This was posted 10 years 4 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Caltex $7 Meal Deal


This has become my regular lunch and for $7 it's totally worth it. It's been going on for months and not sure of the end date.

I normally get a sandwich, chips or be natural bar and a drink.

Select 1 item from each section (3 options) total = $7

Option 1: sandwich, pie or sausage roll
Option 2: mount franklin water, 250ml red bull, Gatorade, coke range 600ml, coffee ice break, coffee, V8 juice or ice tea
Option 3: smith chips 50gm, tic tac, Cadbury chocolate, be natural bar

Related Stores

Caltex / Star Mart
Caltex / Star Mart

closed Comments

  • +13

    If it was $5 I would probably go for it.

    • +2

      Red bull alone is close to 5.- at the servo

      • +22

        I always have a bottle of water with me that I fill up from a tap.

      • Coles/Safeway servos usually have sales in line with the actual supermarkets and they usually have 4 packs of V etc for $6.

    • +5

      "Cheap for a servo" is not cheap.

      • +7

        Yes, but there are certain times when you need to get things only a servo can provide e.g long trips, 3A.M in the morning etc.

  • +16

    $2 sandwich from 7-11 on Wednesday
    $1 Mt Franklin from Hungry Jacks
    85c chocolate bar from Colworths

    Not a bargain for me, bit junk food-ish

    • +6

      Don't forget to shake with your Hungry Jack's App! Last 2 days I got bacon deluxe and a stunner deal for free. Paid $1 for frozen coke. Best lunch evar.

      • +1

        Your coronary arteries and blood sugars say otherwise…

      • +1

        Don't forget to shake with your Hungry Jack's App

        If you're on Windows Phone you can get this app which is a port of the iPhone/Android app but rigged so you pick the prize you want to 'win'. Works everytime for me :)

        • +1

          Some of the kids who want to become manager are pretty switched on about the fake app, but I did win a whole free stunner meal today!

    • +4

      What chocolate bar is 85c? Seems the prices at Coles are $1 (sale) and $1.49 at Woolworths…

      • +2

        Probably like a curly wurly lol

        • +8

          Don't knock the Curly Wurly - along with the Chomp (which, IMHO is superior) it is probably the most under-rated small bar around!

        • +1

          Those should be 50 cents haha.

        • @blaircam: yes. This person speaks the truth!

        • +2

          @blaircam: agreed. Curly Wurly would win if it didn't stick to your teeth like a MoFo

      • +1

        Yeah 99c/$1 seem to be the most common but I think the MSRP is like $1.75, so 1/2 price is about 88c.

  • +9

    Meh, rather grab a thai curry & rice for $9.90 from the place down the road from work and just drink water from the tap.

    Good I guess if that's your staple kind if lunch.

  • Two Whoppers with a voucher is $7.35 -

    • I like sandwiches but wouldnt touch a whopper

      • +7

        Mmmm, servo sandwich

        • +1

          Good call, must admit never had one

  • +5

    I went to Caltex for the $7 meal deal but when I arrived the price had risen to $7.68
    Please let me know the cheap days to get the $7 meal

  • +2

    It used to be much better. 500ml Energy drinks with better hot food options

  • +2

    Mmmm high blood pressure

  • +1

    food and petrol, what more do you want.

  • +3

    Reminds me of the Futurama episode where Fry bought a sandwich from a petrol station toilet.

  • +2

    Here I was thinking about a pie with chips and gravy at a roadhouse alongside the highway

  • do I get a side of gastro with this?

    • +9

      In Australia it's petrolo

    • +2

      It's not on the side.

      • Yep, straight through the middle

        • And out through the butt!

  • What is the thing underneath the Smith's Chips??

    • Kerry Slice (whatever that is)..

  • I hate paying 30c extra for the sauce sachet, so I help myself to a few spare free sachets that 7-11 happily supplies.

  • They are actually good sandwiches. Chicken and salad etc. that and a skinny cap make a good brecky when you are half way to the Goldy for an early morning surf.

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