• expired

ON 100% Soy Protein Isolate 945g X 2 (2 Tubs) ~ $50 Delivered @ iHerb + $10 Cheaper with Referral


Its been a while since i posted a protein powder deal.

Just a heads up that this is my regular protein and i order 6 tubs a time from iherb.

It tastes great, mixes easily and because its an isolate, gets absorbed fairly quickly. You dont get any bloating or flatus like animal/milk based proteins. Its also suitable for vegetarians. Ive also noticed good gains since i switched to a vegearian based protein.

The 2 flavors are:

At checkout, you get 10% off with current promo and if you use a referral link below, you also get $10 off your first order over $40. Feel free to use my referral link with thanks :) or any other random if you prefer.

Shipping to Australia is $8 for up to 8Lb

Im happy to answer any questions

Referral Links

Referral: random (340)

New Customers: Give a 10% discount & get US$10 in Rewards Credit for your referral's first order.
Existing Customers: Give 5% discount & get 5% commission in Rewards Credit.

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closed Comments

  • bit misleading @ $40 delivered mate as if you are already a member you dont get the $10 off..

    • $23/ kg for soy protein, not sure where the deal is here…

      Bulk Nutrients $25/kg
      Venom Protein 4KG for $60 (Choc only)

      This isn't on special either at iHerb.

      I understand that EC liked the ON brand - but this is just a standard price at iherb.

      • It is compared to Aussie prices

        Vitamin King sells a tub for $60

        • Then you may as well put a deal up for every US Branded Protein lol…

        • They dont ship whey based proteins to Australia, its banned according to iHerb.

          Plus even if this didn't get upvoted, the choc was sold out in less than 6 hours and i haven't seen it Out of Stock @ iHerb in the last 6 months !!

          Then you may as well put a deal up for every US Branded Protein lol…

          If its going to save my fellow ozbargainers money, why not

  • easternculture - you are the man! not sure if i will buy it, just ordered 3 kg of WPC, but with an expiry date of jan 2016 - i may keep this in storage :)

  • -3

    Don't touch this iif you are male..too many phyto-oestrogens.

    • +2

      from wikipedia

      A 2010 meta-analysis of fifteen placebo-controlled studies said that "neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable testosterone concentrations in men."[28] Furthermore, isoflavone supplementation has no effect on sperm concentration, count or motility, and it leads to no observable changes in testicular or ejaculate volume.[29][30]

      • The dose makes the poison.

        How much soy at what concentrations did they make the men eat?

        • +1

          interesting…. didnt know about phytooestrogens

          "Subjects received 500 mg tablets consisting of a standardized soy extract [isoflavone dosage-which is a main compound classified as a phytooestrogen] containing 40 mg" [they took this http://au.bodybuilding.com/store/rsp-nutrition/regen.html?_r… ]

          read the discussion part of the study
          …"Moreover, the results of our study do not exclude the possibility that supplementation at a higher dose or over a more prolonged period would produce modifications in male reproductive health."

          -underpowered study only 12 participants and this paper is one of the recent ones to be published, so results only slight sway in favor of "We conclude that the phytoestrogen dose consumed had no effect on semen quality." if taking the above doses, (which equates to normal eastern nation diet.)

          as for comparibility ON soy protein did not provide the isoflavone dosage contained so 40mg vs unknown amount in ON?

          so IMO i shall stick to whey protein or even better the el-natural diet….unless you can get the isoflavone dose from ON.

        • "Subjects received 500 mg tablets consisting of a standardized soy extract [isoflavone dosage-which is a main compound classified as a phytooestrogen] containing 40 mg"


          According to this research 100g soy protein contains 91 grams isoflavones (Isoflavones are polyphenolic compounds that are capable of exerting estrogen-like effects. For this reason, they are classified as phytoestrogens)

          So a standard does of soy protein (2 scoops = 40 grams) would have around 40mg phytoestrogens

        • you mean 40 mg otherwise it would be x1000 more concentrated lols…
          but yea i am basically inconclusive since all studies on this topic have been poorly designed

        • corrected mg's

        • Thanks for doing my homework for me. Yah whey is great, I do laugh when I look at the stuff they try to pass off as protein powders at the supermarkets though. So much sugar!

    • It is ok, you can neg me all you like I am in touch with my feminine side from all the soy I had. Oh and the genetically engineered soy beans have extra flavour !!

      • -1

        Just talking from experience:

        Ive been using this for 6 months now. I consume 2 scoops per day post workout. Its helped me drop my body fat by 5% and put on muscle mass. i have not experienced any estrogenic side effects. Ive also recieved many complements past few months. Im down from ~ 14% BF to 9% BF and my weight hasnt dropped (still at 79kg and 76.8kg when im dry)

  • +1

    Just bought 10kg of rice last month, i prefer rice protein XD.

    • +2

      makes sense if your working out your 1 pack belly :p

    • +10

      Im Asian so i dont need to work out, the body works itself out.

  • So how does this compare to other brands? Soy vs whey?

  • ec, Thanks for the source. As with so many of these post it could be almost be considered a bargain, if but for Venom-soyisolate, 91% and which keep profit here.

    I don't mind mine with a dollop of honey, in a solution of sanitarium soy or other.

    • Thanks Daver. Depends what u prefer. I like ON proteins as they have a good reputation for their protein products

  • Thanks for the deal EC - are there any issues with importing soy protein? Or does that only apply to dairy derived protein?

    • +1

      No problem importing soy protein. Only applies to products that contain egg albumin

  • Out of stock.

  • -3

    Soy protein = newbies
    Brown rice protein = Well informed
    Hemp protein = hard-core
    Macho whey protein stacks = Body builders who often don't know much about nutrition and who blindly eat all sorts of chemical sweeteners that harm their performance

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/025070_protein_products_taste.htm…

  • Dutch chocolate is back in stock

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