This was posted 10 years 5 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Hungry Jacks Coupons Valid till 4 November (Confirmed for WA, SA & VIC)


New hungry jacks vouchers, valid nationwide have been confirmed for SA, WA & VIC Link to ACT/NSW coupons here:

Direct download link from the Hungry jacks website. For those of you who can't view the site on your phones here's a link to the PDF (thanks to Pidgey)…


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Hungry Jack's
Hungry Jack's

closed Comments

  • Doubt they'll accept a picture of vouchers sticky taped to your bedroom wall…

    • +1

      Sorry jv on my phone and the hj site doesn't work for mobile devices will change it once I get home still.go work :)

      • If you're on android you can select "Request Desktop Site" in chrome's options..

        • yeah says it's unavailable for mobile devices

        • @pyro love bird:

          Each time you see that message, go to settings and click "Request Desktop Site".. It definitely works..

    • They accept "competitors" free vouchers/game pieces, don't see why this would be so much different.

  • Hey Pyro, thanks for posting this up but I don't think anyone will be able to use that image.
    You may need to scan it or take a better framed image for it to be legible.

    • +3

      Just uploaded a scanned version, sorry about that, was still at work earlier.

  • +1

    Wasn't it 2 Bacon Deluxes for $7.85 not long ago? And even that was due to a recent rise as well.

    • I'm sure it was around $7.35 on the last vouchers… Not really worth it now.

      • You're right. $7.35.

        I still remember
        2 Whoppers for $3 or and 2 Bacon Deluxes for $4

        I just use HJ Shake and Win app for the 2 for 1 offers. They're still OK value
        The kids never actually check if they're for Whoppers or Bacon Deluxes.

        • +2

          I remember when you could get a tin of Brylcreem for a ha'penny.

        • +1


          Yum !

  • +1

    prices definitely gone up. last time 2 whopper juniors were $4.95.

  • Thanks

    • No worries Michael15286 enjoy :)

      • I always do :)

  • Chicken royal gone up $1. The replaced the nicer hash-brown wrap with a lower quality and price omlette-muffin.

    Today is gonna be a sad day in the nationwide quick service restaurant history

    Happy news is i scored a free Flamed grill bacon on the weekend from shake and win

  • Wow I hope this voucher pricing isn't national… the prices are significantly higher than the previous set and there was an increase a few months before that too!

    • +1

      here's the link to the vouchers for the ACT/NSW

      In comparision, everything has gone up a dollar aside from the meal deals

    • +1

      I can confirm that these are okay to use in QLD! :)

      • Are you replying to the new/act ones? If you are might want to scoot over to that deal and post you comment there :)

  • Thanks great post for Perthians

  • Ahh good that means I can return to my local store instead of the 2nd local that lets you use the expired deals.

  • +1

    Well, here in QLD just about every deal has gone up by $1 since the last vouchers a month ago :( Deals don't seem as worth it any more…. Dinner for 2 use to be $9.95 about 6 months ago, then went up to $10.95 & NOW $11.95???

  • These deals are so expensive, I might as well turn to eating healthy food!

    • +1

      Healthy food isn't actually all that expensive as long as you don't try and buy a salad when you eat out. If you make it yourself it'll cost peanuts. Restaurants just jack up the price and they make heaps of profit.

  • Just got same vouchers in SA

    • +2

      Thanks food, I'll update the post :)

  • I just paid $14.10 for two double whoppers in Brisbane drive through without vouchers, is that right?

  • +1
    • Thanks Pigey (is this a Pokemon reference? If so, I love Pokemon!)

  • btw, who updated the post, this is not nationwide, nsw/act have a different set of coupons, I'm re-editing.

  • Should be accepted in VIC, I received the same vouchers in the mail today.

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