The same as TA's post:
Titanfall is FREE for the Next 48 Hours ONLY!
Hope someone can enjoy this!
The same as TA's post:
Titanfall is FREE for the Next 48 Hours ONLY!
Hope someone can enjoy this!
have you played recently? there's a lot of new people playing now. its only hard to find a game during work hours.
hehe by work hours do you mean school hours? :P
work hours, school hours is the same. a lot of the people I know that play have full time jobs
If only they could do something to increase the player base like offer a free trial
Not even.
You can usually get a game in attrition at all times during the day, or go to the North Anmerican servers and you'll get a game in most modes, pings are high of course but you still get plenty of hits. It did drop off for a while but that few weeks haven't been too bad numbers-wise.
(Stupid game still CTD's though)
Titanfall has a ton of activity in the reasonable hours of the day (i.e. 5pm - midnight). I have never had trouble finding a game.
Couple of months ago I waited a full half hour for a game of hardpoint before giving up. Haven't had time to check, but has it improved at all?
52.52 GB download. Ouch.
I was going to try until I saw this..
That's the installed/uncompressed size. Though it's still a whopping 22GB or so to download.
Yeah. If you know someone who has the game you can copy the install files though.
Lucky the 48hrs doesn't include downloading!
Reminds me of when Dr. Hibbert told Homer he had 22 hours to live: "I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long."
I'm still hooked on garden warfare. Well played Origin well played.
Is a free trial considered a bargain?
Seemingly yes, Mr Samurai Champloo.
Can you finish the whole game within 48 hours so you won't have to pay afterward?
there's no single player campain only multipler. so id say no.
Going by the comments titanfall was an over hyped game?
Yes ive only played 83 hours worth before i uninstalled and played something else.
I played the beta and I am playing garden warfare
I don't think I've had the time to put 83 hours into a single game since Streetfighter II.
wow, 83 hours is nothing for a multiplayer game, even for a terrible multiplayer game. I played at least 300hours of Resident Evil 5 and that was appalling.
I played over 400 hours of Left 4 Dead and over 800 hours of Left 4 Dead 2 :/
^This guys gets it
Majorly.. Maps are ok, play time for each round is WAY too short IMO.
All hype little content IMO.
Hardly even worth the d/l for 2 days play
Must say had a good experience in beginning lots of players / games. but after DLC couldn't find a game , don't think I have even seen the new maps.. just waiting and waiting.. but this has spurred me on to fire it up again.. is one of the few "playable" online games for me.. the other BC2 I find in BF4 , COD etc.. just get killed constantly.. at least Titanfall has bots in the mix.. ahh memories of BF 1942 :-) those were good days
hehe, yeah I was even in a BF 1942 clan, on dial-up!
The BF Vietnam, BF2, Desert combat, BF3…. I could go back to text-based Zork or Frogger on the Vic 20 but that would be showing my age. :)
my fave was forgotten hope.. but yes good old Vic 20, I wanted a Atari 2600 or the Vic-20 Got a C64.. and Save New York.. :-)
Never forget your roots LOL, I have a Pinball Machine and Cocktail arcade with the 60in1 Jamma Board. Still have C64, Amiga 500+, CD32, 3D0, N64, Megadrive, Acorn Archimedes, Dreamcast, PSP, XBOX, 360, PS3, .. will plug them in one day.. Hell I still got a Laserdisc Player!
I have a house mate who owns the copy of this game is it possible to install using his discs rather then pre-loading from origin ? I'm on NBN 100mbit so download speed wouldn't take that long but I'd prefer not to waste the quota :P
Might also want to point out that the game is on sale 70% off so it's $23.99 AUD that seems pretty good price?…
It should be yes, I copied my game folder to juniors PC to avoid the extra download, he had his own key and Origin account of course.
Did you just say u on NBN just to be a tease :-)
It would take longer to install off the disc than to download it at 100mbps, no joke
I did the bullet and tried it when it was 50% off at 39 bucks.
Personally I really really like it's a simple jump in and just have a quick game counterstrike style, and I have no problem finding a players to play with.
Want to get it, play the story, but.. Meh, 22gb is really something …
I still have my week of game time from the other promo, haven't got around to playing it yet lol
Does Origin send out emails to notify people of theses offers/deals?
After its added to my library but prior to beginning download, am I considered to have claimed the gametime offer?
I assume you asking when the 48 hours countdown starts?
Your Origin Game Time clock begins when you first launch the game after it’s been fully downloaded and installed. Once started, the clock will continue to run whether you’re in the game or taking a break.
Just try to dl and found that required 52GB … WTF .. but the time it finished download already over.
See comment above, you could add this game to your library but not even play it for another year. The 48 hours starts from when you first launch it after you have finished downloading it.
lol you get less playtime then how long it takes to download if your internet speed is anything like mine.
'Play Titanfall in a year'
If the servers are dead after just a few months, consider how garbage it's gunna be next year. They'll already have Titanfall 3 by then, it's the original CoD guys after all. SHoot the sequels out! SHOOT THEM OUT!
PC titanfall is pretty dead. Youll probably be waiting 48hours to be put in a game