• expired

Join & Hold Hospital & Extras Cover Bronze or above for 42 Days, Get 6 Weeks Free & 25,000/50,000 Live Better Points @ Medibank


Shout out to @NoBargainNoLife for the previous deal which has been upgraded to 6 weeks free but now need membership for 42 days (6 weeks) before free cover kicks in.

Set up direct debit when joining and maintain eligible Bronze hospital and extras cover or above and you could get up to 6 weeks free after 42 days, and another 2 weeks free after 14 months, plus 50,000 Live Better points (couples and families) or 25,000 Live Better points (singles and single parents) to redeem on rewards like gift cards. We'll also waive 2&6 month waiting periods on extras.

25,000 points = ~$200 value (gift card, amount off premium)
* if anyone knows any different please let me know

Use promo code: 8WEEKSPLUS. New members only.

All terms and conditions found at the bottom of the page linked.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    25K points is $200 premium reduction. Gift cards is $250 and with extras service (physio, remedial massage or chiro) it's up to $287.5 of value

  • Should I switch from Bupa 🤔

    • +7

      Thinking the same…

    • +1

      I am seriously considering since Bupa has removed 12% discount I had for a year and monthly price has increased by $50.

      • Bupa has removed 12% discount I had

        12% discount is a pittance. I'm sorry for your loss.

        You will save up to 58% by churning through the 'pay 1 month, get 6 weeks free' offers.

    • You should always switch period. Always be churning. Just check to make sure coverage numbers line up or improve

      • +1

        Just check to make sure coverage numbers line up or improve

        I recommend churning from what you have to something similar (unless you need an upgrade). By doing this, you:

        • spend less time searching and comparing
        • ensure that waiting periods already served are readily transferred into your new policy.
    • Stay and overpay.

  • +3

    I was excited signing up for this last year to get The Iconic vouchers, but its the only one with a limit and max $175 (17,500 points) per 12.

    It's still a good deal IMO, as there is Onsport, Adidas vouchers, headphones and apple smart watches.

    Medibank has been okay so far for me and points came through without an issue. Let's hope they've upped their secruity game though haha.

  • Is there a value for money churn process for just hospital cover? I see hospital+extras offers every now and then but only hospital seems rare.

  • +4

    Given the Healthscope debacle good time to swap

  • +4

    the gift card options suck

  • +2

    Time to switch from gmhba as I gotta pay

    • Is this what you'll do?

    • Same, moving over at the new billing cycle. I hate the name gmhba. I can never remember the correct order lol

  • +3

    What are the potential repercussions of churning health insurance providers?

    • I am wondering too

    • +7

      Absolutely nothing with the small exception that some offer loyalty benefits for certain things such as how much they'll pay for orthodontics each year.

      The government forced them to make it an effortless process to switch providers so they can't make your life hard for doing it.

      • Need to add that pre existing conditions need 12 months coverage

    • +3

      You save money.

      Have a read of my comments in this and other threads.

  • Health insurance seems a rip, what's the cheapest way to not pay levy on tax return?

    • -1

      Keen to know aswell

    • just find the cheapest hospital cover eg https://www.choice.com.au/money/insurance/health/articles/ch…

      • Isn’t it cheaper to churn 3 times a year? You get 18 month free plus points. Cheaper than paying levy straight up.

        • +2

          18 Weeks

        • +2

          how do i get 18 months a year

    • I found AIA is the cheapest if you hit all the targets for their vitality program. You get a bunch of cashback which can work out to be about $800. Can also help if you go to a gym they are partners with.

      • +1

        Ain't nobody got time for AIA Vitality.

        Churning is cheapest.

  • +2

    If I use up my optical benefit and switch to Medibank. Am I getting the new optical benefit?

    • Yes

    • +3

      Not if Medibank has the same period as the old provider. Hence why switching between Ahm and Medibank every 6 month is great.

      • what are the benefits of doing this if you don't mind me asking?

        • +3

          Ahm resets their extra limit on 1/7. And Medibank resets 1/1. So if you use up all your Ahm limit between 1/7 to 31/12, then churn to Medibank on 1/1 the limit resets back. Then when you use that all up and churn back to AHM, on 1/7 it resets back.

          • @Frozensage: Any other providers you know of that reset on the 1/7?

            If I'm not mistaken, Bupa also resets on the 1/1, correct?

          • @Frozensage: Don't forget that the last 2 years AHM has offered "rollover" of any unused limits. So you sign up just before 01/07, and get double the limits to use between 01/07-31/12.

            • @Darwin: The benefit you describe is just a retention gimmick offered by AHM, that you appear to have unfortunately fallen for.

              You can easily get double limits (and more) by churning — and that's not even factoring in the benefit of up to 58% savings in premiums that can be made by churning through the 'pay 1 month get 6 weeks free' offers.

  • +1

    "For new members on new memberships who join and start eligible combined Bronze hospital and extras cover or above from 16 January and who have not held Medibank health cover in previous 60 days". Does anyone have previous experience with private health churning period? Is the 2 months gap generally safe enough to get the live better points?

  • If I already have a live account, does the 50k bonus points get applied to that?

  • Thanks. Switched from Bupa

  • I'm considering switching from Bupa but have just paid my monthly fee a few days ago.

    Does anyone know if Bupa offer pro rata refunds when you switch away from them?

  • What gift cards are offered? Juat see a limited range like the iconic, & hello fresh…

  • I was considering it, but after all calculations found out that the similar offer from Australian Unity is about 30% cheaper. But I took it from a comparison website that gave $50 voucher, so without it the difference is not that big.

    • +1

      I was considering it, but after all calculations …

      You didn't consider it long enough and as a result your calculations are incorrect.

      Forgot what the premium is, as they're all around the same. It's a competitive market and they're all watching each other's prices.

      The key benefit of regular churning comes from the free weeks or other incentives the funds give, eg, value in gift cards etc.

      If you took up this offer, you would leave Medibank at the conclusion of 42 days + 6 weeks (42 days) (representing a 50% discount off regular premium). You would then join a new fund under a new promotional offer.

      • Yes, I was considering them including 6 free weeks from Australian Unity too, + 50 bux voucher, and ended up that the same policy will be around 30% more expensive until the next churn if I go with Medibank.

  • Damn just signed on through the 4WEEKSFREE. Any way to make them give me extra weeks?

    • +1

      Cooling period? Cancel and rejoin with new code?

      • +2

        Wouldn't be a new customer then.

        • I would just churn away after 4 weeks, then churn back next time they have this offer. This offer happens pretty often.

          • -1

            @Frozensage: Anyone know if you can churn away and back and be eligible for another 50k live better points to add to your old amount?

            Or do you not get points as a returning “new” customer

            • -1

              @Brick50: Read the promotion terms and let us all know.

              • @YesPleaseThankYou: I have churned back in after more than 60 days away, but not that long (maybe 4 months?) and I am apparently eligible for the 4 weeks free and 25k points - this was confirmed in their confirmation email to me.

  • +1

    Is there a PHI wiki, I couldn't find any ?

  • Two rookie questions:
    When does the 8WEEKSPLUS offer end?
    Do private health insurance companies check that customers have had private health insurance for a continuous (since 31st b'day) number of years?

  • So do you just need to have not held MB cover for 60 days to be eligible? That’s what the T&Cs say, but that seems quite exploitable.

  • -1

    Does anyone know how to get the activity tracker working to get the live better points? I'm using a Samsung phone and got health connect to connect to Samsung health but it doesn't synch with Medibank app.

    • Just link it it's easy 🔗

      • -1

        Haha I have but it doesn't sync.

  • -1

    You need to have earned live better points to be receive the bonus points.

  • Existing extras only customer can join? Otherwise cancel and go elsewhere

    • -1

      Are you talking to yourself?

      Have you read the terms?

  • It goes not specify extras only customer that they want to encourage them to upgrade

  • Technically a extras only customer moving to hospital cover is a ' new' hospital cover customer

  • Whats the time period before considered as new members again?

    Btw bit off topic, if i have medibank now and want to upgrade to higher cover within medibank, will the limit reset or it will carry over?
    Eg. If i use up optical limit in the existing cover, will the limit reset when i take up a higher cover?

    • -1

      Whats the time period before considered as new members again?

      If you can't read the terms of the promotion, this promotion isn't for you.

      If i use up optical limit in the existing cover, will the limit reset when i take up a higher cover?

      No. You will need to re-serve the waiting period for the higher level of cover.

      If you need a new limit immediately, move to a fund that resets extras limits on anniversary date.

  • Looking to move from NIB so this could be quite useful thanks

    • Yes.

      I'll just add that in years of churning, NIB (or related brands) has never had a compelling promotional offer, largely because the eligibility period stipulated by NIB is too long.

      Those hunting Qantas Frequent Flyer (QFF) points might disagree with me about NIB offers. I'm not hunting QFF points.

      • Which ones are your go-to PHI providers with decent promotions?

        • Which ones are your go-to PHI providers with decent promotions?

          The ones with 'decent promotions' at the time I need to churn.

          See the list of insurers(privatehealth.gov.au) here and check their websites or Google 'health fund promo'.

      • Eh? What QFF points offer to NIB have?

        • I should have been clearer:

          Qantas Health Insurance is issued by nib health funds limited ABN 83 000 124 381 (nib) a registered private health insurer, and is arranged by Qantas Airways Limited ABN 16 009 661 901 (Qantas), for which Qantas receives commission.

          I have never found promotional offers issued by brands running through NIB to be compelling. Those brands are:

          • nib Corporate Private Health Insurance,
          • Qantas Health Insurance,
          • Suncorp Health Insurance,
          • GU Health Insurance,
          • AAMI Health Insurance,
          • Apia Health Insurance,
          • ING Health Insurance,
          • Priceline Health Insurance,
          • Real Health Insurance, and
          • Seniors Health Insurance.

          I am guessing it is NIB's requirement, or a quirk of the underlying system, but the qualifying period of the promotional offers of these brands is always too long.

          To put this another way, in years of churning, I have never churned to any of the above brands. They are all NIB with a different colour.

  • Dumb question from who is under Medicare levy so don’t need PHI.

    I currently on the 4 week deal to get the 50k live better points. If I claim my optical benefits in the first 4 weeks, can I switch to bupa and then claim optical benefits again? So can claim extras from each company? Or will they know I already claimed the optical/dental benefits from previous insurer.

    Important point is that Medibank has no waiting period on optical or dental, so I paid for 28 days and getting 50k points and $150 off glasses and free dental check

    • Or will they know I already claimed the optical/dental benefits from previous insurer.

      They will know if you mention your previous fund.

      Important point is that Medibank has no waiting period on optical or dental, so I paid for 28 days and getting 50k points and $150 off glasses and free dental check

      I don't believe there's an obligation to tell them about your previous fund.

      You could pay for less than 28 days.

    • Just wonder how soon did you get your liver better points?

      I signed up to Medibank more than 6 weeks ago and still haven't got that 50k (although I got ~3k for completing those health tasks).

      • +1

        Have you read the terms and conditions?

        • -1

          Says up to 8 weeks, which I understand as can vary from time to time. So would appreciate your recent experience.

          • +1

            @FatTofu: "Live Better rewards points could take up to 10 weeks from the policy start date to be loaded to the policyholder’s Live Better account. "
            Likely won't see them for another few weeks

  • How does everyone line up their churns? These bargains all seem to fall in around the same periods.
    So once the free periods expires there's nothing left out there

    • How does everyone line up their churns?

      You churn when the benefits expire.

      These bargains all seem to fall in around the same periods.

      I disagree. There's always a promotion to churn to.

      So once the free periods expires there's nothing left out there


  • Hi,

    We are planning to get private health coverage for the family and are considering having my wife sign up for the current promotional offer.

    I have a question: After taking the coverage and utilizing the promotional period, would it be possible to cancel and then sign up again under my name (assuming the promotion is still valid)? Can this type of churn work in this scenario?

  • Is churning extra ONLY to skip the waiting period possible? Not with this deal of course but in general.

    • IMO, Answer to your query is NO! Please refer to below fine print :

      € For new members on new memberships who join and start eligible combined Bronze hospital and extras cover or above from 16 January and who have not held Medibank health cover in previous 60 days (unless they are dependents coming off their parent’s cover). Must quote promo code 8WEEKSPLUS and set up direct debit when joining. Excludes Basic cover, Corporate covers, Hospital only cover, Extras only cover, Accident Cover, Overseas Visitors Health Cover, Overseas Workers Health Cover, Overseas Students Health Cover (OSHC), Ambulance Cover, ahm covers, and other selected covers. Not available to Medibank employees. Not available with any other offer. Medibank reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time.

      • Thanks for answering. I know it is not related to this deal but in general. Medibank offerring 6 weeks free for extra only, any others offerring similar so that we can churn EXTRA ONLY? but also skip reserving waiting period

  • Currently have extras with Medibank, hospital with GMHBA. I'm wondering if I'm classified as new customer or not.

  • How long is this running for?

  • Just signed up. Anyone know how long it takes for the bonus points to usually appear?

    Just wondering if it actually takes 10 weeks or if they normally issue them sooner after an activity is tracked.

  • Good offer to churn! Please note below exclusion :

    Excludes Basic cover, Corporate covers, Hospital only cover, Extras only cover, Accident Cover, Overseas Visitors Health Cover, Overseas Workers Health Cover, Overseas Students Health Cover (OSHC), Ambulance Cover, ahm covers, and other selected covers. Not available to Medibank employees. Not available with any other offer. Medibank reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time.

  • Hi all - I'm currently with another provider, and wanted to check if the amount I pay per month (i.e. that come out of my credit/debit card) are inclusive of the government rebate?
    And whether quoted amounts on the medibank are inclusive of the government rebate or not?

    This 8 week offer looks great, but would be even better if the quoted amounts on the medibank website aren't including the government rebate


  • +1

    Anyone else got a "Promo code not applicable" error?

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