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We have 50 of these packages available.
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Mannabeans have often posted deals like this https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/124438 so nice post thanks Rep.
Perfect for hiking and camping.
wow that deal seems better
Aeropress Coffee Maker Plus 2x 500g Fresh Roasted Specialty Coffee $59.95 + FREE Shipping
This deal was way better.
wow i just saw this on their site
looks amazing and minimalistic
Have a look online. It can make awesome coffee. I know a number of great baristers that love it. There.s a well-regarded coffee shop in Adelaide that actually offer Aeropress coffees as a premium to expresso. There are aeropress championships it is so popular…
america - the price of first world manufacturing ocoolio
Because that coffee machine would make dishwater coffee?
Do some research bro.
Good deal +
I've used an aeropress at work for the past year to save on coffee. Once you get your grind and method down it makes an outstanding cup of black coffee.
I would rate it far better coffee than a cheap machine that requires expensive capsules (as i usually need 3 capsules for my coffee). But it is a little more work than a capsule machine.
As to the price, I suspect it's probably more expensive because of the patent on it.
I have one at home and one at work. So fast and easy to clean up. Better than most cheap coffee machines, especially when paired with a decent grinder. I take mine away on holidays too. I get mine from Amazon and some spare filters. Always works out cheaper.
Any advice on the grind and method?
I've settled on this method:
Add 3 full scoops of ground coffee to the aeropress. (I get mine ground to around 3.5 on the commercial grinders)
Pre heat the cup you're using with hot water then tip it out.
Prepare boiling water in the pushing tool (up to the 3 mark), let it cool for a few seconds so it's not 100c
Place areopress over the top of the cup.
Add water
Stir like crazy for 20 seconds.
Press down and push it it out as fast as you can.
Triple shot espresso! best way to start the day.
If you are getting a local store to grind it as mentioned below 3.5 is good. Depends on what you are aiming for we grind at 2 - 3.5 depending on the persons request. If you are aiming for espresso, use a finer grind.
I find it's really hard to push through anything 3 or below quickly using my method. Might try a 2 though.
The customers we have using fine grinds use very little water, not sure if that will make it easier though
Can be had for around $38AUD delivered from Amazon, which is a better deal unless the 250g of coffee is worth more than $17 (not sure whether it is or not).
ooh thanks for noting that
Bodum Plungers works just as much the same as aeropress if you know how to operate…
No, they don't.
Yes, you can make a reasonable cup using a plunger, but it's not near the same as the aeropress. You can get a very good espresso(sorta) cup from an aeropress achine, you can't get anything like that from a plunger, regardless of how you operate.
Disagree. I used many plungers for ages. Aeropress is much better.
I even prefer the clean filtered long black over a proper espresso machines one.
You can taste the subtleties of the bean better. I thought all the bean claims of 'with a slight hint of xxx fruit etc' were a load of crap till i used an aeropress.
You can disagree but according to my Aeropress colleague, I managed to brew a similar brew using the Bodum Kenya.
Your wrong.
I will end by saying that Aeropress removes aromatic oils because of the paper filter in use. If you still disagree to that then I shut up :)
Maybe you just don't have a advanced taste for coffee as I do, it does take time and skill to reach this level.
You can get about as much aromatic oils by using a metal filter instead. Yet, there's still only a tiny amount of mud compared to a french press.
I can't look at my plunger now. My aeropress craps on it. You can buy a metal filter for the aeropress if you're worried about oils.
Yes, the plunger will be able to mimic some wattery brews in the aeropress. But the plunger wont be able to get close to the stronger espresso brew that the aeropress can make.
Key is less water apparently. We have some customers claiming to get close to espresso shots from them just by using less water.
Massive fan of my aeropress but I bought it a while ago from Amazon for $40 delivered.
Love my aeropress. Although admittedly I haven't used in a while. Been lazy with my plunger cup. But I think I will get it out right now.
Throw away the paper filters and use the stainless steel one, your taste buds will thank you for it.
I have two aeropresses, one at home and one at work. I also travel with it. Make sure you use freshly roasted beans ground fresh and not supermarket crap.
I'd say this is a better deal as it offers a combo with porlex grinder.
What's the 350 paper filters are for? Do you need the filter to operate the Aeropress?
Yep. The filter is placed on a bit at the bottom and the coffee is pressed through the filter. There's a metallic filter you can buy too.
a filter yes PW, unless you like your coffee as crunch
metal one or the paper ones. the aeropress itself is just an awkwardly sized pressure pump effectively, and by awkward I mean like how the americans tend to make cars.
As everyone has answered its to keep the coffee grinds from going in the cup. As for the mesh filters there are a few around Able Disk and S Filter are the two main ones. S Filter provides a better seal than the able disk.
Guys, thanks for the information!
If you do ever get a mesh filter (S Filter/Able Disk) we have found the easiest way to limit water going through prior to the plunge is to brew with the unit upside down, then flip back over when you plunge. Simple yet effective.
…and dangerous ;7)
Can be messy until you get the hang of it!
These are still currently available. If anyone has any questions feel free to email [email protected]/message me through ozbargain or call our shop on (02) 4023 3118
Seems you can get these for slightly cheaper on ebay and if you googled for it… though they may not be "genuine". I'd reckon they would do the trick for most… Only thing is you get 250g of coffee with this one