One day deal on Windows phone 8
Store pickup or Free Shipping Auswide
Au Stock, 2 Years Warranty, Unlocked
(Coupon code: WP40OFF1)
*HTC 8X 4G Blue $248
*Nokia Lumia 820 White $268
While stock last, offer ends 11:59pm 23/07/2013
Store pickup or Free Shipping Auswide
Au Stock, 2 Years Warranty, Unlocked
*HTC 8X 4G Blue $248
*Nokia Lumia 820 White $268
While stock last, offer ends 11:59pm 23/07/2013
still cost postage….please fix~~~~
check again!
still cost postage….please fix~~~~
have you accidentally checked the rep box?
Rep can you please do the $279 deal on the Galaxy Nexus again?
sorry, stock low can't do $279 any more,
Thanks rep, free shipping on the Nexus by any chance?
Nice deal, +1'd.
Please do this sort of deal with Blackberry <3
Any BB Q10 deals rep?
If you are looking for a BlackBerry Z10 I believe this Telstra dealer had 20 left as of yesterday, $449 for Aus stock with 2 year warranty, you will have to be quick though:
Hey Rep, is it possible to order the HTC One in black?
Hi, more stock will come later this week.thank you
Rep, can you please do a deal on the Xperia Z?
^What he said :D
What they both said!
But on Friday when I actually have money ;)
How low can the HTC 8X go? It's a sweet phone for the cash. I got it last time at $259 Telstra branded, I notice this deal is vodaphone branded. At around $250 I don't think you could get much better.
I agree, its a cracker of a phone for the price, I wish I had waited. The only thing that gives me pause though is that a non-Nokia Windows phone doesnt have Nokia Drive, and all the other useful Nokia apps.
or the awesome camera in the Lumia 920
Nokia have made many of their apps available for other windows branded phones just recently. They're paid apps though, Nokia drive + will cost you $45 to have it on a HTC phone. Here maps is free. Nokia transit is $3 I think.
A Nokia 920 would be nice but they're not going for $250.
So to clarify, the HTC will not have nokia drive for free? Whereas the nokia 820 will have it?
Yes I think that's correct. It's right re the HTC, but I'm not sure if all Nokia models get all of their apps for free. Best wait for a Nokia owner to respond.
I was going to ask the same thing! WP8 or not, it's a great deal, can't think of another phone with 720p screen and 4g.
If there were other colours, I'd get one just as a back up phone!
Hi Rep,
any chance of good deal for Samsung Galaxy 4 or HTC ONE please…
Lots of android lovers!
I will try to put android deal here soon.
Sony Experia T if you'd be so kind :)
why my computer shows 288 for htc 8x?????
You have to enter coupon code "WP40OFF1" when you checkout.
Thanks, could not see it because I was too excited.
why you no read the post details?
Old people
288 and 308 coming up as the prices for me
Add to cart and use the coupon code mentioned in the description above…
Hi Rep, any deal GS4?
GS4 $733 at moment, what do you need?
watching for this phone since long time. any price close to $700 would be great.
when does the black s4 come back in stock? last time i checked it said it'll restock by the 23rd but now it says 28th!
AP100OFF or SG100OFF coupon code…:)
Why are people asking for deals on other phones! Msg the rep, as the rep obviously hasn't got any atm.
Samsung Note 2 4G deal please please please
These are awesome prices.
If make order now, is it OK to pick up on Thursday? Prefer to do pick up. Thanks rep.
Yes, you can order now and pick up on Thursday. Thanks!
Is the black 8x never on this deal?
I would prefer black over blue.
They had the black ones first time around.
Hmm i dont ever recall seeing it.
Rep is it possible to do black for the same price?
Also the voda branded ones do they have LTE 1800 for telstras 4g?
(Ok i checked Voda's website and it said it has LTE 1800, though your site does not list a frequency)
Black and I buy!
Me too, seriously Rep, if you do this price for the black, i'll drive to your shop now and pick it up.
Sorry, only blue on this deal.
Yes, Same spec as voda's website.
Sorry, Only Blue on this deal, best price for black is $328.
A little bit upset over that, but i did buy the blue version.. Thanks
I might just let you know, in your OP it outlines the deal till the 23/08. not sure if your meant 23/07
Hi maverickjohn
Sorry for not able to put HTC 8x black on this deal, due to stock was from different supplier.
I have correct the deal end date. Thanks!
is it possible to get virus on this Windows Phone?
no, just like iphone the software is pretty much closed to viruses. so you dont have to worry. being using wp for 4 yrs now.
Hey guys, so I am pretty technologically challenged when it comes to phones, just a quick question, would the Windows Phone 8X 4G work with a virgin network sim. I know its unlocked but I have read in the past on these forums about banding because I am not really sure and its made me confused a bit somewhat. I tried reading other threads but they refer to optus v telstra nothing on virgin. Anyway, any help appreciated, cheers!
Virgin is using Optus 4G network, and yes it will work fine on Virgin.
Awesome, thanks for that.
Same Q but for Telstra, would these phones make use of 4G on Telstra LTE?
Yes, ok to use 4G on Telstra LTE.
Yes, vodafone version will also support virgin/optus and telstra 4g/LTE
I have an HTC 8X (excellent phone) .. but I am thinking of upgrading to the Nokia 920 - so when the good folks of Mobileciti are going a special on that one you can expect an 8x being for sale. I want a better camera, the HTC was supposed to be a transitioning phone from an iPhone 4S to an new upcoming iPhone but I rather like WP =)
As an aside - If you buy a phone outright and you take it to Virgin Mobile - be sure to tell them to activate 4G for you. If you don't, they don't =). Also could anyone who has an 8X on Virgin tell me what the darn MMS settings are supposed to be ? =)
I found that the output from the camera on my HTC 8X improved when I used it via the Camera 360 app. Try that and see if it's different for you. Just a thought.
I'll give that a go - I have a few different camera apps but I'll try the Camera 360 app =) thanks.
you may want to wait a bit longer and get the Lumia 1020 if you want a better camera ;)
Ordered the 8X!
Thanks mobileciti !!!
This one is to tide me over until the Nokia 1020 is avaliable to buy!
Can anybody help me in choosing between HTC 8X & Nokia Lumia 820.
The biggest con for the HTC is that you don't get all the Nokia HERE navigation apps.
The biggest con for the 820 is the screen res is WVGA (800 x 480).
how come the black HTC Windows Phone 8X costs more?
Hi doctorwatson
stock was from different supplier, only the blue has special price.
Note 2 or S4 please….
Hi Rep,
Don't know how to message you.
I ordered HTC 8x and got an "500 internal server error message". However I received an email confirming my order and the status is processing.
EDIT: Just sent you a message
Ordered the Lumia 820 thanks.
Normally how long does it take to be delivered if i am in Sydney city? Thanks Rep.
does the htc 8x have full microsoft office? i think the nokia 820 has it, but im not sure with htc 8x. thanks
Just ordered the HTC 8X. Thanks.
Thanks, we will try to dispatch your order ASAP.
Just pulled the trigger on an 8x
Got an 8x, but wondering if I should have. Already have iPhone 4s and Samsung Galaxy S3. :-(
Hi Rep, I dropped my phone today and need a replacement is there anyway I could still get the 8X deal?
I'm also keen to see if this deal can be done for the 8x rep.
just created an account to post my feedback. ordered the HTC 8x Tuseday and received it by Australia Post eParcel Friday 10am in Melbourne. quite happy with the phone and the delivery process.
the only suggestion I might make would be perhaps to give a better indication of the steps in the order tracking. I mean it was clear what step it was currently on, but a first time user doesn't know what the steps are.
thanks to both MobileCiti and OzBargain for the deal.
Anyone looking for one. I purchased two and one is available. Brisbane pickup if possible.
Hi rep,
Any coming deals?
Rep: any hope for GSIII 4G,I'm still waiting…