COTD special on nespresso* compatible coffee pods. 60 for $19.70(33cents each)plus postage. 4 types to choose from. Can buy up to 5(x60)Don't know what they are like but half the price of most pods.
Nespresso* Compatible Coffee Pods 60 for $19.70 Plus Postage on COTD

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Yeah. I was considering it, but shipping is $9 for me. Kills the deal as I'm not willing to take a risk on more than one box. If I were into budget pods, Coles are pretty decent at 40cents.
I see Kogan is in on the Nespresso pod game now…$39 delivered for 100:…
Cheap or not I can't imagine paying $27 for 60 pods of a coffee I've never tasted. For all I know they could be packed with International Roast.
I was pleasantly surprised by my order on direct deals a few months ago. Baristacino pods 100 for $19.95 delivered. I am still using those and the quality was great. But I must admit the delivery cost is off putting!
I bet they are the same one!
I also bought these pods from dealsdirect (I got 200).
for 20 cents per pod I can't complain. i drink them black anyway.
just finished half of them, might take a break and finish the other compatible pods I got from coles
Coles Brand Compatibles (single source coffee) are 40c each atm
No delivery, No waiting no fuss
and if I don't like I can take it back for a refund.
so go away now cotd…Had the Coles Sumatran one today. Quite good for 40c.
Ethiopian is the best IMO, but with any coffee it's all personal preference :)
Brazilian from Coles is quite nice too
Don't bother…..worst tasting pods I've tried to date.
Seriously if you ever put an espresso made from a pod from a supermarket or wherever into a clear espresso glass and put it side by side next to one you made yourself e.g using empty capsules and freshly ground coffee one is like toilet water and the other is like an espresso. The actual nespresso capsules are better but still do not compare to freshly ground even though they say they are hermetically sealed. If you don't know any better you might not realise how stale and disgusting these pods are.
After you add shipping - it's a crappy deal
I'd take the price as a hint. Though the fact that somebody has resorted to using CoTD to unload them says a lot more.