Good price for Good sealable containers. The pack has 10 in it and is on clearance for $15. Lad at woolworths told me there were a lot allocated and most stores were stuck with stock
There were plenty at Woolworths Gilles Plains
Good price for Good sealable containers. The pack has 10 in it and is on clearance for $15. Lad at woolworths told me there were a lot allocated and most stores were stuck with stock
There were plenty at Woolworths Gilles Plains
If you haven't started your Sistema containers collection yet, a word of warning: these are the Eneloops of plastic containers - once you start using them, you'll find yourself needing more and more, in their endless variety of shapes and sizes and colours and functions.
The infestation starts innocently enough in the kitchen, then it spreads to the garage and before you know it, you're finding uses for them on every shelf in every cupboard and drawer, as the little devils take over your home. ;-)
hello my name is Dan, its been 3 weeks since i last purchased more Sistema containers.
when i first started i didnt even know what Sistema was, it was just another container to me. then before i realised it my rice, my cerial, even my dishwashing tablets were in Sistema containers. it was when my addiction moved into the bedroom that i really knew i had a problem. i know ill never be cured of my Sistema addiction its a weekly struggle not to buy more but i have it under control now :)
"It was when my addiction moved into the bedroom that i really knew i had a problem".
Wasn't aware they had that shape in their collection…
Have you guys heard about that blue-lidded stuff?
these are the Eneloops of plastic containers
eneloops are the best of their kind, sistema are not
eneloops are the best of their kind, sistema are not
eneloops are not the best of there kind, sistema are (to a lot of people) :)
yes turnigy are good but i'm not sure that they've proven themselves compared with eneloop
in any case, there's nothing wrong with either, but there is with sistema being not airtight
i'm not sure that they've proven themselves compared with eneloop
i have some of the early 2200mah and they still test at over there 2200mah (ditto the newer 2400's). ive never seen a genuine complaint about them. they are "equal" to eneloops on any level (except higher mah and cheaper to buy)
but there is with sistema being not airtight
most stoopid comment EVAR. tehy are completely air tight. see my comment below
tehy are completely air tight.
if a lid is only leakproof without any pressure then it's not a seal :)
see my comment below
see mine :)
These are the worst containers ever, they have that blue lip so they look like they're airtight or watertight but they sure as hell aren't. They're good for nothing, compared to similarly priced containers that won't leak your lunch inside your bag.
I complained to the manufacturer once and told them they bring disrespect to New Zealand manufacturing. They didn't even bother to defend themselves.
Agreed. They're good for storing stuff, but they are NOT water/air tight.
but they are
NOTwater/air tight.
in fact they are both water and air tight, they are not however a pressure vessel. you can turn them upside down with water in them and nothing will come out. however if you stick them upside down and apply pressure (in your bag) they will leak.
the upside to this is that you can microwave them with the "lids on" because they wont build up pressure.
just a case of different tools for different jobs
the upside to this is that you can microwave them with the "lids on" because they wont build up pressure.
Just don't microwave food in any plastic container at all.
the upside to this is that you can microwave them with the "lids on" because they wont build up pressure.
which means they're not airtight?
not to mention that i find that they don't keep food fresh as long as decor or tupperware
The set I bought that looks exactly like this, if you turn it on its side they all leak. No pressure at all except gravity.
To their credit they don't advertise airtight or watertight on the side. But they know what people think when they buy them with those fancy blue non-sealing seals.
How does that mean they're not airtight? They are airtight, just not under pressure.
A water bottle will eventually explode if you've put it in the microwave, but they are airtight, no?
How does that mean they're not airtight?
no pressure build up = not airtight :)
A water bottle will eventually explode if you've put it in the microwave, but they are airtight, no?
depends :)
They seem very air and water tight whilst floating in my esky for a week. No spoiling, no leaking. Great for camping.
For me the "old" Click Clack containers were the best and i should have bought more, a bummer the new ones are not that great.
you bet.
You would think, but it has 3 flimsy protrusions on the plastic lid that 'kind of' latch it to the bowl. Things spill/fallout far to easily when the lid becomes a myth in transport (to work in a bag or on the seat of the car). Found out the hard way. They go well enough from fridge to microwave though.. so they have that going for them I guess..
also its glass, and also theyre round. I prefer rectangles and squares, easy to maximise space usage
Container Expert (obsessive) here. Oh, how I hate those containers… They don't properly seal. I still remember how they made my backpack and all it's contents food-liquid wet and smelly a couple of times. ugh.
Better options:
1)The newest white/red IKEAs containers:…
2) This K-mart containers:…
thanks - i might have to check out those ikea 365+ containers :)
edit** posted reply in wrong section
can vouch for these Sistema being very collectable :S
I like these containers but recently have had a few of the large square ones have one or more of the blue lid holding clips break off from the container. Just bought some Decor made in Australia ones from Big W today at 50% off to see how I go with these. The Decor ones have a spill proof/airtight range and a standard push on non spill proof version. I bought the standard ones as find it a hassle undoing the clips every time to get into the containers. I try not to buy the made in China food storage containers as the ones made in Australia or NZ are often on special for a good price.
I haven't found these containers great. Don't seal that well. The bigger problem though is that the blue clips break very easily. Once one is broken the container is useless.
Sistema are terrible products, they dont seal well. Gaskets are not very good especially when the containers have only 2 clips…
They are great to use as Lego containers though. All the different size Lego pieces each have a container. Keeps em clean and undamaged :)
Price is ok. But they have 50% off quite often.
The round lidded Sistemas seal much better than the rectangle ones. Before buying a round lidded Sistema, I try every one in the batch to see which has the most suction when pulling the lid off :)
I'm always looking for a good rectangle container and I'm loving this thread with all the new container suggestions.
I have many but they are definitely not airtight over time. I recently took one to work and it's contents were some salad and a little bit of dressing. The container was on it's side in my bag, not even upside down. Dressing ended up mostly over the inside of the bag. Have learnt that I need to wrap these containers in a plastic bag to prevent accidents and to pack them upright.
And try taking the blue seal out and having a look underneath. Can be quite a disgusting sight if you carry soup and don't give then a good clean.
These containers are cheap and convenient but takes up so much space in the kitchen. If you close the lid and store in the shelf, these are tidy. However, it is airtight so the food smell does not go away even when you store it after used. Do you put the lid and store or remove the lid and store them separately?
I don't get why so many people are complaining about these not being air/water tight. Where do they claim to be water or air tight? lol
I've got a few Sistema bits and pieces, including this water jug
It doesn't leak when I pour from it… but I do have other containers by them that do leak slightly if held on their side for testing purposes. It's hit and miss. I wouldn't expect and demand that they be airtight… I just see that blue rubbery lip thingy as their attempt to make it as airight as possible.
Decent containers when they're on special, imo.
I got that jug as well. Excellent jug.
I think all the rounded tupperware from Sistema (including that jug) has the seal on the outside that actually makes contact with the container.
However, the rectangle containers have the seal up on the inset of the lid and actually doesn't make contact with the container when you close it if you look at it closely. That's why it leaks.
The korean lock & lock seem to have tight seals.
The cheap Kmart ones (made in India) seem to have tight seals, do not leak and chips/biscuits stay fresher for longer. Cheap = 10 pieces for $15 (or even cheaper when on sale). I guess people complain when the cheaper product is better than the higher priced product on most scales of usability and fitness for purpose.
If you take any meals to work with a bit of liquid (say fruit salad, or salad & dressing) there is a very high probability of the liquid leaking all over your bag if don't keep the container upright.
I like the uniformity of the Sistema containers and that they are made in New Zealand, but I don't trust them to take things to work. They do help make use of the space in the fridge and keeps things tidy and accessible/discoverable.
Also, if you expect biscuits, etc to stay fresh, you will be disappointed. The silicon seals are not deep enough to make constant contact all around and the two or four pressure points via the clips do not force a strong seal.
All the containers with silicon seal need the seal taken out and washed and fully dried once in while, otherwise there is high chance mould will grow under the seal.
The blue seal gives the impression that the container is able to preserve its contents.
On their website Sistema state the following, which of course does not claim that the product is air tight, but does imply that their products have some barrier capability.
The modular stacking shapes of Sistema's KLlP IT® rectangular range ensures the most efficient use of space in the fridge, freezer and pantry. With the easy to use locking clips plus rubberised seal, food stays fresher for longer."…
Coles sells Sistema alongside another brand that does not have a seal (Can't recall the name). Ironically these ones do a better job of retaining liquids and keeping food fresh.
$8 at Woolies, Mordialloc, VIC. Purchased yesterday.
They do this every so often. Not the first time I've seen them at half price but still a great bargain as these are really good containers.