This was posted 9 years 8 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Spotify Premium 2 Months FREE for New Customers (No Restrictions, No Ads) Save $24


Premium lets you play any song, anytime. You can even listen when you’re offline. No restrictions. No ads.

CC or PayPal required on signup, so remember to cancel before trial ends to avoid ongoing fees. Offer ends July 5, 2015. Enjoy :)

Spotify® 60-Days Free Trial Offer Terms & Conditions apply. Users who have subscribed to the Premium or Unlimited service or who have taken a trial are ineligible for this offer.

Warning: Some users have reported they are being quoted $14.99/month instead of $12/month (for those planning on keeping the service after the trial), see comment thread & updates here.

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closed Comments

  • Signed up for this earlier, you can also use PayPal (and just cancel it after) :D

  • +2

    Does it still require a facebook account? Also can you carrier bill Spotify subscriptions using Telstra prepaid credit?

    • +1

      No it doesn't, you can just use an Email. Cannot answer second Q

      • As for the second question, I doubt it! What else can you buy using prepaid credit that isn't just internal Telstra stuff (like more credit etc)? Genuine question!

        • +2

          You can spend it on the Google Play store. Use the Play store app on your phone and select it as the payment method at checkout.

        • @Perch: What a strange economy. The phone credit you use is actually bonus credit, while you still get some "real" credit with the transaction. This credit can't be refunded though, and is used at a faster rate than the bonus credit, but it can be exchanged for some other "real" goods, namely apps - the distribution of which comes at a negligible cost for the supplier of these goods. But other people actually buy these goods with real money, validating the transaction. Strange!

          Can you use it anywhere else besides Google Play?

  • -1

    Thx OP :) I mean…TA* ;)

  • +1

    Might want to say it's for new customers in the title.

    • +1

      I've changed the title, but Devils Advocate claims this worked for him, even though he had a previous free trial. Maybe others can confirm too please?

      • I remember trying another Spotify promo but was told that I wasn't eligible because I've tried their free trial before. I use Facebook for Spotify account and this time it works, only different thing I did was redeeming it using using their mobile website

  • +1

    Current premium member of spotify (gained free membership through vodafone for 12 months) i personally love it! will definetly pay for the service once my free membership runs out. $12 a month is a small fee for large selection of music and great GUI.

    • Isn't it $15/month?

      • +1

        Nope, $12, just confirmed - charged in AUD.

      • +1

        I am a free user and I'm seeing $14.99 per month after the trial finishes. I thought it was $11.99? It shows $11.99 on the main page but I clicked on it and it says $14.99.

        • It's definitely $12 AU per month, not sure where your $15 figure is coming from.

        • Yeah I see the same thing ivanthepodder. Maybe that's the month on month price, but it's $11.99 if signing up for a year?

        • +1


          I'm seeing the same thing too. Mentioned $14.99 on the confirmation and also in my subscription details. I've emailed support to ask why there is a difference from the advertised $11.99

        • I currently pay $12/month for Spotify Premium. Didn't get notification about any changes to the sub.

        • @Tihocan:

          I'm thinking they may be doing the dodgy on these "free" accounts and charging $15 only if you sign up using it. Logout and then check the main page for the price. Send email asking why it's different if it is.

          It may be a price increase for everyone in 2 months?

          I pay $12AU per month too. Still deciding whether to have Spotify or Netflix.

        • Likewise.

          I used to have it for $11.99 as premium.
          Front page of the deal says 11.99 per month "Try Premium free for 60 days.* Only $11.99/month afterwards."
          Just registered this deal with my wife's account "Price $14.99 including tax per month after trial."


        • @stenix:

          Hi Stenix can you post back what their responce is ? thanks.

        • +2


          Will do - no reply as yet though.

        • @Devils Advocate: How incredibly bizarre! I'm a month to month subscriber and definitely pay $11.99/m.. Unless the prices have gone up and they've grandfathered previous subscribers, perhaps its a typo?

        • +1


          I wonder if they're increasing the fees due to the AUS$ not being as high as when they started the $11.99 plan. If they have to pay the rights holders in US$ then this could be the reason why.

        • +1


          It must be an error. When not logged in on this page:
          It states "Try Premium free for 60 days.* Only $11.99/month afterwards. Offer ends July 5, 2015." Surely it's not legal to get people to sign up advertising a lesser amount than you're going to charge prople?

        • Same - signed up and it says "$14.99 including tax per month after trial."

        • @Tihocan:

          That's very interesting. Did you purchase premium through the Apple store? I've read that Apple charges $14.99 for premium because of their 30%~ take. Here's my year receipt of Spotify just for confirmation.

        • @Devils Advocate: I'm month to month and I'm only paying $11.99 AU. This is odd.

        • To those reporting seeing $15, are you using a VPN and forgotten that it's on?

        • +2


          Signed up through the Spotify website, no VPN. I got a response overnight from Spotify Support, which suggests it may be an error…

          Many thanks for getting in touch! Sorry to hear there's been some confusion about the Spotify Premium that you just acquired. Please allow us to make this right.

          Can you please send a screenshot of the email or website where it is saying that you'll be charged $14.99 instead of $11.99? That way we'll be able to take a better look at this!

          We hope to hear back from you soon! Do not hesitate to write us back if you have any other questions!

          I've sent them the screenshots showing the $14.99

        • +1


          Latest reply after I'd sent the screenshots.

          Thank you for sending those screenshots over. They're really helpful.

          We'll further investigate on this and make sure to get back to you before you get charged.

        • +1

          Another update from support via email:

          Thanks for your patience! I'm sorry to see you're having a few problems with your payment!

          To confirm, the price for Premium subscription will be $11.99 after the trial has expired. If you're registered for an iTunes payment then you will be charged $14.99. The message that you're seeing displayed is an error, but rest assured you will be charged $11.99 once the trial has expired.

          Not overly convinced that the correct amount will be charged at the end of the trial, so unless the price updates I'll be cancelling and only resub once the price is correct. I'll probably give the Apple a trial too just to see which offers the best value for money before committing too.

        • It used to show $14.99/month for me, but I just checked back and it's now $11.99 as advertised on the front page. Looks like they fixed it.

        • @hh10k: Did you check on ? Mine still says $14.99

  • +3

    I've had a free trial previously and this still worked for me. Thanks!

  • As a current user it re-directs me to the page to sign up to premium.

    I used the trial probably about 2 years ago now.

    • same for me :(

    • +1

      couldn't you use a VPN to get free trial premium again?

  • +1

    its always new customers that get the good stuff.

    • +1

      True, however my new accounts always make me appear to be a new customer. :)

  • thinking of creating a new account. Can we share playlists between friends?

    • +1

      Yeah playlists can be shared. Can either send it directly to your new account (after youve added it as a friend) or create your own url. Go to the playlist you want to share and theres a share option.

  • its shows $0.99 for 3 months to me on creating a new account…

    • I think this is the US/Canada promotion. I still have my canadian details, so just signed up for this. Then its $9.99 after the 3months.

  • Works well for an existing account, thx op

  • +2

    Apple's new streaming service being launched next week has created movement in the market :)

  • Cheers tightarse! Worked on my existing account.

  • Thanks, will give it a go.
    You mention it can be used offline. For that mean you can download heaps of songs and keep them?

    • Not permanently, unless you plan to renew your membership for premium.

    • I used to do that until it filled up my 32gb phone lol

    • only while you pay the $11.99 per month. It needs to connect to internet occasionally to confirm the license.

  • Another confirmation it works on existing accounts. Thanks!

    • Is it actually confirmed? I have an existing account but there is no way to tell that the 60 days free actually applied to my account.

  • +1

    Details on how to cancel after the trial period expires here

    Key part:
    …our payment to Spotify will automatically renew at the end of the subscription period, unless you cancel your Paid Subscription through your subscription page before the end of the current subscription period. The cancellation will take effect the day after the last day of the current subscription period, and you will be downgraded to the Free Service. However, if you cancel your payment and/or terminate the Terms after the Cooling-off Period is over (where applicable), and/or before the end of the subscription period, we will not refund any subscription fees already paid to us.

  • Hmmm…websites timing out for me right now…

  • -5

    Tidal is a much better service. Only $23.99 per month.

    • +11


    • +1


    • +1

      Bahahahaha this guy is serious!

    • +1

      Depends how much more you value FLAC quality over 320Kbps. Both services have similar song libraries.

      • most people stream over their phones, who want or needs flac when you are paying for data.

  • +1

    I couldnt get it to work using my existing free account. Did a free trial a year or two back, is that why?

    • +1

      Cool, you're boasting about your skills in breaking the law. Good job.

      • Putting music I own onto SD is breaking the law?

        • Unless if you personally made those thousands of songs, I don't see how you would be able to "own" music legally without paying a cent.

        • +2

          @irkj: I bought it once, I wont pay for it again to listen to it on a mobile device, pc or in a car and its perfectly legal.

          It seems others prefer to pay to do the same

        • +9

          That's my point….. you've paid for it at one stage of your life. Hence it's not exactly a "zip, nadda, nothing" cost.

        • -6

          @irkj: It is to have it on my mobile device.
          I would think most people would have a music collection at home right?
          Now you want to have it on a phone so you have to use spotify?

        • +3

          We have quite a large music collection at home but theres an even larger music selection out there that we don't have at home that I'd love to have.

        • @irkj:
          you are allowed to rip your cds and put the mp3s etc on your phone. You have been able to do that legally for a long while now.

  • +1

    Got spotify when they had the 3 months free deal.
    Once u start using it u can never get off

    So good!

  • +5

    Spotify and occasionally radio is the only way I listen to music these days…has been that way for probably years now.

    Load up the Triple J hitlist which automatically updates with all the songs they are playing on high rotation…great way to get the best of the new music being released.

  • +1

    Has Spotify upgraded their entire catalog to 320kbps yet?

    I know it is technically 'dead' but MOG (Bought out by Beats Music last year) their entire calatog is 320k. Also, if you are on Telstra you can stream over 3G 4G without it counting against your data.

    I'm still waiting for a formal announcement regarding the transition to Beats but FWIW, MOG is still kicking along just fine. Something to consider if you are on Telstra.

    • apart from the mog software being terrible.

      • Cant say I agree with that.
        Been using it for 3 years across 3 devices. Iphone 4s, 5s and iPad 2.

        It does what its supposed to do. Cants say the same for the web interface but I've never tried that nor the Android version.

        Again the main focus for me is 20 million songs all at 320k and streaming that doesn't count against my data allowance.

        I use it cuz it plays music….not cuz its purty (which…IMHO I found the interface to be better than others but I haven't tries Spotify for 3 years…)

        • i have only tried the half baked android version.
          when I tried it it didnt even have a lock screen widget that every other music player has.
          data allowance doesn't worry me, i loved the Sony Music Unlimited but that has folded, software was great and worked well throughout apps (and had offline, 320 etc ) and music choice was fantastic, even had my nephews tiny music group that he was involved in, anything I searched for it was there, even BBC comedy shows like Steptoe and Son. Spotify on the other hand is a lot worse but thats what Sony is pushing now.

  • +1

    Also known as the "let's see how many people forget to cancel" promo. Hate these. It's too easy to forget when life is busy. What do we need to work this out? A guy in a giant squid head yelling "It's a trap!!!"?

    • +12

      Signed up to this offer with Paypal, and then cancelled the recurring payment in Paypal straight away. Can still use it for 2 months.

      • +12

        To cancel:

        • click on cog in the top right
        • My Money on the left panel
        • click update next to My pre-approved payments
        • click spotify finance
        • Next to status, click cancel and click yes to confirm
        • Looks like that's what I'll have to do since it conveniently gives me an error when I try to cancel it within Spotify.

        • +1, didn't know this was available. Wish I could do this with bank direct debits.

  • Doesnt seem to be working for me, I click the GO Premium with my new account and it goes to "Start 3 months of Premium for $0.99" Any ideas?

    • +2

      I think I'd rather the 3 months for 99c….2 months free and the 3rd month for 99 cents.

    • +1

      Yeah that's for Americans, since I paid for via my PayPal account and they detected I'm Australian the deal changed back to 60 day deal. I'd prefer the 3 month one even with the 99 cent price.

      • Thanks for the info, will do the same thing and see if it reverts. I agree tho 99c isnt bad just not sure if I'd use it much :)

        • 3 month one wont work either. Oh well 2 months better than nothing..

  • Wish they'd launch a service that let me share the account with my other half, same as Netflix does. Can't bring myself to pay $24 a month for the 2 of us, but a middle ground would make sense.

  • I love my prepaid credit card for these free trials

  • difficult to ween myself off after the first free month, I must admit, but then I realise the spotify free service on 7" screen devices or larger are still comparable to premium apart from the HQ audio (can't hear the difference if played through the actual device or bluetooth speaker anyways) and ads, I can still select specific song titles, not just the entire playlist or album. As for having a truly portable music solution goes, I usually have a small playlist of my absolute favourite tunes that I have on loop anyway - so spotify is great for creating a consistent musical ambience and discovering new songs.

  • very good deal T.T

  • How do I get this offer to work for existing members?

    • make a new account…

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