Priceless Sydney offer must be mentioned in order to redeem free entry.
also 20% discount at Museum of Sydney Shop
Priceless Sydney offer must be mentioned in order to redeem free entry.
also 20% discount at Museum of Sydney Shop
make sure you have something else planned for the morning in town - this small museum will take you about 10 minutes to see
THEM: "Sorry Sir, you are the 11th person to present your MasterCard this morning"
ME: "C'mon kids. We're going back home. We'll try again tomorrow"
museum of Sydney is pretty small. I've been there. cost $10 for visit and concession $5. is 2 yrs ago.. not sure it is changed now.
not really worth to plan just for that to go to city
I can see this getting ozbargained. I won't waste my time trying to be the first 10.