HN QV has the pearl white and the black Lattissima+ machines on clearance for $399. After Nespresso cashback of $100 it comes to $299.
DeLonghi Lattissima+ $299 after $100 Cashback at Harvey Norman QV (Vic)

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Had a manual, bought a nespresso and glad I did.
Sure a manual is cheap, IF you use all the beans before they go off, and if you dont mind taking 5x longer to make. They do make a better coffee though I wont deny that.
Nespresso is trading off a little quality for convinience, it depends what works better for you. But I know with my manual Id only use it on weekends, and making more then 2 coffees took forever, now with a nespresso I can make one with about 1 minute of my time, far less then any manual machine.
I'm not arguing about superiority or convenience of either, but for capsule, anything with this price range is too much and won't give better coffee than the one 1/3 of the price.
There's a tonne of third party ones on the market for Nespresso now, they've even spruiked here every now and then. most are cheaper then Nespresso capsules too.
The entry level Nespresso is only about $100 less than this if I am not mistaken. For this price the machine is a steal. Significantly more convenient than the aeroccino machines. IMO if you love caps or lattes don't hesitate and pull the trigger. If you are an espresso man maybe consider the entry level pixie or similar.
This is a great machine. Consumable cost trap or not, this machine is very convenient.
Have one and would never buy again. Capsules are simply to expensive. Next machine will be automatic with grinder. Does the same for way less money
Have one of these and it is great IMHO. Quick, quiet and convenient. Most pods are priced around 65c to 75c a piece with the occasional limited single origin that goes for more than a dollar a cap. Still, reasonable for coffee and worth the convenience to me. YMMV.
Bonus is you can always go to the Nespresso boutiques and there is always something or another to try. Also, free coffee!
is this the one where the milk frother is attached and dispenses milk same time with coffee? if so, the froth is not as good as the nespresso citiz. i prefer the citiz type frothers. we dont find capsules exxy since before caps we went to coffee shops a lot! now we make it at home in a t/a cup and bring it to work every morn. can get cups and lids wholesale.
if investing $300 in a coffee machine, better to avoid falling for the capsule one with the 'consumable cost' trap.