Special Member offer - $30 off
For a limited time only, book your hotel room and save even more on our great hotel rates. Select any of HotelClub’s 48,000 hotels around the world and receive a discount.
edit: catch is that this time you must spend $350 or more in one booking :(
More details here: http://www.hotelclub.com/hotel-specials/discount/BookforNowt…
I used this deal the other day but my actual spend was just shy of $350 AUD. I checked the T&C's and the promotion allows for different minimum spends and different discounts in other currencies. I ended up paying in USD ($260USD minimum spend which is about $320AUD at the moment) and got the $20USD discount (about $25AUD). There was the currency conversion fee to pay on my credit card but this method allowed me to make use of the offer.