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Au Stock, 2 Year Warranty, Unlocked/Unbranded
- Blackberry Z10 $429 Pickup or Free Shipping
(Ready for pickup or dispatch after 14/08)
Cheapest price inc Shipping - check shopbot
Au Stock, 2 Year Warranty, Unlocked/Unbranded
- Blackberry Z10 $429 Pickup or Free Shipping
(Ready for pickup or dispatch after 14/08)
Sorry can't, good try!:)
lol prices have dropped so much, and with the news today that BB want to seek a buyer/partner it will only get cheaper when they run out the model.
well they are sort of diversifying.. Blackberry 10.2 OS can support android JB 4.2 apps.. Provided the app developer uses free convertor to covert their android apps into ones useable in blackberry.
Not sure why anyone will buy a touch screen BB, I can understand if you buy a Q10.
I loved my clicky screen Blackberry Storm1. Sadly the low spec internals and lackluster app ecosystem let me down. If the Z10 had launched at AUD$399/US$349 (ala Nexus 4), BB might have had a chance at clawing back some market share. Only a chance, mind.
Touch screen will help you make typo in typing………….
I hate that!
Z10 is 'Telstra Blue Tick Approved' so reception should be superb. Q10 is not. I guess slimming the phone down (to the Q10) meant they had to compromise the quality of antenna. What's the point of having a mobile with inadequate reception? Plus the screen keyboard on Z10 has been streamlined for typing and purported to be better than anything comparable on the market (including the iphone's).
Hi rep
Do you have it in white?
Would be interested if you did
Only Black at moment.
It's a dead platform now, so everyone is going to dump stock..
2 years ago in my company, we had ~250 BB's in use. Today there may be a handful of die-hards, holding on to their handsets.
I disagree. I've been using a Samsung GS2 for the last 2 years - it was my first smartphone. I also own an iPhone 4S. I find the Android experience a disaster - as in, extremely unintuitive and buggy. The apps don't feel like they integrate at all - nothing consistent. Add to that the phone has frozen on me a few times, requiring a battery pull to reset. Sure, Samsung probably improved things in latter versions (bumping up the specs to compensate for badly designed software) but when I spend money I demand quality. The iPhone feels smooth to use, but I got over it. I wanted something different. The iPhone 5 is too expensive for what it offers (spec wise, this Z10 is ahead) and I don't care about apps - I'll use the Z10's browser for all I need (after all, in most tests it is faster than the iphone's). Give this new edition of Blackberry software a chance, I say to all you critics that are so quick to judge. The Pentagon/US DoD (if I'm not mistaken) just approved these new Blackberry phones for use on their networks, which reflects the quality (and lack of security holes) in these mobiles - same cannot be said for iPhone, Android and Windows phones. In the end, I guess people enjoy those silly (time wasting) apps which make the Android and iphone platforms so popular whilst increasing potential for security vulnerabilities. To each his own. I just bought one of these. Great deal for potentially one of the best phones every made.
Whilst you make good points you still have your head in the sand, Blackberry is a dead platform in its current mode. Sure there are some great points about the tech, unfortunately sales and enterprise users are what gets the company money.
None of these have happened lately and there is no reason too, look at the eco system.
As a blackberry developer i have gone to the darkside, yes apple.
Yes and I'm sure the Pentagon have their heads in the sand too. Obviously, the Blackberry won't appeal to everyone (and perhaps enterprises find it more attractive for legitimate reasons) but to average people who want an incredibly reliable mobile, it's still a godsend. I am also sure there is more money to be made developing for Apple, Windows or Android relative to Blackberry (at the moment). But you clearly miss my point. From an engineering standpoint, the Blackberry Z10 is ahead (in most areas) compared to the market leading iPhone 5. The Z10 will do everything I need it to and more. The stock standard apps on the Blackberry are already so good, I'd say most people don't need more (use the browser for web sites and stop being lazy). As for the eco system, I own a Macbook Air and iPad too. I use them independently - great hardware and software btw. But the whole ecosystem concept does not rock my world. I'm all for innovation, and Blackberry has attempted this with their new operating system and mobiles. They took a risk in an age where most wouldn't. Plus side-loading Android apps on Blackberry will appease those who still love apps. It's really alarming (and shameful) to think that the ridiculous amounts of cash (that Google, Microsoft and Apple sit on) has not been used to create a typing experience that exceeds Blackberry's. And there are many other features on the Blackberry line that simply crush the competition's. The Blackberry 10 OS has changed the playing field. Hopefully they'll bring out a tablet to compliment. Do a search on the web to find out more. I'm no diehard fan of any particular brand - I simply buy best in class. When Blackberry prices drop further, their sales will pickup considerably.
You're talking to someone who still uses a Bold 9900, as I prefer the keyboard for typing. No need to go on about Android or the iCrap. :)
While I like the 9900's keyboard, I don't see myself spending $429 on a glorified web browser. Also keep in mind that the $429 price has only come about, since the news of BB's demise. Major carriers are still asking $600+ for them.
The Z10 is too little, too late….
I wouldn't upgrade either if I had a 9900. But I'm stuck on a Galaxy S2. And the Q10 is not discounted. So the price of the 9900 and Z10 being now the same, the choice was clear for me. The $429 price is around $250 less than Telstra's outright price. Browser does an excellent job for it's intended purpose. And because I don't care about most apps, the browser is essential. Not sure about BB's demise. They are talking about taking the company private from what I heard. And even if they do get bought out by a third party, the Blackberry will probably still exist in some form or other. It is an icon after all.
deal on galaxy note 2 n7105 AU stock please :)
How long does it take to get to Melbourne?
Warranty in melbourne? What happens if something is wrong with the item?
Any responses from the rep please?
Get to Melbourne will normally take 2~3 business days.
For Blackberry warranty issue please email [email protected].
Don't do it, peeps.
Pretty good deal for a decent phone. Shame about the dying RIM. Hopefully they release z30 a bit cheaper. It looks quite nice!
Im quite to see BB die out
The deal is because people asked for it on their last sale. Maybe you don't like blackberries(I know I don't!), but give them credit where it is due. Mobileciti coming through with more quality customer service.
Thanks, I been try hard to get this deal, really need more support, otherwise will hard to next deal approved.
TOday only… but you post it when the day is about 75% gone?
Let me know if you don't enough time to purchase, I may able extend if more people support this deal.
That would be great - I missed out on this deal (of course it happens on the day that I don't check OzBargain). Any possibility of relaunching this deal?
I'm interested in buying a Q10 only. Why not provide a similar deal for it?
Changed my mind after realising (based on reviews) that the on screen keyboard is brilliant. Plus the Telstra blue tick approval sold me. I buying a Z10.
Awww…better buy one peeps before BB eventually dies off.
FFS !!! Should have post this deal earlier !
Today I bought from HN $566 with $100 blackberry promo trade in.
wonder if SGN2429 possible wink wink
Just saw this deal today :(
Any chance to redo this deal considering it's only put up yesterday afternoon?
Yeah, I am in the same boat - would be great if deal is redone!
For anyone that cares, I received my Z10 and these are my views. For what I use it for, it is superior to the iPhone and Android and possibly anything else on the market. Bear in mind I use it for email, the calendar and the web. I don't need the apps. I was tossing up between the Q10 (with the physical keyboard) and this Z10, but I liked the bigger screen (which is also brighter than any other mobile screen ever designed, so I've read). This is also one of very few -modern- mobiles to be Telstra Blue Tick approved. So expect superior reception. There are a few bugs in the software so I've found (like at one time, the lock screen would not unlock.. happened only and it cleared itself up after a few seconds anyway) but overall I've found it to be very stable. Browser has never crashed once on me, which has been a regular occurrence with my older Galaxy S2. The Blackberry Hub was a brilliant inclusion - makes my life so much easier having all messages, phone calls and other notifications placed in one location (but divisible if required).
Now about the keyboard - it's pure genius. I can understand why the physical one is still glorified by many, but I don't care for keyboard shortcuts or easier text selection (which is the often cited strength of the older Bold 9900 series). I've found the Z10's screen keyboard allows me to type away faster than I could ever imagined, because it corrects my errors soooo well. I tested it out by getting my sister to say something silly, then I transcribed - made a tonne of errors - but the end result was perfect spelling. My jaw almost hit the floor.
As for build quality, it could be better. Mine hit the floor today from around 1 metre, and made a slight impression in one of the corners. The volume buttons look like they're made of plastic. But the rear is rubberised cleverly to prevent slips. I'm also under the impression (though yet to confirm) that the rear cover has either the whole antenna or part of it builtin (there are two terminals inside that connect to an attachment on the inside of the rear cover). Perhaps this concept is what boosts the reception to allow the blue tick approval.
Anyway, don't buy this phone if you want a superior multimedia experience and apps (get an iPhone or Android instead). Buy this phone if emailing/typing, web browsing and antenna reception matter to you most.
can do 100off on lumia 925? if yes, then make order str8away