent so do not worry.

          But regarding the rules: if I remember correctly, it is against the rules to give a negative vote for a deal just because of a dislike of an opinion or comment. See below how some people do not abide by the rules but yet everyone accept it.

          To recap: the exact same thing s has been posted before, with 50+ positive votes and no discussion whatsoever whether this is a deal or not. And yet, when I post, a discussion is started (by you, but that is OK and irrelevant here) and some people suddenly jump onto the train and suddenly think they need to enforce rules. However, by doing so they in fact infringe the rules.

          Because of the mob mentality evidenced below I do not believe that users should police a website. In fact, I also believe the voting system should be abandoned. Why not bring things to people's attention and let them decide?

          Again, thanks for your input. Not angry with you. Your point with free weekend is an excellent one. But this discussion has proven one thing, namely that many people on this website still do not understand the spirit of the website and obviously do not appreciate the efforts of people who post deals for them. Instead they are quick with enforcing their interpretation of the rules, even if inconsistent with previous practice of the website, again confirming what many other users have said, namely that this place is hostile and hence prevents them from posting deals.

          I will also reconsider in the future. I am already only posting one kind of deals and go elsewhere for others but in the future I might even forget about that, too. Too many people too unappreciative (there are some great people and users on here but unfortunately it is the "bad" few that spoil it for the rest again).
          Judging by the amount of people who are put off by this mentality, I would say we are missing out on a large number of potentially good deals but if that's the way they want, I am sure they will get it.

          P.S.: I am sure I again get lots of negs for voicing an unpopular and critical opinion. Something these people would never do in real life where one cannot hide behind a screen.

        • @Lysander:

          '… the exact same thing s has been posted before, with 50+ positive votes and no discussion whatsoever whether this is a deal or not.'

          What does that tell you bystander? I'm reminded of an old adage about 'the game, not the player'… or rather the opposite of that adage. ;P

        • @Lysander:

          I definitely went about this entire thing the wrong way as I started to think about the situation. Sorry for all the negs that the post got, I wasn't trying to start a "war" I just wanted to discuss it.

          Once again, I apologise for the outcome and I will be more diligent in future. Thanks for seeing my POV as I see yours.


      • +1

        It's more like a trial than a demo imho.

        • +2

          Absolutely, I interchange them when I probably shouldn't. Would a 14 day trial of software be allowed to be posted? I think not.

  • +4

    I think this is more a demo

    • -1

      Not really as demos often have limited functionality (especially work software as kaneissik seems to have forgotten).
      Here you get full unrestricted access to the games and functionality for the stipulated time, so it is more than a demo.
      Also, 168 hours for BF 4 allows you to complete single player easily which isnot possible with real demos (at least I have never come across a demo allowing me to complete the whole game and giving me full access and functionality).

      • +3

        Well I guess the limited functionality is the time you can play. I see what you mean though. It's a bit of a gray area. To be honest though I still think this is better placed the forums.

        • +2

          Has been posted as deal several times before (for example: so I think the majority of people do consider this a deal and hence I believe it should not be in the forums. But thanks for your opinion.

    • +4

      More like a trial. I wouldn't consider a trial a deal either.

  • +6

    Demo needs to be incorporated into title next time OP, otherwise you run the neg gauntlet

  • I guess it is a difference of opinion. Last time it was posted it was considered a deal.
    By the way, if somebody who has a different opinion on something runs the risk of the neg gauntlet what does that say about this website? In a civilised society nobody should get negged and run the risk of being put down merely because he or she has a different opinion. But if that is so, welcome end of civilisation. And I guess I won't be posting anything anymore but rather invest my time in some more fruitful activity,hey?

    • -4

      'I guess I won't be posting anything anymore but rather invest my time in some more fruitful activity'

      Excellent decision Lysmo, cheers.

      • Do you really not get it? You were wrong. Simple as that. And you were aggressive going about it as if you have absolute rights. Be man enough to apologise and admit you were wrong instead of keeping up this argument you already lost.
        Even when it is clear now that you were wrong you cannot admit to anything. No wonder you have some issues where you must ask for help on Ozbargain. Really not surprised.

        You were silenced because you were wrong and no rules were broken even though you insisted they were. You were not silenced because the mod did not like your opinion just as you tried to do with me and others. Big difference there.
        Let others have their opinion - your life will be easier.

        • i'm not taking sides, but let it go dude..

  • +2

    I'm out of popcorn.

  • +2

    How is this any diffedent then the steam free weekend posts? They are not negged like this.

    • +2

      Difference is instead of a set weekend you can choose when you want to start your countdown timer at a time most convenient to you. The way gametime works the game is registered onto your account forever and the timer will never countdown until you first launch the game. It's a considerably better system than Steams.

  • +8

    Not sure why everyone is jumping on the OP. Perhaps it's a gamers mob mentality of sort?

    A trial has been considered a deal many times here on OzBargain.

    Search for trial and you'll get many hits. Usually for trials that are not always available under the same conditions, like this one.

    • 'A trial has been considered a deal… (etc.)'

      If the words 'FREE TRIAL' had been included in the title, methinks Lyngsander would not have chalked up another epic fail.

      Choc-top anyone?

      • -2

        Explanation for the old deal anyone? See the word trial there anywhere? It doesn't even say Game Time, it just says FREE. None of you "dealnazis" kicked up a stink then. Surely you cannot all have overlooked that, can you? ;-)

        Go and see if you can neg that deal retrospectively.

        By the way, I have not seen the work trial in the free weekend gaming deals for Steam, have you????

      • -1

        Apologies anyone?

        • Let's move past this and focus on the deal.

  • +3

    Group Hug Everyone!

  • +1

    See what I mean Lysander?

    • Sure do. That's all right. There is one work for people like that and it starts with a p and then goes athetic.
      That's OK if they got nothing else in life.

      I reckon that it is exactly those people that lose out the most from the great deals not posted here because of such aggression. I for one do not post any more deals from a certain shop (although there are many to be found regularly) for mainly two reasons - this is one of them.

      No one has yet given ANY explanation why they get so vicious here but no one said ANYTHING when this was previously posted.

      Shows you how consistent the mob is, doesn't it?

  • It is simply a limited play time on offer. There is no deal, the player still has to purchase once the time is up to keep playing. Quite simply a timed demo.

    • +2

      search for beta, demo, steam free weekend, etc. and you'll find many others.
      Over the last three months the beta posts for Rainbow Six have averaged a hundred positive's per deal.

  • +3

    Great that you went to the effort of posting mate, but don't take it personally if people vote against it.

    It's because they think it's not a deal. It's a community forum, and people are entitled to form their opinion. There's no personal attack from the negative voters above.

    • -1

      Technically yes, but those people refer to rules which do confirm that this is a deal.
      If they do not like it that is fine but do not spoil for everyone else is what I believe. Everyone is entitled to their opinion without having to fear bullying and personal attack - however, with some people if you don't have the same opinion as they do, you lose your right to an opinion.
      Thanks for the support and feedback.

  • +9

    Community should wake up to itself. Their have been similar previous deals, with great positive feedback and discussion. I was able to complete the single player aspect of a game in allotted time and I didn't need to purchase it.

    I had fun for free in the 48/168 hours and it didn't cost me money, a bargain I say. I didn't have it long term? No, I didn't. But I still had fun and I got to see which games were worth purchasing (BF4 was, Titanfall wasn't).

    Do not follow the mob mentality, do not just click negative because someone else has and do not neg because you have a personal problem with the poster, this website is about helping the community, not about you banging your chest.

    So here three examples of similar deals, with positive votes and no negatives:

    FREE: The Sims 4 (48 Game Hrs) + Titanfall (48 Game Hrs) + Battlefield 4 (168 Game Hrs) @ Origin
    - 53 positives
    - 0 negatives

    [Origin] Titanfall - 48 HOURS Game Time (FREE)
    - 7 positives
    - 0 negatives

    [Origin] Titanfall - 48 HOURS Game Time (FREE)
    - 47 positives
    - 0 negatives

    • +1

      And the title has been fixed now so quite a few negatives should be revoked.

      • +4

        2 negatives were after the last revision though.

        "Negged for misleading titleā€¦ and attitude of OP after reading some of his responses."

        I think that the second part is piss poor.

        "If the words 'FREE TRIAL' had been included in the title, methinks Lyngsander would not have chalked up another epic fail.
        Choc-top anyone?"

        Yet GnarlyKnuckles negged after the title revision, so what was the purpose of their negative vote if they state a different title would have lead to less negative votes?

        Another example, this one did have 2 negative votes:
        FREE: Battlefield 4 @ Origin Game Time (168 Gaming Hours)
        - 76 positives
        - 2 negatives

        One of those negative votes was due to EA practices and not the deal itself. Leading to 1 negative vote across 4 deals, and 10 for this one. With some comments here suggesting it was partially against the person and not the deal.

        As well as these Origin deals, there are plenty of Steam versions too. Either all are acceptable or none are.

      • @Venom_TAG
        You would think so. But I see the next negatives coming saying "I thought it meant I could only get (as in obtain to keep) the games free for the next 48 hours or 168 hours. I did not think it meant a time limit.

        This is why this whole things is senseless. It is a title with limited characters available.
        The deal should be assessed on the more detailed info and on that alone. If the title was sufficient why even have a space for more detailed info.

        I wonder if these people complain to all the companies advertising something for free when they find out that other conditions apply when reading the details of the deal or fineprint.
        If you did you would have a full time job for life (unpaid) as it happens EVERY day in Australia. So I don;t know why some people behave like the "soupnazi" from Seinfeld here. Inferior complex anyone?

    • +1


      Great post. I think you deserve the poster of the month award, if not the poster of the year award.

      So far no explanation from the neggers has been forthcoming for this. They do not want to admit that (a) they have fallen victim to the mob mentality, or (b) that they are inconsistent, or (c) they neg as they have a problem with me personally for whatever reason, or (d) a combination of two or more of these.

      Thank you for again pointing this fact out.

  • +2

    This thread is more fun than the 48 hours of free game …. time …. ;)

    • +1

      i've finished 95% of uncharted 2 since this was posted , just sayin :)

  • Note

    • Personal attacks and the resultant arguments are not welcome. If there is an issue with a deal, hit the report link or use the Talk with a Moderator forum. See our commenting guidelines.

    • Negative votes should be cast using the voting guidelines. If there is an issue with a title that needs fixing hit the report link. If you think there is an invalid vote, use the report link. I'm going to repeat it 3 times (like in Beetlejuice) just in case you missed it Use the report link, Use the report link, Use the report link.

    • As for the deal itself, the topic is interesting. Our deal posting guidelines say:

    In general, software, apps and e-books that are always free and available to everyone should be posted in the forums, but if something that's not usually free is offered free for a limited time, it qualifies as a deal. In some cases, decisions on whether a post should stay as a deal or be moved to a forum post is at moderators discretion. As this is an evolving subject, community feedback is welcomed in our Site Discussion forum.

    By that definition, this deal is valid as a deal. As pointed out by Fabman's comment these have been posted before as a deal, so count those as a precedent.

    However, this is certainly a grey area and as the guidelines state community feedback is welcomed in our Site Discussion forum.

    I implore those with strong opinions either for or against these types of deals to make a new thread in the Site Discussion forum so we can work through what is best for the community.


    • Thank you

    • Thanks neil, I apologise for inciting a large argument.

      • Kudos to you for being man enough to apologise. That earns my respect.

        The people who negged have all gone silent. Strange. ;-)

        Have a good night.

    • Need more intervention like this Neil, the site is becoming "unfriendly" by minority actions.

      • -6

        'Need more intervention like this Neil'

        No we don't, we need less, and what's happened in this thread is a bit bizarro.

        The OP referred to a group of users as pathetic, then personally attacked at least one specific user; then claimed he was being 'bullied' and 'harrassed'.

        The OP stated that rules '… are there to be broken and that is where the fun starts', and that 'Too much enforcement will put people off websites'; then complained that people were breaking the rules (basically because they negged his 'deal') and appealed to the mods to police them.

        The OP asked many times in the thread why (more than 10) people had negged his deal; then when they told him, he complained and the negs were revoked and the comments 'unpublished'.

        The OP then stated:

        'The people who negged have all gone silent. Strange. ;-)'

        We have not 'gone silent'; we have been silenced. Big difference. The fact that posters can apparently have comments/negs/answers to questions they themselves have asked removed ('unpublished') by whinging to the mods despite blatant/demonstrable hypocrisy on their own part, suggests that there may be something wrong with the system.

        • +1

          Negs (and the reason for why the commenter negged) were revoked because they were unjust. Easy concept.

        • @Venom_TAG:

          I agree but Gnarly does not understand that. He just keeps going and going and fights a losing battle.
          The times were the internet was the perfect place for bullying and harassment are over for good.

        • +2

          @Lysander: "He just keeps going and going and fights" while yes that is true, so do you. The mod has ruled in your favour, best if you two move past this and comment no more on it.

        • @Venom_TAG:


        • We have not 'gone silent'; we have been silenced. Big difference. The fact that posters can apparently have comments/negs/answers to questions they themselves have asked removed ('unpublished') by whinging to the mods despite blatant/demonstrable hypocrisy on their own part, suggests that there may be something wrong with the system.

          You + community have revoked the -1 vote from "GnarlyKnuckles" on this deal.. it was meeeeeeee :D

  • +1

    Thanks OP!

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