• expired

Free Movie Ticket, When You Buy 2x Colgate


Buy 2x Colgate Toothpaste and get a Hoyts Movie ticket.


10,000 hoyts tickets to give away
^Excluding Colgate Fresh Confidence toothpaste *WHILE STOCKS LAST. Limit 1 gift per household. Voucher valid for one general admission ticket to a movie shown at Hoyts or selected CMAX, Grand or Palace cinemas in Australia Monday - Thursday (RRP $19.00). Voucher must be redeemed by 01/10/13.

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closed Comments

  • I can't remember the last time I bought something made in Australia.

    • +4


        • +17

          MACLEANS and CEDEL TOOTHPASTE cost the same as Colgate and and are MADE IN AUSTRALIA!

        • +3

          "They deserve to be stoned and out of their jobs"

          Of course you are really meaning to say that the company should go out of business. To somehow blame their employees and suggest that they deserve to lose their jobs is ridiculous.

        • +6

          Macleans might have been made in Australia but the last tube I bought is made in South Africa.

        • +13

          Double the price? Our minimum wage is double that of other countries.

          Next time you go to work, offer to your boss that you'll work for $7 an hour. Or heck, maybe even $1 a day to how they do it in China.

          Then you can complain that prices are "twice as much as other countries!" When we get paid twice as much. It's called economy. That's how it works.

          So if you don't support Australian products, that's your prerogative. But don't blame the government or the Australian Businessperson when everything is imported and unemployment is triple of what it is now simply because "you" didn't want to pay twice as much despite being PAID twice as much.


        • He's probably comparing prices against the US. Also toothpaste is a need, so prices should be set reasonably while luxury cars for example could be priced at $1m AUD and no one would give a damn.

        • Doesn't the government of the day decide on IR policies which in-effect sets the minimum wages? Just sayin…

        • +1

          @Elysiar: We don't necessarily get paid twice as much. In terms of raw purchasing power we come about 15th. If you're looking at average wage, we do better, but still behind the US, and this is before taking into account that goods cost about 50% more here than in the US.

          Not that I think Australians on average are struggling more than other countries, but minimum wage doesn't necessarily tell the whole story.

        • @Elysiar

          "$1 a day to(sic) how they do it in China"

          It is clear you've never been to China before. Go to China and see how many people you can find willing to work for you for $1 a day.

          The fact is there are people in most developing countries willing to work for $1 a day. But to say it as if this is the norm in China shows how little you know about that country.

        • The media does that, antler and who has the support of the media, the WorkChoice backing Liberals of course.

          Watch your wages go lower come September.

        • Really? My current tube says made in England!!

        • It's around $6 a day as opposed to around $140 a day here. Still shockingly low.

        • GDP per capita doesn't equal purchasing power. It just tells you about the economy. Purchasing power depends on wages and cost of goods. I'm sure Australia is just about top for large countries.

        • Does Maclenas and Cedel make toothpaste with extra fluoride? That is the only reason i buy Colgate well i kind of have too.

  • +4

    Do they add shrimp paste to it ???

    • Probably.

      • +3

        and a dash of tamarind.

    • +2

      Nah just horse meat.

  • I'd almost be a produced if Coke ran this promotion with the drinks sold at Parklea Markets.

  • +9

    so who's going to post some barcodes #'s… that way we can buy Australian but get the movie tix anyway.

    • +10

      9300632066162 - Colgate Fluoride Toothpaste 110g

    • +85

      9300632065448 Colg T/Paste 2 in 1 L/Gel White 130gm
      9300632065509 Colg T/Paste 2 in 1 M/F C/ mint 130gm
      9300632070282 Colg T/Paste 2 in1 Max White 130gm
      9300632066346 Colg T/Paste Adv White Tartar 120g
      6920354806124 Colg T/Paste Adv Whitening 110g
      9300632065981 Colg T/Paste C/mint 120g
      9300632064281 Colg T/Paste MaxFrsh Cool Mint 110g
      9300632066360 Colg T/Paste MaxWhite 100gm
      9300632001583 Colg T/Paste My First Jnr 45g
      9300632065974 Colg T/Paste Reg 90g
      9300632065967 Colg T/Paste Reg 120g
      8850006325155 Colg T/Paste Sens E/Prot 110g
      8850006326169 Colg T/Paste Sens Enam/Protect+White 110g
      9300632066087 Colg T/Paste Sparkling Mint 110g
      9300632066483 Colg T/Paste Tartar Ctrl 110g
      9300632066162 Colg T/Paste Total 110g
      9300632008988 Colg T/Paste Total 45gm
      9300632066148 Colg T/Paste Total 80g
      9300632066209 Colg T/Paste Total White 110g
      9300632066025 Colg T/Paste Triple Act 110g
      8850006325780 Colg T/Paste Triple Act 80g

      • They dont work!

        nvm they work now!

      • +6


  • ROFL!!!

  • +1

    nice! just bought 10 for $4.90 from the colgate total deal. now free tickets!

    • +1

      "Limit 1 gift per household."

  • +6

    Just fyi

    ^Excluding Colgate Fresh Confidence toothpaste *WHILE STOCKS LAST. Limit 1 gift per household. Voucher valid for one general admission ticket to a movie shown at Hoyts or selected CMAX, Grand or Palace cinemas in Australia Monday - Thursday (RRP $19.00). Voucher must be redeemed by 01/10/13.

  • On T&C it says one per household. Bugger

  • Sensodine is now also made in Thailand.

    • What? And they still charge $8 for it??

      • Correct. More profit.

  • -1

    Who cares where it's made from. What happened to us being one global world?

  • Could you just goto coles and grab two toothpastes randomly and copy or take a pic of the barcode?

  • Hmm it's only one movie tix. Sif goto the movies urself?! and 1 per household!

    • +1

      Atleast we will meet fellow OZBargainers there

      • Perfect opportunity to set up a free singles event!

        All you single oz-bargainers looking for a like-minded partner can meet up with your free tickets at pre-designated movie sessions.

        If you hit is off you could then go out to dinner afterwards, provided of course that someone has a buy-one-get-one-free voucher ;)

  • +1

    "Healthy Teeth for Life" Powered by Colgate… hmmm.

    I haven't been to the dentist for over 24 years and use CEDEL once a day. No Flouride in the water when I was growing up and didn't have Flouride tablets either plus I don't floss or anything! Mind boggling… but hey a free movie is a free movie afterall ;)


    • +1

      wonder how long shortly is…

  • +3

    Bar codes arent specific
    Just used 2 same barcodes in the field and it worked

    You can add any address bc the tickets are emailed to you

  • Has anyone received the voucher? Submitted 10 minutes ago and still nothing in my email.

  • Thanks to share. Just bought two of them a few days ago.

  • I have 10 $0.49 colgate already… no more toothpaste for me :(

  • +5

    If you needed any more barcodes
    (Whoops, failed on one)


    • Love it! :)

    • so what happens to the people that actually spend money buying those tubes?

      • +15

        They'll have healthy teeth/gums and fresh breath?

  • Buy Cedel toothpaste. Highly recommended.

  • -6

    LOL…just submitted 10 entries using 10 different email addresses. This has do be the DUMBEST promo if it works (or the smartest if it's a sham to collect emails/addresses)

  • +2

    Best promotion of the year! No receipt, emailed voucher, no individual barcodes
    "I'll just get one of those Colgate free movie tickets…. aaaaand they're gone" :)

  • +1

    Been over an hour, and still no email. Scam?

  • Now the waiting game. Let's see how many (if any) we'll get.

    • lol wtf

    • +5

      Better make it 170, or no… 1700 is way better, because more=better, right? Pfff!!! If the deal won't work i'll blame greedy people like you, just sayin' :S

  • +2

    Would your friends like a free Hoyts movie ticket too? Share this promotion and invite them along.

    Thank you OP!

  • +3

    I'd HOLD OFF the POSITIVE COMMENTS until someone gets something in the mail. I have a feeling there's lots of NEGS coming.

    • How can people neg this deal when most of us havent bought anything…..lol

      • +1

        neg for wasting 2 sec of my time where i can use it to fill out my details to get other free stuff somewhere :D

      • +1

        A scam is a scam - and deserve a downvote…
        A broken offer is still broken and deserves a neg…

  • I think someone needs to contact HOYTS and find out if they have handed 10,000 tickets for any promotions? Looks like these guys wants to fill their database with Name, Address, email etc.

    • +3

      Right. A company like Colgate is going to lie about having tickets to give away…

      • +4

        A company like "healthyteethforlife.com.au" might. They may even lie about being "Powered by Colgate"

  • Not a lot of Hoyts in QLD, one is in Sunnybank, and getting a parking spot there is hard…

    • Theres one in Northside Brisbane somewhere as well, but I've only been to the Sunnybank one.

      • The Northside one is at Stafford.

  • From T&C:
    Claimants must retain a copy of their original receipt as proof of a valid purchase during the Offer Period.
    The Promoter reserves the right to request verification of age, identity, residential address of winners and any other information relevant to participation in this offer. Verification is at the discretion of the Promoter, whose decision is final. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any individual who is involved in any way in interfering or tampering with the conduct of this offer.

    • and the form clearly asking for receipt# too

      • +1

        If by clearly you mean not at all :) It asks for receipt date, not #

    • +7

      [Conspiracy redneck voice]
      Because the GOV'RN'MENT want to keep us weak so that we don't have questions ABOUT THE LIZARD PEOPLE.

      With all of their fancy cars and TECH'NOW'LO'GY the lizard people gave them they put Fluride in the water so the corporations stay in control and let the rich get richer.

      That's why I don't brush mah teef, I chew tabackie.

    • +3

      Not another conspiracy theorist nutjob.

      Do you believe that september 11 and the moon landings were faked too?

    • +5

      Make sure you don't vaccinate your kids either, I heard they inject alien DNA instead so the Libs can create an alien army to overthrow the government and proclaim Abbots swimwear as supreme commander of Australia… right?

  • +3

    From T&C:
    "…follow the prompts to fully and correctly complete the claim form, including providing the claimant’s full name, date of birth, residential address, current and valid email address, 2 x product barcodes, purchase receipt number and purchase date."

    "purchase receipt number and purchase date."
    You need to fill in receipt number!
    But the form just say purchase date only.

  • Is there a limit for the tickets? If not in gonna dig out my 100 receipts!!!

    • +1

      1 per household? I guess if you can be bothered you can get 1 per email address

  • so… wheres the email?

    • I'm guessing they need to wait till it hits 10,000 before they release the vouchers.

      • +1

        That should happen reasonably quickly if everyone submits 10 entries.

        • Lets hope so!

  • Is there a time that we start negging?

    • In 3, 2, 1…

  • This is the longest 'shortly' in Ozbargain history

  • +13

    Finally i got the email with voucher

    said no one ever

    • Anyone else haven't got theirs yet? :(

    • pic or it never happened

  • Used the barcode from this promo last year. http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/66555 Who says I actually have to buy anything Colgate if they're offering it to me for free!

    FYI the barcode # is: 9300632080151

  • Nothing yet…been 2 hours.

    • +1

      you trolling? or legit

      • trolling to get the kids excited.

    • yeah, i got the other 9988!!

  • No Hoyts or Cmax cinemas in Cairns, sigh :)

  • +2

    It's really weird this offer has not expired yet.

  • anyone received theirs?

  • still waiting

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