This was posted 10 years 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE: The Sims 4 (48 Game Hrs) + Titanfall (48 Game Hrs) + Battlefield 4 (168 Game Hrs) @ Origin


FREE: The Sims™ 4 (48 Game Hrs) + Titanfall (48 Game Hrs) + Battlefield 4 (168 Game Hrs) @ Origin


Once you've redeemed the 'Game Time' offer, you're free to start the time whenever you choose. This can even be after the promotion ends. Clearly it makes good sense to start playing when you've got the opportunity to play for a good portion of that time.

Download now, play later. Clock starts only when you start playing!


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closed Comments

  • Ah Titanfall sigh, could have been one of the greats ………

    • +3

      I must've missed the memo.
      This is the closest I've come to installing Origin. 48 game-hours of titanfall… For Free?!

      "It's A Trap!"
      Admiral Ackbar (1983)

      • -2

        Don't do it, I'm saving your wallet here. I hadn't used Origin in a long time but then friends convinced me Titanfall would be the next game to own. Campaign is f'in abysmal and the multi player is just overflowing with aim-bots. Worse than all that, the developers just couldn't care less. Possibly some of the issues have been addressed now, if so it comes far too late for my group.

        I admit to picking up Origin again for Dragon Age: Inquisition ……. decent game but gets boring really fast. EA can gift $2 games & offer free 48hr plays all they like but nothing can ever offset their blatant honey pot tactics & god awful customer service.

        • No idea where you're getting your information from but it's not entirely true.
          Titanfall is still active with plenty of players if you don't mind attrition game mode, the game has rarely if any aim bots in the game. What you're probably think of is the smart pistol which is auto-aim but it's also the worst weapon to use because 95% of the time the smart pistol user dies while trying to lock on.
          The campaign could have been better yes but you still enjoy killing people while wall running across and jumping into your massive titan.
          The developers have not abandoned the game because they released a patch not too long ago and they are always making sure the servers are running. Unfortunately there isn't a huge dedicated team to fix issues quickly because respawn (the guys who made titanfall) are working on 2 other projects at the same time.

        • +1

          nope the developers started to care about the community dying after the community died. There is only one game mode that is populated whic i personally don't like and easily under 100 people playing in PEAK TIMES, that's less than 10 games.

          The game is dead, just the few fans left don't want ot admit it.

          Also the aim bots are gone because noone plays it anymore.


          28 Positive Reviews
          1 Mixed Review
          0 Negative Reviews.

          User reviews: Hundreds of reviews going-off, like spoilt kids. Writing it down to ZERO.

          Guess what I'm going to take seriously.

        • +1

          @razormadness: From when I played on release. Multi player campaign was practically non-existent, which sucked as that was my groups first target.

          And no, I'm not talking about smart pistol, I'm talking aim bots. There were also balance issues. Once a person got a little XP everyone ended up using the same little speedy mech.

          And don't start me about the constant disconnects.

          Don't get me wrong, it was an awesome idea and very addictive …….. but not for long. After a week all the content was finished, no chat channels, and the damn aim bots.

          It's good to hear they've made patches but for me it comes too late, like Brink the game is on a path to oblivion.

        • +2

          @Utopian: You have 48 hrs to test it, never know. In fact if memory serves it actually made number 4 on AngryJoes most disappointing games of 2014.

          I know what you mean about the zero's on Meta critic, Ozbargain is same way. People will go through and neg comments they don't agree with like a 7 yo child, it's sad. That's why I always take the average between critic and user votes. But also notice how the user scores get worse as the "new" smell wears off the game.

          I bought it all plus a season pass, my biggest game purchase regret of last year (besides Beyond Earth).

      • +3

        I can't tell if you're bagging origin or not, but imo it isn't bad at all despite EA's abysmal reputation. It's exactly like steam and they actually give away a lot of games. I've gotten BF3, Dragon Age origins, bewjeweled 3, peggle, PvZ, the entire sims 2 collection, and Simcity 2000 all for free from their on-the-house promos.

        They've also got a pretty good refunds policy for their games - if you end up hating a game, you can get a full refund within 24 hours of first launching it.

        • At this point I feel Origin's the better program. I download much faster on their servers (probably because no one is using the service), better customer service, Origin isn't a grossly outdated slugfest that Steam is. I still prefer Steam though.

        • @kaneissik: I use both, Steam has better deals though :)

        • @Ebany: As do I, can't pretend to be an amazing pilot on Steam can I? If Origin ever bothers to have a larger catalog than they do now it'll be an interesting sight with all the competitive pricing.

        • @Ebany: Steam deals are pretty average now, it's not like the old days where they had amazing sale prices. Amazon, GreenManGaming, Nuuvem and countless other random indie games sites are always cheaper than the Steam sales. Check and for legit deals.

        • @kaneissik: Not sure if Origin, Uplay, or even Trions new Glyph will ever be true competition until they can either; improve their reputations or develop a corner of the market mostly untouched by the others - like GoG's DRM & fair regional pricing.
          Must admit that Steam has just got a whole lot more interesting with ACCC taking them to court.

        • +1

          @Agret: I normally just use the "Enhanced Steam" add-on, automatically does price comparisons with IsThereAnyDeal, it's quite effective. That Reddit link is a new one, I'll have to check it out :)

        • @Ebany:
          A few of the other clients have some "useful" features. I like uPlay's achievement system (with the points), at least then the achievements have some form of value since you can then use the points to purchase other things like wallpapers, skins etc. The items aren't all that valuable but Steam achievements give you nothing, there's no satisfaction whatsoever in getting them.

        • @kaneissik: So true. The only game I've bothered with achievements is Civ 5, cause I love it so much :D

        • Wasn't bagging, as such. Just reluctant. Steam is god for me. Like having 2 religions :D

        • @kaneissik: the uPlay achievements don't just let you purchase wallpapers and skins on some games they will give you extra content and weapons/armors

        • +1

          Yeah, does vary on game. It's still a nice addition, gives you something to strive for. My opinion of it anyway!

  • +17

    Really like how these trials are set up.

    Much better than Steam's free weekends where you only have a few days to cram downloading + playing in.

    • +11

      especially if take into account lightning download speed here in OZ

      • +3

        Do ISPs still classify 'broadband speeds' as 256kbps?

        • +2

          In America it's now officially anything over 25mbps. Good job we don't use that standard, otherwise we officially wouldn't have broadband!

      • +1

        I tried to play one of the free weekends on Steam, the game was 50GB and it took until sunday evening to finish the download. Ended up playing about half an hr before bed.

  • +2

    Why didn't you put Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning in your post? It's a great game!!

    • +1

      Did it replace The Sims 4?

      • +1

        I would say - I didn't get a Sims 4 option

        • Wait, what? When this deal was first posted, it had all 4 games with KoA: R being down the bottom. Checking today, The Sims 4 is gone and KoR: R is still there. Strange.

        • +2


          I think Sims 4 expired 2 Feb (their timezone) it was mentioned in the previous deal

    • Kingdoms of Amalur
      good game but too short

      • As long as it's 48 hours short I'll be happy.

        • +1

          Apparently it's 31.5hrs to beat the main story or 54.5hrs if you want to do the side quests as well.

          Means that although you could finish it within the 48hr trial period you will have to sacrifice your sleep and life lol I can't imagine doing that with this game, you'd get burnt out way too fast.

        • @Agret: challenge accepted =P

  • +2

    how big is bf4 these days?

    • +4

      56GB on my PC :)

      • Strange on mine it's a bit bigger
        60.3 GB (64,797,709,644 bytes)
        and for the CTE client it's
        33.6 GB (36,151,856,272 bytes)

  • +2

    BF4 is about 25Gig download for base game.

    extra packs are up to 5GB each.

    word of warning, once you download it, you will buy it :)

    • +2

      I finished the Single player campaign before the trial ended and felt no reason to buy it lol I do want to get it for the multi player some day though.

      • +15

        There's a single player campaign?

        • yes, apparently not everyone enjoys/has time for multi-player online gaming

        • +1

          yup there is and it's handy because completing it and doing the 3 different endings you get to unlock some really good weapons

        • Yeah, it's not great. I got to the carrier where a helicopter drops off dudes. I launched about 6-7 rockets at the helicopter but it hadn't fulfilled its need to drop of x amt of waves of enemies before I could kill it with one. Turned it off, haven't touched it again. Hugely disappointing after BF2/BC2/BF3. Waste of money for me.

        • Did the first mission, found the story line contrived and unconvincing, and moved on to the multi-player.

          I jumped straight from BF2 to BF4, and it's a very steep learning curve. I've done an awful lot of dying, and it certainly keeps you humble, but it's a lot of fun! Sadly, Origin keeps track of the number of hours spent playing, and it's showing my wife how addicted I am.

  • Just to confirm is game hours.. like amount of time played not like it ends in 7 days as soon as you start playing?

    • +2

      When I did The Sims 4 1 a week or so ago, it said the 48hrs would continue counting down from the moment you launched the game even when you're not in game. So it's 48hrs real time from the first launch.

    • -3

      I would hope it's obvious… game hours is hours in game*
      Wolf's answer has me worried.

      • That said, Steam counts time since loaded, even if you pause & walk-away (dinner, sleep, coma)
      • +7

        Here we go: "Your Origin Game Time clock begins when you first launch the game after it’s been fully downloaded and installed. Once started, the clock will continue to run whether you’re in the game or taking a break."

        • +2

          That's pretty misleading to say "Game Hours"

        • Not sure why I was negged. I wasn't hating/being a turd.

          It still appears to be like Steam. The worry: It's calendar/clock hours IRL. As others have thought.

          So play on Fri night for a few hours, logout. Start again on Monday… all gone.

    • -1

      It's real time hours. 168 hours game time of BF4 is a lot. That's like 9 months real time.

      • +4

        It's exactly 7 days "real time".

  • +1

    I've had a look but can't find Sims 4. Where abouts is it?

    • +2

      It's been removed for some reason.

  • -6

    I love how the post refers to "game hours" like that's a plain English phrase and not some EA marketing nonsense.

    So in fact, these games are not "free" at all, just demos requiring you to use massive amounts of download data before either losing the games or buying them?

    • +4

      In all fairness I would much rather this method than a demo. People can actually try the game properly & legally before buying it or not, instead of a little 10-20min sectioned demo that's very limited and makes me want to pirate it just to try it out. Not to mention it costs developers more to produce a demo. So in this particular case I'm okay with EA's marketing nonsense because consumers still get the better end of the stick, ironically I'm slowly starting to like Origin's tactics WAY more than Steam's. That being said they're free for the allotted time. It's much better than Sony's "free" PS+ titles.

      • Sure, I've got no real issue with EA's approach, but these are not "free" games.

        • +2

          But no where does it actually say they're free games. If you go to the deal there's nothing that says they're free games. The slogan even says "free time with the full game" the post says "FREE: The Sims 4(48 game hrs)..". I don't know where you got the idea there were free games to begin with lol

        • +3

          The very first word in the title is FREE

        • +3

          @caitsith01: That's correct "FREE: The Sims 4 (48 Game Hrs)" It doesn't say Free: The Sims 4. It specifically says you're getting game hrs.

    • +2

      I love how you don't realise that the game hours start AFTER it's been downloaded and launched for the first time. Read what the promotion is before posting.

      • What makes you think that I don't realise that?

        • +1

          just demos requiring you to use massive amounts of download data before either losing the games or buying them?

          Then why word your question like that? It looks like you're saying you're forced to download massive files before you lose access to it. You're still crying over something so trivial.

    • +2



      Free product delivered to your bed/chair where you spend most of your time lazing about: 'I HAVE TO USE MY HANDS TO OPERATE IT, WASTE OF ENERGY!'

      • +2

        More like you have to drive there and back, and then 7 days later they come and take it away again.

        • +1

          To be fair, I probably wouldn't open a free gift someone gave me if they were going to take it back in 48 hours.

        • +3

          @FrankMcFuzz: I'd open it and make it unreturnable. Take that, Indian giver.

        • @FrankMcFuzz:

          So you wouldn't accept a free car rental for a weekend? Or a free movie rental for a weekend? A free hooker for a weekend?

          Pfft, picky.

        • @FabMan:

          What a hooker gives you, you can't just return.

      • +1

        Well then is it possible to have a free dvd movie rental from blockbuster when you have to give the DVD back in a few days time?

  • -3

    Tbh this is just a compilation of the following individual deals.

    That being said, I suppose people sometimes miss deals and would appreciate this.

    • Those deals expired, so why would anyone just know that they are available without being told either by Origin or by someone else, like windows7 did?

    • No it's not.

  • +1

    I'm not sure why they're using the phrase "game hours" - with the Sims 4 the clock starts ticking from the first time you load the game, and you have 48 real hours to play it.

    • -3

      it's hours of gameplay. not hours of real life time whether you're playing or not.

      • +2

        @Sage: Incorrect.

        From EA:

        Your Origin Game Time clock begins when you first launch the game after it’s been fully downloaded and installed. Once started, the clock will continue to run whether you’re in the game or taking a break.

        Not hours of gameplay. It starts when you first boot up the game, and continues to run whether you're playing or not.

  • +1

    I agree with @sween64 168 hours of BF4 is a fair bit. If you're loving it after that it's probably worth a buy and will be cheaper later too.

    • Totally agree. If you're still playing it when your 168 hours runs out, you've pretty much already decided that it's worth the money.

      Buy it from the Mexican Origin store for a significant discount :-)

  • *1,6 and 8 said in Mandarin yi,lui,ba, sounds the same as "always prosper". That means the company aims to make money from me.
    *Sims 4 involves running a city and titan fall is controlling robots.
    *The number 4,8 in mandarin si,ba sounds like "go and die".
    Origin training gamers to learn to fight using robots to control our cities and using our money to fund robot development to kill.

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