Title speaks for itself. Unsure of release date. Can always cancel the order later if a better deal pops up.
PS4 - Preorder from Amazon for US $415.97 Delivered (Official Australian RRP Is A$549)

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yes, surprisingly cheap. have to work (aka play) hard to complete the games in the drawer first.
PS3 was that expensive partly because they had to do everything in house, and partly because of bluray. Now theyre using AMD cpus with AMD graphics, should work out a lot cheaper as they dont have to pay for R&D.
Curious on comments / feedback on region compatibility?
No one knows yet.
No official news yet. For PS3 games were region free, but blu rays were region locked. YMMV on how much of concern the blu ray regions are.
Pardon my ignorance but what is YMMV? Your Momma Makes Veal?
your milage may vary
i.e blu ray regions may not be of concern to some@Keef You just made me LOL so HARD!
Confirmed on Twitter that games are region free.
Just confirmed to be Region Free. :)
Games and bluray?
"neither digital or disc-based games will be region locked". Games are fine, but no word on blu-ray.
You should probably assume it'll be the same as the PS3, i.e. blu-ray will still be locked to Region A, so local blu-rays won't play.
Source please
Thanks. I can't wait!
ps4 IS region free
Would be worried that Sony would not cover the warranty in Aus.
How about is it going for power requirements. Is the US version of the PS4 going to be able to use a 240V power grid by default?. Or will a 240-110V step down transformer going to be an extra cost. Knowing that the PS3 didn't use a power brick but had the power cable plugged directly into it so wonder of the PS4 will be the same. Just wondering if the PS4 has a universal power supply built into it.
If that's the case maybe you are better off just buying the Australian release console.
PS3 has a universal power supply built in….
yeah and PS4 has the same figure 8 cable that all the Playstations use.
I second that, if a convertor needed, you will end up paying more….
Don't know how prices are worked out
Germany $500 EURO? wtf?
I got sucked into buying a Wii Poo - Not going to do that again - it's sitting there collecting dust.
The worst part is i have to clean it once in a while.
As uraha has already stated, the PS3 has a universal power supply. My PS3 was purchased in Taiwan which has 100V and works without problem in Australia. I find it unlikely that the PS4 would be any different.
Isn't this the regular price and not a special?
I bet Amazon won't actually ship the PS4 to AU…
I agree with this and sending to a ship forwarding address would be over $100 I would imagine.
I too use Reddit.
Looks like $549 is the local price, if EB's anything to go by. Early days, though. I'd be surprised if Sony would just give up their $100 advantage over the Xbox in the US (the Xbox costs $599 here).
yeah xbox $us500, $au600
To be honest first gen consoles are probably not a good thing to import. Look at the reliability issues the PS3 and 360 had early on. Might be worth $100 or so to get it local.
Yeah i'd look for any warranty issues that may arise from buying the console from overseas.
unless you're always on the cutting edge, like peeps who buy Haswell i7 the moment they hit stores, or line up for the latest iphone 6, this is no different
bragging rights lol
399 us is really good entry price though, time to stir up MS and Nintendo lol
According to Wikipedia that the PS3 has a universal power supply so it's possible the PS4 might also have one.
Unless Sony is going back to using a power brick for the PS4 like it was with the PS2.
I'd be more worried about region locked BDs.
worried? you suddenly get access to cheap BD as you can use the US ones.
Perhaps, if you've never owned a blu-ray and intend on starting a collection now. Most of us already have a large collection or region B titles, so it wouldn't work out cheaper in the end.
Plus, after import charges, it's not really cheaper than buying Aus. UK is much better IMO to import from.
Was tempted, but warranty on first gen console, and region locked BDs (I've got a large 3D Blu-ray collection) makes me inclined to just spend the extra $130 and get a local.
Also $549 is RRP, hopefully retailers start getting competitive a couple of weeks after launch.
You already have a BR player though don't you? Or are you using a PS3?
I'd just look at it as another market that's been open up to you for BR's, you no longer have to buy Australian or UK ones, when a special comes out with US BR's you can get them as well.
People, this is the RRP!
Wow, so this is what the PS4 looks like
Pity that PS4/xbox one generation consoles don't look as sleek as the current gen
549 is ebgameripper's pre order price not RRP
The pre-order price is $868 at the Harvey Norman I called!
No, as I said, Harvey Norman's pre-order price is $868 at the store I called.
Call Harvey Norman and argue with them!
Harvey Norman state the price as $868 with a note that they will reduce the price to match the final RRP. Since the RRP was only released a couple of hours ago they haven't had a chance to reduce their price.
they haven't had a chance to reduce their price.
or increase their price.
But you get a shiny Harvey Norman bag to go with it.
Doesn't specify HDD size… Could be a "budget" model that they throw a small hdd into?
Wait till E3 to see if the HDD is user replaceable. BYO is always dirt cheaper than buying a bigger capacity unit.
The HDD is 500GB.
As far as I'm aware there is only one model concerning the hard drive size (which is 500GB)
Oh can't decide where I should get it from
This is the RRP of US, nothing special
Also pre-ordering is for suckers.
So $399 + 10% tax = $438US
Convert based on today's exchange = $463.10
We pay an additional $86. Which is $18% more. Still over the top.
We use a different power supply than the USA…. You'd be better off with the Aussie model for warranty, etc… And with the big retailers discounting, I'm sure the PS4 will be cut by at least $50 down to $499.
The ps3 has a universal power supply, it's more than reasonable to assume it will be the same as the ps4
I know right! My last computer had a universal power supply and I ASSUME my new one had one too!
Stupid Indian on the phone asking silly questions like "are there any lights on the machine?"
I was all like "it made a loud noise and smoke came from the unit so obviously power is getting to it!" Duh!If you have a look at the back of the ps4 it has a figure 8 cable port, all you would need to do is buy a new one or source it and its ready to go
Just to be absolutely sure, these are the same ones that PS3s use, right?
Can't say 100% but it looked like it to me
Yeah the picture linked below pretty much confirms it.
Thanks anyway.
Well I'm going to preorder, I can just cancel it if information about power supply or anything pops up. Amazon is easy with this stuff.
It would work out at a bit more, about $425 when you consider lost interest for 6 months. Also considering possible recovery of the AU$ in six months time, possible warranty issues, power compatibility, in comparison to actual best discounted local price makes this a most speculative deal.
Amazon don't take your money till it's dispatched.
Indeed. It's easy to cancel too, just log in and do it yourself. No need to talk to customer service or anything.
No guarantee of exchange rate then, unless you pay in AUD with Amazon's rate?
No, there is no guarantee. But as per the other post, you can cancel up until the shipping date so if the $AU moves for the worse just cancel it.
They would be two disappointed Ozbargainers.
hollykryten on 07/03/2013 - 10:26
The original PS3 was $1000 when it was first released. So it's no surprise that the PS4 is currently $900. You didn't think the PS4 was going to be cheap now did you?.Well, it looks pretty damn cheap to me
Yes the PS3 was $1000 in Australia at first release. Then again in those days the AUD wasn't anywhere near at parity with the USD.
They clearly don't deserve the title of ozbargainers, good riddance
Dear fellow ozbargainers,
Lettuce all rejoice in how hard xbox has failed.
microsoft UMAD?
To be honest I think the PS3's $549AU price compared to the XBox $599AU doesn't look nearly as good on paper as the US $399US vs $499US.
The lack of DRM and region locks is a huge plus, but the price difference here isn't such a big deal given the price of these things.
Sony certainly had a much better day today, but I'm left wondering if MS might not lower the price pre launch now or do it shortly after in which case the AU$ price could possibly undercut Sony given Sony's inflated conversion rate. Who knows, but I can't see MS just giving away this launch and they have plenty of time to ammend certain aspects of the launch.
To be honest I think the PS3 price compared to xbox has no relevance here. you have no idea how hard xbox has failed and we are talking about the release of ps4, not ps3, which shits on xboxone and as such, looks bloody good on the US paper.
The lack of understanding in your response is a huge plus to all the clueless people out there in the world, but lets not make such a big deal given the price of these things.
Sony certainly had a much better day today, but im left wondering if you will ever learn to approach an argument with such an inflated conversion rate. But i cant see you just giving away this post without neg voting it, so i will give you plenty of time to ammend certain aspects of your argument.
I'm not out to start or win any wars. I fully understand and appreciate why many people dislike the XBox One. At the same time, much of what it is being flogged with doesn't bother me all that much personally, in particular the DRM aspect. I don't trade in second hand titles which basically nullifies the largest criticism on a personal level for me, and I'll have both consoles (I plan to get both) hooked up to the Internet 24/7 which renders another issue almost moot (assuming MSs servers remain reliable).
The conversion rate is relevant because this is OZBargain and the entire reason this post exists is that Amazon is cheaper than a direct AU purchase.
Not that it matters, but it wasn't me that negged you.
Cheers brother.
U and me will save the world some day.
Let the haters hate and the potatoes potate.
From your fellow Ozbargainer,
Peace <3
Looking forward to my cheap PS3 games and maybe PS3 consoles going for cheap in the coming months. PS3 plays games very nicely who needs a PS4.
who needs ps 4, octa-core phones or haswell processors huh?
let's just stop progress for you
Not every body
But any excuse for Sony to release another console for more money as people like these just have to have the latest fad gear for bragging rights.
Makes sense for sony to kickstart a console war. Money through the ears from bluray royalties.
Its been 7 years since the PS3 was released… I think theyre entitled to update their console line dont you?
What's with all the stupid posts on every deal today?
well theoretically they aren't NEEDS, they are WANTS and also, octa cores are a marketing scam.
I do. Having games made on consoles then ported to pc's means the pc versions aren't at full potential. Now that the new consoles are on similar grounds as pc's im expecting better quality games for pc.
Hey my console has 64MB but it's still fun! The games are cheap.
Since they're now using more conventional hardware, I wonder if a PS4 could run 2002 xbox games under emulation?
I might finally upgrade.
Is it me or are consoles getting uglier?
More industrial looking
Not as sleek
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pretty cheap. wasnt ps3 like $1000 on release day