Hi all, got this from my travel agent newsletter.
Sale Ends 8/3/10
Payment required after 72 hours of booking.
Minimum stay 3 days
Maximum stay 30 days
Return date changes charged AUD75 subject to seat availability. Local service fees will apply.
Taxes are subject to exchange rates.
Limited seats available during school and public holidays.
To Kuala Lumpur – daily flights
now – 30 Nov 2010 $499 + approx taxes $95 $594
I have verified it on the emirates website (sample quote online shown below as at 09/01/2010 07:00). However, during that time unable to check dates later than april at this stage. I am sure you might also want to check with your local travel agent as well.
Option 1 AUD 593.81 for 1 passenger(s) (Fare AUD 499.00 + Taxes AUD 94.81)
OUTBOUND Melbourne, Australia to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sun
07 Feb 10
Flight EK409
Tullamarine International Airport (MEL) 8hr 0min
Industrie A340
INBOUND Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Melbourne, Australia
Flight EK408
07 Mar 10
14:40 Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KUL) 7hr 35min
Industrie A340
While this is not as cheap as the airasia super specials, but would be one of the cheapest non-budget flights to KL going around at the moment. Good luck.
MOD: edited title and removed be nice
can you put the price in the title. Thanks