Found this while looking for a small tablet. Black only, apparently
24/4: Now $318 delivered
28/4: Back to $298 Awaiting price change to $298
5/5: $308 delivered
Found this while looking for a small tablet. Black only, apparently
24/4: Now $318 delivered
28/4: Back to $298 Awaiting price change to $298
5/5: $308 delivered
Target TTP in SA price matched Kogan a few weeks back.
I saw this deal last week and I pricematch'd it to Officeworks online … They gave me a 5% discount bringing it to $292 and it was available for pick up the next day.
Pretty successful! The guy on the telephone (who worked for officeworks) said he would buy one as well hah
Hope that helps :)
receipt please?
Well i think they are not suppose to. The guy on the telephone clearly doesnt know his company policy. Office work policy is that they will beat any Australian retail store that stock the same product. But Kogan is not an australian retail store. They sell import stock with no gst so in reality OW have the right to refuse us the pricematch. You sometime get lucky and get away with it.
I cannot seem to find "australian" anywhere in their price match policy.
Kogan is Australian run.
Looks like it's been lifted:
Kogan's other buisness, Milan Direct, has been caught sockpuppeting on OzBargain before too — seems standard practice for this company, and I think it's about time they got a longer ban.
Kogan's ban expired today. 2 weeks in the bin.
Can we get a bigger bin ?
I'll order a skip
Bl@@dy great price!
Has any1 had success in getting a warranty honoured (at a Apple store) with a Kogan sourced iPad?
In 20 words or less…..What is SockPuppetting (nah, Google aint me friend at this moment.)
Sock-puppeting is pretending you're a consumer/user and endorsing your own website/service/products, under a username not flagged as a rep.
22 words
Actually 19 words….
If the following are counted as 1 word each
20 including hyphens. "A" is a letter not a word
A is a word
Has any1 had success in getting a warranty honoured (at a Apple store) with a Kogan sourced iPad?
5 words: Rep fraudulently acting as consumer.
Sockpuppetting is astroturfing :p (3)
Someone had posted this when Kogan was banned so it was deleted.
OW will price match Kogan - they did last week anyway.
I thought Kogan wasn't allowed on here?
they are so long as the Rep is Clancy Brown.
Why was I negged for asking a simple and relevant question?
OK, since people keep asking the same questions.
For further discussion about Kogan and it's ban, go here. Let's stay on topic.
that answered my confusion as I wanted to post the same deal almost 2 weeks ago.
I vote to ban them for longer, sockpuppeting is a serious, however hilariously named, crime on OB
Agree 100%, Ban longer pls
great price but I would wait till the retina display is available for this model. My inlaws have one it looks very average to me. we have an ipad with retina display and the difference is noticeable.
Same, currently have an ipad 4 but will wait for next mini with retina to upgrade. Great deal though OP.
Goodguys Highpoint price matched my ipad 16gb+ cellular for $599 (from kogan) last week. They have previously price matched just about anything from web, whether or not it is grey imported.
Good price. Worth the extra $100 over the nexus 7 considering the build quality, speed and app selection.
Not wanting to turn this into an Apple vs Android argument, but I don't know if I would agree with this. The Nexus 7 has pretty decent build quality, there's nothing wrong with its speed, and the Play store has just as many (if not more) apps than the Apple Store.
Nevertheless, great deal given that Apple products don't usually discount by much!
Apple > Android
Apple > Android in dictionary order…. that's all
yep, I agree, the build quality and speed of the nexus 7 is fine, but certainly not up there with the ipad mini.
i will disagree regarding the play store apps. very few apps on android are tablet optimised.
on paper, the nexus is supposedly faster than the ipad mini, but in real world tests it certainly is not.
the iPad is arguably easier to use, has a greater range of accessories, and will also retain its value for resale.
the one advantage i can think of with the N7 is the screen PPI, however, the colours are dull and washed out compared to the mini.
Dunno, being a Nexus user for the past year or so, I couldn't bear to use an iPad. Colours are perfectly fine and mine is super smooth, with or without custom rom.
Resale isn't exactly the main selling point of a device, rather the features that are available.
yeh that's cool. we'll agree to disagree. i think the nexus 7 is definitely the best of the android tablets.
Lol dat neg for personal opinion.
Nexus 7 also has a history of faulty displays. I am writing this comment via the nexus and love it but some people have had a defective displays with loose screws, improper connections probably because they made it cheap and quickly. A complete batch was identified as being affected;…
One of my friends had the same problem and his display stopped working. He opened it up and noticed few screws holding the panel were missing on the inside. So serious quality issues in the sweat shop. That's why I think the iPad is much reliable and better peace of mind. Nexus 7 interface, display and software are still great value.
that is one giant advantage you get when buying apple: 2 year warranty- immediately have it swapped over with a new device if you have any faults.
nightmare if you have to send a faulty nexus back to kogan. even then, they may not immediately swap it, and instead opt to get it repaired, which can take weeks while you are stuck without a device.
I thought it was 1 year warranty?
You can purchase second year of product care anytime during the first year with apple
Apple products need to have a high build quality due to their users constantly trying to make love with them.
users constantly trying to make love with them
Literally !!!
Love her Fundies!
please anyone got price match kogan with OW, put receipt up….
You need to call OW directly. Just picked one up for $292 over the phone from OW.
I pricematched a Galaxy S3 at Officeworks with Kogan a week ago. (got it for $350 as opposed to the OW price of $597 which I was very happy with). It was the Hoxton Park store in Sydney, the staff didnt seem to mind at all (this was first thing 8am on a Saturday morning just as they opened). I'd suggest trying similar tactics with a couple of Officeworks stores with this deal, as long as you get a disinterested staff member with no supervisor around you'll be successful :)
The only sockpuppet that is ok with me is the Telstra sockpuppet
If you got an Android phone and wanting a tablet probably iPad mini will suit. Its boring having the same OS on phone and tablet
And buy all the apps a second time? No thanks. One ecosystem is all I need.
why need to buy apps on android? no need to jailbreak or root just download.
This is why developers can't have nice things. You are cheating them out of their hard earned money.
unless /s. Because then I get you
Guys, any one kind enough to share the price match receipt?
Just ordered via OW, can pick up from Marion store (SA) on this Friday. He mentioned he has done few price matches this morning and knew the deal, 10mins, all done!
Just got off the phone with OW and said that they're out of stock in Melbourne until the 26th. He did say that they do price match kogan though but best to do it once stock comes back in. Anyone else hear anything similar?
Rang them about 15 mins ago, didnt hear any thing like this.
Did you manage to place an order? I have one with kogan already and hoping to cancel it if I can score a price match with ow
Yea, I managed to place an order. They gave me the order number over the phone. But I have not received an email nor my CC been charged yet. Any knows how long this will take? But I guess once I have the order number, it should be ok??? First time OW phone shopper….
Out of stock for Melbourne 3169 at OW. Guy over the phone wouldn't price match a white with the black ):
I just price matched with OW North Ryde delivery no problem. Just called online ordering, they checked the price at Kogan, added shipping and -5%. $ 292.60
I also just price matched with OW Belconnen, ACT @ $292.60. I did it through OW online over the phone. Credit card charged, though no email yet. Great price for an Australian iPad Mini.
that's a great price!!
OW still have stock in WA - just got one price matched for $302.10 ($318 - 5%)
mind telling me which OW? Thanks
Just called their call centre and asked if they were still matching the Kogan deal, the girl knew exactly what I was talking about.
gone back up to $329 again.
Anyone finding a cheaper place to buy?
No, but I am also looking to get a couple of ipad mini units when I find a good enough deal. Looks like we need to wait for Kogan to lower the price again.
You might be waiting awhile. As our $ continues to go south, Kogan's price continues to rise as they are selling grey imports.
Has anyone had success in having local retailers (JB, Big W, Myer etc) pricematch Kogan?