Hi Guys, Its on again! Time to start buying up for the Christmas stockings with these great stocking fillers. Always great to give a little peace of mind to family and friends who may be off on trips both here and overseas for the Christmas break. Great also for anyone you know who lives alone and gets spooked by noises around the house. Had lots of feedback regarding the many places our customers have used these great little gadgets too. Public toilets that wouldn't shut, rental properties that were in dodgy apartment blocks etc. We have a limited amount at this price so be quick!
Qicklock Portable Door Lock - 400 Only @ $4.99 Each + Free Shipping

Last edited 01/10/2015 - 11:29 by 1 other user
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Just a few seconds. It doesn't need installing as it is completely portable. If you go to our website you can watch the video.
Awesome! I lost the little nobble just a few days ago and needed a new one.
I do want to purchase them but it seems the website payment is not secure? Can someone else weigh in on this?
When you click to checkout it will take you straight to Paypal which is secure and you can then choose to pay via Paypal or credit card.
RtN, checking the store rep's history, all seems to be good.
Thank You :)
Better to buy 2 locks at $4.99 than the 'SUPER DEAL 2' for $9.99.
Save 1c and sleep easier at night.
Thanks OP!
Sorry my bad! I just fixed that! Some people will want more than one and its sort of easy to just click on this deal if that's the case. Thanks
I bought one ages ago for around $5 too, but it recently got bent out of shape due to forced entry. Glad I can get another for $5 again, but Store Rep, can my old one be bent back into shape again? But, I doubt I have the tools to get it back into shape; any other advice, Rep?
how much force was this "forced entry" like a robber trying to push through? or more like opening door with a bit of force.
More like one angry mother…
Almost correct…
The forced entry wasn't from anyone dangerous, just that my room doesn't have any locks so I sometimes use the Quicklock. The Qicklock has never worked well with this door (failed twice when I used it twice when I wanted to be left alone), but I suspect it's the door/door lock's fault. It's an old house and the door lock has a slightly larger gap between the door and lock or something else that makes it less effective, since the Qicklock has worked well on my previous door in another house.
Yes, you could try laying it flat on a piece of timber and hitting back into shape with a hammer…. But if you send it back we will replace it for you. Glad it obviously worked for you and you are still around to tell the tale!
You could use a bench vice (or any vice for that matter) if you have one. Just place it in between and tighten.
Why would op cover the postage when it was bent by you? He has kindly offered to replace which I was surprised to read.
@expertreader: I wasn't expecting a replacement either, that's why I was happy to support the bussiness and have already bought a new one from this deal after my first one got damaged. I didn't damage the product on purpose, it failed and got damaged in the process while I was using it.
They are 5 dollars you cheapskate.
The company offered to replace it, a fourty cent envelop would suffice.
@Mijak: I did purchase a new one for $4.99 from this deal. Envelopes have not been 40 cents for a long time (cheapest I remember is 45 cents) The rep confirmed it would have cost $1.40, but I've already purchased one before it was confirmed to me. And I'd happily admit that I'm a 'cheapskate', that's why I'm on ozbargain :) Aren't most of us here for the same reason?
Took this on a recent trip through Europe, it fit most of the doors (I think only 2 places we stayed didn't fit), handy little thing.
We are working on a design for some of those European doors. :)
Got one a year or so ago. Come in handy. Recommend.
Just bought one!
Bought 2 last time.. recommended!
I think I must need one for my bali trip in 2 weeks :)
Don't understand this product. If you were in real danger the assailant could plain destroy the entire door if necessary.
No lock, portable or fixed, is going to stop someone if they get to the point of wanting to destroy the door to get into where you are.
This will, on the other hand, stop most opportunistic thieves who aren't looking to draw much attention to themselves.
Can I use this to keep my gf locked in the room while I go shopping with her credit card?
I thought this was going somewhere else…
They must have meant bf
Haha, see when the roles are reversed it sounds absurd!
Great idea, winning.
Don't need qicklock for that. I can help with that, for free.
Excellent! Bought one thanks.
The last one I had my parents really liked, so they took it from me and never returned it :(
So. Any new additions to the family since they stole it?
…Afternoon Delight…
Great deal OP, thanks, bought one
Nothing is ever locked just damn harder to access
page not opening anything?
Keep trying as we are getting a lot of traffic… I just tried it through the link and it worked fine….
Maybe it's got a Qicklock?
Need to put your State in.
The design of your website is terrible, have you considered overhauling it?
Just a quick reminder to check your shipping address and make sure it is up to date on PayPal… Also if it is a unit or apartment make sure the address reflects this. It makes our job easier…. Thanks
I wish I had this when I was a teenager…
Your username makes me think that you might still find it useful ;)
don't need one, but it really is quite clever! have a plus from me :)
This little gadget to me adds to the nifty items invented by Australians. Easy to use, no screws, no gluing and no damage to door (unless forced entry). Worked in many places where the rooms that used a common key access (think AirBNB). I support a great local invention and product. If you bought stuff off the Dollar Store and it broke after 3 uses, this gadget will outlive you.
Thanks ordered 2!
Ordered 2!
I used one of these to lock my bedroom door during a recent overseas trip - it worked great. Easy to install.
Thanks OP, ordered 2!
Got a handful last time for gifts, well made but haven't had to use one yet.
I bought one last deal but never used it, had it sitting on the table on the back deck. I can absolutely guarantee that it's a great conversation piece.
Cheers mate, I'll buy one and try my luck at starting a conversation in the club
Hi Rep Can i suggest you to find a way to link(with a string or something) the round locking cylinder with the main lock. I keep on losing those cylinder thingies.
Done ordered two, hopefully useful on my travels in USA!
Think about it…do you really want it to be useful? Lol
yes, I love exciting stories.
I ordered one last deal (earlier this year) and they never arrived. Then I contacted support and I didn't get any email back ever since. The whole site seemed kinda dodgy. So.. what happened to them?
I had a similar delivery problem. When I contacted the store that was no problem getting a new one sent.
I can assure you that if we get your email we will respond. Can you please send me a private message with your details through here and we will rectify the order. We did have a number that Australia post returned to us and we have tried to find the owners which, in all but a couple of instances we have been able to do.
Your order has been resent. Thank you urafagot for contacting me.
Thank you. I just received it today.
Great ! Thank you for letting me know :)
I bought about ten of these last year for giveaways to friends and family that travel and they were a hit. As others have suggested it is NOT a security device that's going to stop every monkey from ever getting in. However in an environment where you want to stop someone being able to just turn the door knob and walk in, this is perfect. Yes, they can be busted down, but so can most doors with a cheap knob or thin door frame.
Perfect example for me is sharing a room with my 19 month old who can easily open doors using the handle - he can't "escape" from the bedroom when we're on holidays and I'm still asleep.
From the looks of it, these only work from the side where room the door opens into?
Works on most inward opening doors when you are inside the room.
Bought a couple last time, great little device, very well made, very clever idea. Like the idea of attaching the two parts of the unit together so you don't lose them, keep dropping the cylinder.
Ordered 2, thanks.
Not quite sure how it works,but bought 2 anyway,may need for my African Safary trip in Novemver :)
For an African safari trip you might need more than a portable door lock.
yeah I would get an exomesh, bolt it to an immovable object whenever it's not within 6ft of me
I think he wants to lock himself in a cage with the animal so the animal can't escape lol
That's very nice of you, I think I may buy you a pressie when I come back from Africa, lol
Boom - great idea for travellers I think and we're doing a bit of that - excellent buy excellent idea
Bought 5, not sure why…
Ordered 2..thank you!
I'm going away in two weeks - if I purchased today would it arrive in time OP? I'm in Brisbane.
As long as Australia Post does their thing…. it shouldn't be a problem… Just make sure your address is correct when going through the PayPal checkout.Thank you for your support.
As a true ozbargainer, if we can make a door lock with a dinner fork ourselve, why we should buy it? See the youtube link below.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lNFJt10w1EWhen would we likely receive this?
All the orders received up to 12.30pm (NSW time) today will be shipped today.. then it is up to Australia Post
Thanks rep, can confirm that I've received my order today.
Someone has
just ordered two of these but your address is incomplete…. it has no street name please contact me asap so I can ship it to the correct address.. ThanksGot 3…. Anyone used this and does it serve good practical use for standard protection from entry? Obviously wont help for forced entry if someone wanta to but was it secure enough and worked well enough to deter those trying to come in on the sly or as a mini deadlock almost?
you wouldn't want to be fiddling around with little tidbits when you need to evacuate in a hurry in pitch black.
All orders have now been shipped…. Thank you for your orders and support.
Received my order a few days ago!! Didn't take long to ship and also, didn't take long to set one up on an internal door to try it out.
Love the simple engineering behind this and it will be useful on my holidays as well as some rooms in my house.
Thanks for the deal! Have to say, I probably wouldn't pay more than $5 for one of these, as it's a very simple little piece .
Just letting you know that we have had an order returned by Australia Post as it could not be delivered. If you think it may be yours please contact us via email with your name and correct delivery address so we can resend it. [email protected]
How long does it take to set up?