• expired

FREE $15 USD (= $20 AUD) Amazon Gift Card with Free Registration to eshopex Using AMEX card


Register with eshopex using your AMEX card and they will send you a $15 USD Amazon Gift Card within 1 week (Usually they are processed on Fridays)

Screen Shot Proof

You will need to email them on [email protected] & quote your name and eCode


After registering please send an email to [email protected], specifying your name and eCode from eShopex.

I registered with all my 8 AMEX cards and successfully received 8 X $15 Amazon Gift cards. Now im just waiting for a good price on a 1TB SSD or Chromebook

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closed Comments

  • Can you use more than one gift card in one transaction?

    • +3

      Yes, you can add it to your amazon balance and use later

      The entire gift card amount will be stored in your account, and it never expires.

      I currently have $250 in my balance

  • So did you use the same details on each registration except for Amex number?

    • used my family members names

      • So you only change names or did you do different physical addresses, email details etc

        • +7

          My addy street address is 45 - 47 XXX street , so i can use 45 XXX Street, 47 XXX Street and 45 - 47 XXX Street. ALso substitute street with road or lane. There is many work arounds addy's

          We also have a few parcel lockers

        • @easternculture:

          Did you register all your accounts at once or did you spread them out over the week to avoid suspicion?

        • Is it possible to get more than 1 per card if you only have 1 name on the card?

        • @kearnsy:

          registered one per day via different IP addresses using my mobile data.

          Then waited till all my $15's got sent and posted it on ozbargain.

          Took 18 weeks in total to receive everything

  • +1

    Wait you have 8 Amex cards? Does having that many look bad on your credit rating even if you pay all your stuff on top / instantly ? I should get more Amex's

    • my credit rating is still good. Above average.

      • They tell u that?

        • +11

          you can check your own credit score for free instantly online (without affecting your rating or report)

        • @ashar:
          Nice. My score is 'excellent'. I have 2 credit cards and a home loan at the moment, but in the past I went through heaps of credit cards just to get various deals. People always said it would effect your credit rating, but obviously not by much. I've never defaulted, and I always pay my balances off before interest is charged.

        • +2

          @puffinfresh: thats great! I just noticed you have to agree to this condition mandatory to get the score:
          "I consent to being contacted by GetCreditScore, SocietyOne and the Veda Group and for them to use and disclose my personal information for business and marketing purposes. I can opt-out of direct marketing by any of the above entities by contacting that entity at any time"… hmmm..

        • @ashar:
          Yeah, I noticed that and agreed. I can deal with it. I'll opt-out when they start emailing me.

        • +1


          Funny you mentioned that. I got a mail in the letterbox yesterday about a credit card from ME Bank. Never dealt with them and wondered how they got my details. At the end of the letter, it referred me to a website to remove my details from their comms list :


          So if you give your details out to veda - might also be worth putting your name in there too

        • @SmiTTy:

          Nice of them to capture your details over an insecure (non-https) connection, just in case other spammers want your details too :)

        • -2


          How do you know they arent fishing your details, the very same ones that financial institutions require to sign up ?

        • @ninetyNineCents: you dont…

    • +1

      Having multiple credit cards will affect the amount of money you can borrow when you apply for a loan.
      The lender will assess the amount of money you can borrow by summing the credit limit of all the cards that you have and calculating a repayment based on that amount (whether it is outstanding or not). They will then reduce the amount of available income that you have by this repayment to arrive at a figure that can be used for servicing a loan.
      So, if you are about to apply for a loan, cancel all your credit cards (or reduce the limits) to maximise the amount that can be borrowed.

  • Filled out the form hit register and it took me to their home page. Still no email sent or any messages giving me my username/ecode thing.

    • when you hit register, it should take you to a page with your US address and eCode .

      Try another browser

      • Yeah i just sorted it out had to do it a third time. I think it was because i was putting brackets in the home number for area code and my mobile number had the +61 so it must have just thought they were invalid.

      • Wait, so i need to use US contact/address details do i? I have 2 AMEX cards but just sure how to take advantage of this deal??

        • +1

          No, this is a mail-forwarding type site. They provide you with a US-based delivery address, and they forward mail/parcels to you. Register using the link, and put in your AMEX details when it asks for credit card details.

  • Thanks OP. Good find

  • +14

    As someone that has recently been compromised by credit card fraud, how legit is the site? It wants your Amex card number AND security code details. Other Amex promotions never required this.

    • +1

      Agreed. Why do they need the security code?

      • I'm too concerned

      • If the site/database gets hacked, all eight cards will get compromised.

        • who cares, the bank will pay for it all !!

        • @50cent: yer and u can pay in hours of wasted time chasing it up

        • @50cent:
          Is that before or after you declared bankruptcy, lol

    • +4

      They have pretty bad password security too. After joining, I received an email with my password sent back to me in plain text!

    • +5

      hmm so i just registered an incorrect security code..registration is fine.
      lets see if i get the gift card.

    • I'm with you here, not risking some script kiddie hacking their database and having my card stolen for $20… It's more common and easier than you think.

  • +1

    That's quite a Collection, 8 Amex cards, well done ;). Thanks for the deal!

  • no ecode showing? I have my US address though?

    • its the username…
      mine was AUZxxxxx

      • +1

        ahh, it would be good if they called it then :)

  • @easternculture
    Do you know if you have to use $15 per account or you can stack with one account?

    • can stack on one account

  • Thanks Arghs let us know if you receive the code.

    • hmm apparently can take up to a week though..so i wouldn't wait for me.

  • +1

    @easternculture If I were to go for an (not 8 but a) amex card, of all the deals posted prior in relation to that card, should I go for amex issue or bank issue? Which may show the better return for me?

    • If in it just for the deals get one of the AmEx-issued cards with no annual fee and free supplementary cards (e.g. Discovery).

      • Thanks for that luis

    • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/201033

      Will net you 110,000 Virgin points enough for return economy to LA from Sydney

      $349 annual fee but you get a free Virgin return domestic flight each year

      Great card, use the wiki in the post to get a referral code

      Hope that helps :)

      • +1

        Thanks Dazz

  • Thanks OP. Signed up using my 3 AMEX cards. Will hopefully get $45 USD :D

  • Hi guys,
    I see that by having an AMEX card you can get some decent OzBargain deals. Which AMEX card do the OzBargainers recommend? Is there one with $0 annual fee for life?

    • I have the Qantas FF AmEx card (issued by AmEx), but there is the equivalent velocity one. Free for life, can get additional cards. A number of deals are for AmEx issued cards only, so if that's what you're after, don't go with bank issue (or get all of them XD)

    • There's a 0 annual fee qanats amex. There's also the platinum edge that does have an annual fee but gives you a free domestic flight every year.

      If you are a member of a professional organisation you can probably get a cheaper or better version of the above cards.

    • Yeah there is. Get it direct from amex, not through a bank or anything. Forget what it's called.

    • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/201033

      Will net you 110,000 Virgin points enough for return economy to LA from Sydney

      $349 annual fee but you get a free Virgin return domestic flight each year

      Great card, use the wiki in the post to get a referral code

      Hope that helps :)

  • +2

    8 AmEx cards? Are you serious? I don't even have one :(

    • +3

      You are not alone TA.

    • Why not?

      • Never really bothered unity. All I have are:

        • 55 day Westpac Platinum Visa (only for car rental when travelling as it has insurance waver)
        • 28 Degrees Mastercard (for PayPal & all OS purchases)
        • Citibank Signature Visa (from a deal here a couple of years back)

        I know I'm missing out big time with all the AmEx deals, and it kills me when I see them on here lol

        • +3

          That's the thing TA, no one should be missing out on those great AMEX offers, especially when there are cards with $0 annual fees.

        • @unity1:
          OK, I'm convinced. Is any one better than another? Which should I go for as I've never really researched AmEx CCs.

        • +2

          @tightarse: Depends which FF program you use most.

          Options are: The American Express Velocity Escape Card or The Qantas American Express Discovery Card, both with $0 annual fee

        • +1

          @tightarse: I would get the platinum edge despite the annual fee… Think there are lots of sign up bonuses for new members, but this card gets the return domestic flight with Virgin too which is worth more than the $195 fee.

          I currently have the free Qantas discovery card, but am hesitating signing up myself for the other card because they don't give you the extra bonuses if you're already a member. Very frustrating.

        • @unity1: Qantas. I clicked your link, and the first thing I saw was "Broden your Travel" lol. Just one final thing, will this card allow me to partake in all the AmEx spend-x-get-y offers on here, or do I need an AmEx issued card (just want to be sure before I apply). Thanks!

        • @bluedufflecoat: Thanks, but I really don't want an annual fee, and more than happy to just go cheap with interstate travel (Jetstar etc). Cheers.

        • +1

          @tightarse: These cards are AMEX issued cards as opposed to Bank issued ones. Not all deals will appear in your account, however, you can use the manual links often provided to register your card.

        • @unity1: Gotcha! And I'm applying as we speak. Gee I love this community. Thanks so much for the tips unity (and bluedufflecoat). Can't wait to get the card now, especially as you get 7500 point for applying and a further 5000 points for spending $300 :)

        • +1

          @tightarse: you can get additional cards under your account for family (also free), which can also get their own deals. Not as many, but still good when you can get money off multiple times.

        • @highwind: Just saw that. Thanks!

        • +1

          @tightarse: from memory, the website only let me get one additional card on sign up, but the others I had to wait and apply after I got my card.

        • +1

          @tightarse: we love bonus points. :)

        • @tightarse: Don't forget the referrals in Wiki

        • +1

          @unity1: Thanks unity (and others). All done. One final thing please, is there any fee involved to allow the card to accumulate points towards QFF? I'm sure I've come across fees of $49 etc for other CCs.

        • +1

          @tightarse: I have the velocity card but no fee there for the rewards program. Not sure about Qantas though, but I'd assume it was free too.

        • +1

          @tightarse: I've never had to pay a fee for my QFF card.

        • +3

          @unity1: unity, I'm in shock! I finished applying for the card at 9:40am. I received a call from AmEx at 9:57am asking a few security questions, and then got told my cards have been approved and will be with me no later than August 21. What service! They also confirmed there's zero cost/fee for the QFF program, and double QFF points on all purchases. I'm over the moon. Can't thank you enough, and sorry EC for hogging up your post with comments :)

        • FWIW, I use my Platinum One Qantas FF card linked to the VISA card (managed as one account for funds payment, transfers, etc.) provided by the NAB as part of their package for having a mortgage with them. It's not eligible for AMEX issued only deals but still good seeing as I am already paying for it through my banking.

        • @tightarse:

          Re: free flight…
          I've seen people sell these flights, sometimes for $300? Another money making opportunity there. :)

        • +1

          @PBG: yeah, I saw that… Forgot where I saw it. :)

        • I was thing the same thing 2 years ago, since I got a few AMEX cards, I did save a lot buying stuff I needed but I also spent a lot more on stuff I dont have to have, ie 20+ bottles of Whisky and many more wine and beer, so I drink a lot more now.
          the SAME is true for OZB, maybe even worse!!

        • +1

          @tightarse: Have had credit cards with many different providers and Amex are significantly superior to others in terms of customer service.

    • You serious! And you call yourself a Tight arse, for shame.

      • +1

        I know, right!

  • To stack this deal can one use the same email address but different AMEX etc?

  • Why are these guys based in Miami? For int'l shoppers doesn't it make more sense to be in the likes of Oregon with no additional surcharges on purchases?

  • -2

    Why are these guys based in Miami? For int'l shoppers doesn't it make more sense to be in the likes of Oregon with no additional surcharges on purchases?

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