• expired

6 Weeks Free Hospital & Extras Cover after 28 Days, 2 More Weeks Free after 13 Months (New Members on Direct Debit Only) @ Bupa


Get up to 8 weeks free
Join directly on combined hospital and extras products by 12 Feb 2025.* We’ll even waive the 2 & 6 month waiting periods on Extras!*
-Stay signed up for Hospital and extras with direct debit for 28 days, and get 6 weeks free. Further 2 weeks after holding policy for 13 months.
-Can't have held BUPA policy in last 12 months.

Slightly better than the current medibank offer as only need to pay for first 28 days vs. 42 days (although no bonus points).

Further T&C's:
-In most cases, your 6 weeks free will be applied 28 days after you join, extending the date you’re “paid to”. The remaining 2 weeks are applied once you’ve held eligible cover for 13 months, extending the date that billing cycle is “paid to”.
-If your weeks free period ends before your next direct debit date, we may take a smaller-than-usual payment to make up the difference.
-If you join through a Bupa consultant and pay yearly, your first payment will be reduced by the value of 6 weeks. The remaining 2 weeks are applied once you’ve held eligible cover for 13 months. This means your third yearly payment will be reduced by the value of 2 weeks.
-The 2 and 6-month waiting periods waived on extras: applied at policy join date.

Eligible Customer
-Have not held domestic Bupa health insurance within the last 12 months of your join date;
-are an Australian resident over the age of 18;
-take out an Eligible Bupa Health Insurance Policy (see Section 3) between 12:00am AEST on 09/01/2025 and 11:59pm AEST on 12/02/2025 and commence your policy by 12/03/2025;
- pay your health insurance premiums by direct debit ongoing to receive the Offer;
-provide a valid email address; and use promo code 8WEEKSFREE if joining online.

Eligible policies
-An Eligible Health Insurance Policy is a combined Domestic Hospital and Extras product or packaged product issued by Bupa but excludes any hospital product when combined with Extras Saver cover.

-Yearly limits, other waiting periods, benefit claiming restrictions, policy and fund rules apply.
-The Offer is not available with any other Bupa promotional join offer provided by Bupa.
-If you do not satisfy these terms and conditions before becoming entitled to the Offer then Bupa may elect, acting reasonably, not to award you with the Offer. If Bupa discovers that you did not satisfy any of these terms and conditions after the Offer has been awarded, then Bupa may decide, acting reasonably, to remove the Offer.
-Bupa reserves the right to end, change or extend this Offer at any time.
-Bupa is not liable for any loss or damage suffered because of this promotion (except that which cannot be excluded by law).
-The Offer is available only if you join through Bupa direct channels and is not available if you join through a price comparator.
-The Offer is not available to any customers attached to a corporate group including employees [or contractors] of Bupa, or any other Bupa Group company.

Referral Links

Referral: random (289)

Referrer gets $100 Prezzee e-gift card. Refer a Colleague program only eligible at a participating Bupa Health Insurance Retail Store nationally and/or Australia Sales and Customer Service support line. Quote member number from the referral system.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Waiting for an offer that includes bonus points

    • Was about to say the same thing

      • +6

        So we can argue for 6 months about the missing points with the incompetent Bupa customer 'service'.

        • +2

          Doing it right now for account opened back in September and enjoying every second.

    • +1

      I'm waiting for free steak knives.

    • what’s the points for?

    • Same

    • Worth waiting for? Currently on Medibank and looking to switch

  • +2

    Not sure if its targeted but here is a 12 weeks free offer: https://www.bupa.com.au/offers/welcome-back?campaigncode=M20…. I got this offer last year via email and when I clicked the link its still active. I used this to negotiate 6 wks free with my current provider.

    • +6

      That offer is effectively 6 weeks free, as 'The remaining 6 weeks are applied once you’ve held eligible cover for 14 months'.

      It would be foolish to wait for the 2nd lot of 6 weeks free, as over that period you could have obtained multiple 6 weeks free from other funds.

      The terms of the promotion do not suggest it is targeted, notwithstanding you may have been targeted by Bupa.

      • +1

        Isn't Still better than 8 weeks?

        • I have no idea what you're referring to or talking about.

        • Yes it’s better. But no one is sticking around for another year waiting for the further weeks. So really the offers are the same (6 weeks free)

  • Can I tell my current insurer Medibank I’m leaving them for bupa and score a few free weeks? Any downsides of switching providers?

    • +9

      You don't need to tell them anything. The process of changing health insurance is as simple as changing mobile provider, internet provider, electricity and $ gas etc. Your new provider will do all the paperwork on your behalf. You don't need to cancel the previous policy etc.
      No downside either. All waiting periods served are kept as long as you are moving to the same level of policy or lower. For example, you currently have gold cover and have been holding it for 12 months, moving to a new provider on gold or lower policy level - your 12 months waiting period will be waived as the system is detects your previous policy level and waiting period.
      However, if you are on silver and move to gold (higher level), you will need to service waiting period for new services on gold policy that requires a waiting period.

      Hope that makes sense.

      The only reason to chat to your current provider is to get them to transfer you to the retention team, where you can negotiate better rates and conditions, if you prefer to stay with your current provider. I have done so many times. Just call and say you want to be transferred to retention team and have a chat to them. More often than not, they will be able to apply similar or slightly better conditions to keep you as a paying customer. If they say they can't, then say bye bye and move provider. Their loss.

      • +2

        the system is detects your previous policy level and waiting period

        The system doesn't 'detect' this.

        Information is provided via Transfer Certificates from your old fund/s and your new fund uses this information to establish your policy such that you don't have to re-serve waiting periods already served.

        See The right to change(ombudsman.gov.au).

        The only reason to chat to your current provider is to get them to transfer you to the retention team

        I can't be bothered dealing with retention teams. Easier to just churn.

        • +3

          Right. Thanks for correcting me. I didn't know the 'behind he hood' process to the tee.

  • -1

    Why many private hospitals cancelled the contract with bupa. Hospitals were not getting funds from bupa so they that so.

    Is it true? The news? Bupa is F**ked?

    • It is not true that "Hospitals were not getting funds from bupa".

      Healthscope (operator of 38 private hospitals) is negotiating with Bupa and also AHSA (a buying group for 28 not-for-profit funds) about proposed $50-100 fees per patient.


      Healthscope announced in November that it would be cancelling its contracts with Bupa from February 20, and Australian Health Services Alliance (AHSA) from March 4.

      It comes after the insurers refused to pay a proposed hospital fee of $50 for same-day patients and $100 for overnight admissions.

      A Bupa spokesperson said negotiations with Healthscope are ongoing.

      Without a contract in place with Healthscope, Bupa customers at these hospitals would revert to the second-tier default benefit.

      This means the insurer would pay at least 85 per cent of the average cost of the same treatment at a similar private hospital that it has an agreement with, and the customer would pay the gap.

      But there is a transition period before it comes into full effect.

      Healthscope operates 38 hospitals across Australia, including 14 in Victoria and 13 in New South Wales.

      While the contract would end with Bupa first, other major health insurers could soon follow.

      AHSA's contract with Healthscope could end on March 4, affecting customers of 28 insurers.

      These include AIA, GMHBA, HBF and Health Partners, and a range of not-for-profit and member-owned funds.

      These customers would also move into the second tier default benefit, as well as a transition period.

      AHSA is also continuing to negotiate with Healthscope.

      • Received a message from Bupa today:

        We’re pleased to inform you we have reached an in-principle agreement with Healthscope following ongoing negotiations over the past few months.

        The good news is nothing changes for you. Now that we have reached an in-principle agreement with Healthscope, all Bupa customers including those with an upcoming admission at a Healthscope hospital will remain covered under the terms of their policy with certainty of no additional out-of-pocket expenses….

  • Would have moved back to them but recently moved from them. I like Bupa

    • +11

      Ask yourself why you 'like' a corporate entity. It never has and will never like you. The entity just wants your money.

      • My dentist is a platinum bupa member, so I get fully covered when I go to him, but not so with medibank, so there's an advantage to getting to retention team to stay

        • You are kidding yourself if you think you'll save more by staying with Bupa compared with churning, regardless of the asserted 'full cover[age]'.

          • +2

            @YesPleaseThankYou: That is a fair point - aka the 6-12 weeks I save from the churn will cover my gaps

            • +4

              @Twilight1234: Well, as I have said many times before, if you judiciously follow the 'pay 1 month get 6 weeks free' offers, you will save approximately 58% off your annual premiums.

              The health insurance sector is full of lots of tricks and illusory benefits enticing customers to not leave. I encourage everyone to try and see through the smokescreen.

              My churning story started after a fund's customer service cheesed me off. I had been with that non-profit insurer for a very long time. Once I started churning health insurance, I kicked myself for not having started sooner. I have since saved $1000s.

              Long story short, it almost never pays to stay.

              • @YesPleaseThankYou: Almost that time for me… Anything pop up on your radar? I still have QCH and Medibank cards to play. Probs best options I can see.

                • @tunzafun001: I'm with UniSuper until the end of February—I'm sure there'll be something exciting in the February offers as we head into the annual health fund price increase announcements.

    • I did the opposite & I hate Bupa. Found Bupa “customer service” (using quotes because it doesn’t exist) atrocious. Can never speak to anyone. The chat is hopeless. I once spent 1hr45mins on hold waiting for CS rep. They never showed up, I hung up.
      Moved over to HCF. No complaints so far

      • -1

        I think you use single quotation marks in this instance.

        Regards, Bupa Customer Service.

        • -2

          On what basis? There are many citation or referencing systems. Some use single quotes, some use double, some use both.

  • +1

    Decent medical cover should be free.

  • -1

    Then $130 for basic nothing cover per month for the rest of your life

  • Have not held domestic Bupa health insurance within the last 12 months of your join date

    Time to cancel and have no insurance for a while so I can be new again

  • +2

    i always get 6 weeks free cover every year with Bupa. All I do is contact them and ask for 6 weeks free. Make sure you do it every after 12 months.

    • I've got 4 the last two years
      How did you get 6. Any tips?

    • +2

      You might think that's exciting. I don't.

      You achieved an 11.5% discount (6/52.25).

      Churning through pay 1 month get 6 weeks free offers nets a ~58% discount.

      • Pay 4 weeks and get 6 weeks free can be better with almost 60% savings?

    • +1

      I messaged Bupa through the app and the rep said they don’t do free weeks and told me I should just terminate my service if I want to get better deals…

      What do you do differently?

      • Maybe call instead?

      • Call and ask for the retention team.

      • +3

        You're wasting your time. Just churn to another offer. At least Bupa was honest by stating it doesn't want your business.

  • Currently on Medibank and moved from Bupa in last 12 months so need to find another offer till I can churn back to Bupa.

  • -2

    I've got a "Corporate basic plus and better health 60" with Medibank, paying $400 monthly for a family of 4. How to determine if it's worthwhile switching?

    • Have you read anything in this thread? It's always worth switching.

  • If you have used the extra benefits, for example dental from current provider, would switching to new provider resets the benefit? or does new provider inherits the reset date?

    • +1

      recently I switched from HCF to Frank.
      I have used my optical benefit from HCF, but initially Frank was showing full optical benefits, but once the transfer certificate was received from HCF, Frank update it as used, so I guess you only get it once even you switch providers during a year.

    • +1

      If both have same reset date then you inherit the balance instead of a fresh limit.

      • +1

        Yes, that's if the new fund even bothers to apply the previous usage.

        My experience has been that the new fund often doesn't bother, especially when it is also waiving 2- and 6-month waiting periods for extras.

  • +1

    Might be worth signing up to this with decent extras, then get glasses sorted, dental check up/work, a visit to the chiropractor etc, then cancel.
    Effectively have 10 weeks (paying for 4 + 6 free) to get the most out of it.

  • If you churn before 12 months after getting the first lot of free weeks is there any penalty? The rebate is terrible so far for dental, physio and chiro on Bupa if not seeing a preferred provider

    • -1

      Have you read the promotion terms?

    • Don't think there's a penalty. You just wouldn't get the extra 2 weeks at the end of 12 months.
      Regarding preferred provider, with optical I thought you get the full amount up to the cap, as in you may be able to get a pair of glasses with no gap - I may be mistaken though.
      With dental and others I agree it's not great.

  • Would just go with Medibank 8 weeks free and points. And it’s really just 6 weeks if u frequent churner.

  • Used to be 10 weeks (6w + 4w after 12 months).

  • Just beware about no coverage at Health scope hospitals. Also beware if your health fund is part of the AHSA network. I wouldn't go with Bupa for this reason alone.

    More hospitals are set to drop Bupa soon (might just be a rumour though)

  • +1

    the coverage is poor and the rebates are piss poor, so expect to be out of pocket quite a bit is signing up to BUPA

  • I signed up last Thursday for start date today but first payment 27 Jan, only received application email but no confirmation/welcome email. How long does it take for signing up (and cancelling policy from previous company)?

  • How often do people change per year? If I am currently with BUPA and change to say Medibank, how long do I need to wait before going back to BUPA before I can get a deal like this?

    I guess I am asking if there is a black out period like AMEX where you can't get a deal for 18 months after cancelling.

    • Each health insurance is different. There is generally a period you need to wait to be considered a new customer again.

      For BUPA it is 12 months - it's in the post. Medibank is 60 days.

      • Thanks. Will have a closer look.

      • For BUPA it is 12 months

        It varies by promotion not by health insurance company. There have been many Bupa promotions where the exclusion period has been as little as 60 days. See, eg, this from 2022 that I dug up from an archive:

        The Offer is available to you if you:
        a. are a new Bupa domestic health insurance customer and have not in the last 60 days prior to join date held a Bupa domestic health insurance cover;

    • +1

      How often do people change per year?

      5 to 6 times per year—depends on the available deals.

  • -1

    Not many good churning options lately it seems.

  • -1

    Received retention offer of 12% from Medibank after switching to Bupa. 6/52 = 11.5%, 8/(52+2) = 14.8%. Switch confirmed

  • @YesPleaseThankYou Bupa now has a 10weeksfree offer - https://www.bupa.com.au/offers similar to this one. Is that one better?

    • Better than what?

      • Better than this expired deal which was was upto 8weeksfree

        • I don't understand why it would matter given the deal is expired. It's now history.

          One would typically be comparing a current offer against other current offers to determine which is the best offer to switch to.

          Further, there are many factors to consider—what's best for you can vary from what's best for others.

          • +1

            @YesPleaseThankYou: apologies, did not mean to ask in a way to say that this deal was bad and people who got in missed out with the new one being offered with Bupe.

            I am just new to all this and found that you are quite experienced in with these deals, which I respect!

            Was just wondering if I was looking at it right, that is all. I agree, it makes sense to normally compare the existing offers that have not expired yet to make the right choice. The question was only for my own understanding. :)

            Thanks for providing information in this and similar deals, I have learnt a bunch already thanks to your comments.

            • @polarq:


              No apology needed 👍

              it makes sense to normally compare the existing offers that have not expired yet to make the right choice. The question was only for my own understanding. :)

              Noted 😊 I just didn't see the benefit of comparing with a historical offer, as the offer is now unattainable. I appreciate your explanation.

              Thanks for providing information in this and similar deals, I have learnt a bunch already thanks to your comments.

              Thanks again—that's very nice of you to say 🙇‍♂️

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