Part of the eBay 20% off tech deal
Some folks might be interested in Dell's mid specced 2015 edition of the XPS 13.
Dell's webprice and Ebay price are the same @ $1799. The 20% discount helps bring that down a bit.
Part of the eBay 20% off tech deal
Some folks might be interested in Dell's mid specced 2015 edition of the XPS 13.
Dell's webprice and Ebay price are the same @ $1799. The 20% discount helps bring that down a bit.
Apparently there is a bit of keyboard flex with the 2015 model, otherwise the slim bezels and everything else is sexy.
Where did you hear about the keyboard flex? I've just googled it but I can't seem to find anything about it.
Just tried flexing it with my i7 version of this. It only flexes when you push it down hard, but when typing normally it doesn't flex at all. I'm guessing other laptops' keyboard would flex as well when you push it down hard.
@fisa2001: yeh it did look like he was pushing it with quite a bit of force. but as long as when typing normally there is no flex it's fine, i think he just has really high expectations. i remember the Sony Vaio Pro 11/13 series had really bad keyboard flex issues even during normalish use.
has the xps 13 been a good experience so far for you?
@fisa2001: Can I ask …you would have the QHD screen on the i7 version right? .. does it do a 1920x1080 resolution and does it look OK? I know the matt screen has a native 1920 resolution, but the touch has a resolution that really wants to show a "scaled 1600x900" which really means less real estate. I'm torn because I'd like to have touch but I'd like to have a "full HD" screen also. I'm fairly certain in windows you should be able to set this as a 1920 resolution and I hope the the DPI is high enough you would not notice much of a scaling issue?
@Elijha: Hi I haven't put my resolution to 1920 x 1080 so I can't tell. I have the resolution at 3200 x 1800 but I've set the font size/icon size (from screen resolution - make text and other items larger or smaller) to one level lower from setting it to 100% large (so 75% large) and it does give you that somewhat larger than 1080p experience.
QHD is nice when viewing pdf files and some websites, but most of the time it puts a lot of stress on your eyes because everything is so tiny
@Astro551: I remember viewing his Surface Pro 3 review he was very picky and bias haha. Lisa from MobileTechReview does the best reviews for laptops imo.
It's been really sweet! I love this laptop. I was using surface pro 3 then returned it due to the fan turning on at all times (while skyping and browsing, or just browsing. On chrome and Firefox), I do miss its stylus pen feature but I just prefer xps 13 due to a bigger touch pad and much better keyboard.
Although, I think fan issue is just a universal thing for ultrabooks. Because even my xps 13 has its fan on when using Chrome you can definitely hear the fan running. Internet Explorer makes things a lot better but I do miss features like adblock and YouTube extensions on chrome. Pick up your game Chrome you cpu hog.
Also, when your using your laptop while charging, the fan would run non-stop (some people have this issue on whirlpool too). Make sure your windows update is up to date and install all the updates on Dell website as well. After installing pretty much every update on Dell, I think the fan has stopped running. It might go crazy again if I connect it to the charger, who knows.
I don't think the laptop can survive up to 12 hours though. I've gotten around 7 hours so far. I was using Chrome then so that could be the reason why. 7 hours is still decent though. Maybe if I change my power setting to power saver and use IE I'd probably squeeze 8-9 hours from it.
The camera's location is definitely
in a funky location haha. I Skype with my girlfriend a lot but she can deal :)
Other than that though, I really do love this laptop. Good performance, beautiful screen, keyboard feels awesome, light and sturdy build as well.
Finding a sleeve for this is also a struggle. Nothing fits! Only the $50 one on Dell and this sleeve from Datashell 11 inch sleeve at officeworks ($20) fit perfectly.
Finally, unless you really need the touch screen feature, get the 1080p matte version. I've only gotten the i7 version because it was only $1599 at Dell outlet. QHD is definitely an overkill on a 13inch laptop. Scalling helps but still hurts your eyes from time to time. I personally only use the touch screen for browsing and pdf files.
I know my review is all over the place but I hope it helped someone :)
@Elijha: I have both the i7 with QHD and i5 with 1080p screen. You can scale the QHD screen down to 1080p and it looks fine without scaling. However, your battery life will not change so there's no reason to just keep it at the QHD resolution and enable scaling for the screen you paid for…
The i7 has fan issues (google it), the latest bios fix fixes it slightly however the i5 version with 1080p doesn't run the fan as often and the battery life is a lot better. Returning the i7 as soon as Dell support calls me back because of this annoying fan and touchpad issues with my device (i5 one has no issues).
@fisa2001: The A02 bios update increases the heat threshold of the CPU, allowing for the fan to run a lot less without the device even feeling hot.
For sleeves, I bought a macbook air 11" sleeve and it fits the XPS 13 just fine. We also ordered one from Dell, which they no longer stock, and 1 month later the alternative they proposed still hasn't arrived :) However the laptop arrived in 2 days.
Ahhh it must've been the latest BIOS update that fixed the fan issue. The fan has been pretty quite for me since the latest BIOS update. I'll see how it goes and return it if the fan is just as annoying as before. Apparently Dell outlet allows returns up to 21 days after the invoice date.
Fair enough. I've tried to fit my xps 13 into every sleeve at my local officeworks, nothing would fit except for the datashell one haha
What battery life have you been averaging with yours? So far I've gotten around 6-8 hours whilst using Chrome as my browser.
@fisa2001: Dell told me only 14 days, so I'd double check on the return policy. Lenovo is also only 14 days..
Remember the Dell XPS 13 is a 13" laptop but in a 11" form factor, so any macbook air case should fit.. there's a many on ebay for under $10.
Battery life, 5-6 hours on the i7 but around 11-12 on the i5.
FYI its 30 days return … Just submitted mine after a Motherboard replace 2 days in and now audio stopped working.
1150 usd compared to 1800 aud, something is wrong around here.
Even with worst exchange rate should be price of this notebook around 1500 aud and after 20% off 1200 aud
So basically 20% off is price difference in us and au
Import duty of 5% also in north America it is price plus tax.
The American one I think is an i3 version outs is an i5.
I thought it's a max off $200 discount.?
I think you are correct.
oops my bad, I had written $200 down.
It's max $500 discount
Thanks, I thought it Was 200.
I've said it a few times already…maybe try this one $1199 instead……
Inspirons are consumer grade junk. Build quality on the xps is worth the extra $$$.
That used to be true of Inspirons. However, there are now 3 categories/series within the Inspiron range:
* 3000 Series (cheap/budget)
* 5000 Series (mid quality)
* 7000 Series (more premium quality, but not as good as XPS)
Ordered one of the XPS13-9343s not too long ago; like everyone says it feels incredibly high-quality and looks the part, but there are a couple of major downsides for what is a fairly high investment:
AFAIK, A02 fixes the fan noise, not A01.
Thanks Amar89 for the feedback.
I just ordered one knowing the (lack of) Ethernet and DisplayPort out info you mentioned as well at the 3200 x 1800 resolution.
I need a small size PC laptop and so far this looks to be the best option for me at the moment.
I would have recommended either the Toshiba Kira or a Portege Z30-A. Both of which I've seen in person and tested. I really like the Portege Z30-A despite the lacklustre screen and resolution. It's got plenty of connectivity, it's cool, quiet and it's just a shade larger than an XPS13; plus the i5-4210U is the best compromise of battery life and performance (as mentioned the i7-5500U is quite power-hungry).
Amar89, the panel is the battery hog not the CPU. Difference between i5 and i7, performance and battery wise are minimal.
kpl69, have you considered the Lenovo X1 Carbon 2015, which is what I've switched to. If you can get it on the education discount it's quite a good price.
I'm not good with computers, which of these is the better deal
I'd go with the FHD version. Touch screen is only worth it for browsing (not very smooth on IE for me for some reason) and scrolling through pdf files. Otherwise, you don't really need it. I've used the QHD version for a week and the battery life is absolutely poor. QHD display is definitely nice but Windows scailling kills and QHD is an absolute overkill in terms of battery life. Dell should've offered touch screen on the FHD version as well. Big mistake Dell. Also, 12 hours battery life on QHD version is a big fat lie. Owners, including myself, and reviewers are only getting about 6-8 hours. Also, the fan still runs like crazy at times while charging even after the new BIOS update.
I'm gonna get it returned and go with the new MacBook Pro 13, FHD version of XPS 13 (Which seems to be out of stock on their eBay site atm), or Lenovo X1 Carbon 2015.
Also, I've found this website pretty helpful in terms of finding out which laptops have the best battery life.…
Sorry I'm new, i was suppose to post this link for the asus Zenbook UX303LN
Thanks for the review though Fisa2001, It will help make my decision easier!
Also i should say that I'm a uni student and would be using this mainly for carrying around to study, and streaming the occasional vid, etc.
P.S i have a gaming rig at home so i don't need it for gaming.
That's alright. I was looking at the Asus UX303LN as well when I was choosing between surface pro 3 and xps 13 2015. Generally despite the screen only being 1080p touch screen reviews say it gives you around 6-7 hours for general use. But Broadwell is suppose to give you slight increase in battery life so I reckon you could expect 7-8 hours? Still not a good afford by Asus when their competitors are averaging around 8 hours on FHD+ - QHD laptops.
I'm just very picky about battery life aha (I want my laptop to be some what future proof in terms of battery life even 2-3 years after it's been released.)
I'd personally recommend the UX303LA as you won't be gaming on it though. The only difference is that Ux303la doesn't have the dedicated graphics card (it has integrated one. Hd5500 for Broadwell version)
. GT840 isn't really a significant graphics boost from HD5500 anyway.
Ordered this on Sunday; delivered this morning. In fact 3-4 items from different tech suppliers ordered on Sunday have all arrived today.
Out of stock
Try check again later today. It was out of stock on Tuesday night, but they added more yesterday morning.
I mailed them on ebay, the guy said they won't get stock back til late Apr.
Talked to the and they have stock.
Will check in afternoon anyway.
Got mine on Friday .. spent yesterday updating all the usual windowsy stuff on my slow ass ADSL.. this morning updated the dell updates .. then machine needs a reboot and .. yep dead .. have to wait until tomorrow to get phone support .. kinda pissed - looks like a good machine but haven't even done much with it apart from watch a couple of youtube vids sigh.
Still haven't received mine. They sent this:
"Dear ***, we have checked up on the progress of your XPS 13 and we are
experiencing a world wide shortage of these items that has applied to all
Dell customers in USA, Australia, on eBay and Dell websites. . Head office
has advised that replenishments are on their way to all the warehouses in
AU and USA, expected this week and should be on its way to you. We
sincerely apologise for this backlog, and will follow up on yours and all
outstanding orders to make sure it gets to you. Kind regards, ***,
Lovely design. This brings the prices a bit closer to reasonable