Swype was just released on google play (after 3 years in beta)
and to start things off they're having a sale on the app.
Swypes a Custom Keyboard for android with many nifty features.
Stretchable Leggings with Peony Flower in 2 colours, only $7.99, 50% OFF! The actual product is thicker than it looks.
Take a look at our Fashion of the Day!
Uncharted 3 Game Of The Year Edition
European version (PAL) and includes all previously released DLC
Classic Skins Pack 1-3
Multiplayer Accessory Pack
Flashback Maps 1 & 2
- The Power of Communication: Skills to Build Trust, Inspire Loyalty, and Lead Effectively [Kindle Edition] (Was $27)
Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/135Kp6m
Despite it's age, this is possibly the best deal you can get at the moment for this console bundle.
2 instock at DSE Tuggerenong ACT,
1 instock at the Canberra center ACT,
Grab your copy of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 or Mac office 2011 for $8 - $15 depending on what country you choose($8 for NZ, $10 for USA and $15 for Australia.
No invitation required.
Says Dell Exclusive Offer but required signup works with ordinary email address.
Do not know how whether/when this offer will expire.
Original post with details at