This was posted 11 years 9 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Google Play] Swype Android App Released 99c Sale


Swype was just released on google play (after 3 years in beta)
and to start things off they're having a sale on the app.
Swypes a Custom Keyboard for android with many nifty features.
This is the keyboard app that many others imitated.
Anyway the bargains time is unspecified but will go up in price soon.

Looks like they're having some issues with tablets at the moment but are working on an update for it.
Only been out for less than 6 hours and already has over 404 reviews 4.5 stars.

Edit* Oh and theres a Free trial version if you want to try it out too.…

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Been using it for the past two years and nothing else comes close. Thanks for the heads up.
    However, in saying that… does that mean the beta (that anyone can get for free) has now been taken down? I wonder what the differences are (I guess apart from being able to update it natively via Google Play)

    • +2

      I have no I idea oh wait I googled it and found some info for you

      Dunno if the last beta had it in there but theres "They've added two-handed swipe typing, some impressive word prediction, and integrated the Dragon Dictation speech-to-text engine.

      I wouldn't know about this app and how loved it was if it weren't for All about and android so I've personally never used it before but it seems like it's a really popular 3rd party keyboard.


    • +2

      3. Will the latest version of Swype Beta (v1.4.9) expire?

      Yes. As with each previous release within the Swype Beta program, the latest version of Swype Beta (v1.4.9) will expire. The expiration date for Swype Beta v1.4.9 is September 14, 2013.

  • +3

    Thanks, purchased. I doubt we will see this cheaper than 99c.

    • Almost certainly there won't be a cheaper price then this. Unless google has a crazy sale where they make things 10c again and cover the rest of the cost to the devs (is this what happened with the 10c sale I don't see how they could get any AAA devs to sell that low.)

      Although if this is the sale price I wonder how High they'll push it probably up near the cost of $3.99 swiftkeys pricing. Also looks like instead of price gouging for separate software like swiftkey for phone and tablet versions Swypes single version covers everything.

  • +1

    Thanks, just downloaded it for my S III.
    First impressions is great. Accurate and predictions work well.
    Personally prefer the layout of Swype over SwiftKey - the number pad is what I disliked about SwiftKey.

    • +1

      For some reason I did prefer the punctuation of Swiftkey.
      I started using the beta approx 2 years ago but didnt particularly like it too much at the time.
      It has improved dramatically since then, a great price for a quality keyboard.

  • +2

    Swype invented the wheel, and then took 3 years to finish it. Meanwhile their competitors (Swiftkey, SlideIt etc) have established themselves comfortably in the market. It's all catchup for Swype.

    • While I agree it's probably a lot of catch up I still think it will sell extremely well.
      The convenience of auto update via google play vs having to manually update the apk and keeping the allowance to run unregistered apps is a slight security risk.

      It looks as if beta testers will still be able to continue trying out further betas if they wish but for 99c I have a feeling a good few will switch over.

    • Yep, I don't know why I'm paying for this even though I already own Swiftkey Flow.

      Then again, they could turn out to be surprisingly good and I need apps to spend my telstra credit on.

    • +2

      Swype made their money by selling the keyboard to phone manufacturers. The beta program existed so that anyone willing to could become a usability/user acceptance tester, our payment was a freaking awesome keyboard :)

  • I have swype on all android devices I own, and it work great on all of them. an essential keyboard for all android users. it work well for other languages too.

  • Damn paid $3.99 for this just last week.

    • +5

      How did you pay for something that was free? Swype was never sold to end-users. There was a free beta that lasted the past 2-3 years and only now it's available for purchase on the Play Store.

      • +3

        I think he's getting confused with SwiftKey

    • Pick up only?

  • +4

    Loved swype but then I got my hands on Swiftkey and found it much better especially the fact that it supports multiple languages at the same time.

    • +2

      Swype does too, been using it for a long time dual language:
      - install language\s
      - long press space key to switch language
      - after which you can swype from Swype button to space to switch between the two last used languages

  • SwiftKey Flow is actually very good compare to swype The Swype beta completely sucks and failed to work properly on jelly bean. I have up and switched. Not sure if it's any good now

    • I've been using Swype beta on Jellybean for months. Although I have been using an older version: 3.26.92d

  • For those who use swype and swiftkey. Is the prediction in swype as good as swiftkey? With swiftkey you only have to type the first few letters of a word and it auto corrects the rest.

    • +2

      I've just spent a couple of hours playing with Swype. Have been using Swiftkey for the past year.

      For standard tapping, Swiftkey predictions are a lot better (for the moment). For swyping, Swype is so much more accurate (again, for the moment).

      And on both my Nexus 4 and S3, the Swype keyboard seems to appear a lot quicker than Swiftkey.

  • -1

    Kool, thx.

  • +1

    Personally, I was unhappy with swype's prediction but liked its accuracy and keyboard layout. I was unhappy with swiftkey's lack of a custom dictionary and a couple other things.

    I found Kii keyboard and am very happy with it.

    I might grab the commercial release of swore to see if they have fixed the annoying issues.

    Just my impressions for anyone who is after some opinions.

    Thanks for the heads up OP.

  • how is it better than the built in one for jelly bean?

    • +1

      It it's currently heaps and heaps better, both the wife and I used the Google one for a while and eventually switched back to Swype. hard to explain, lots of little things like having the hold a single key for pronunciation marks and lack of numbers on top of the normal kb.
      I believe Google will get there as this was just their first go at a Swype kb but might take time.

  • Hmm was all set to buy it for my JB 4.1 tablet (no it wasn't built-in) but Play Store said my device isn't compatible. Guess I'll have to stay with beta for a bit longer. So maybe the intro price will go on for a while, I hope.

  • +2

    I'm typing right now using Swype. It's better than before on beta. for 99 cents I think just buy it to support the devs.I did use the beta for long until it stopped working on JB

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Finding this to be pretty good, much more responsive when typing and the swipe function seems pretty good. One thing that is better is the word prediction and numerous word suggestions.

  • +2

    中文 input is great on it. Multilingual support is very welcomed

    • Oh I should give it a try, that's one thing I'm really missing on SwiftKey.

  • Thanks, used telstra pre-paid credit to buy it. :)

    I've been using swype since is was released. No other kbd comes close to it in terms of speed and accuracy.

  • I'm planning on getting an Android phone in the next couple months. Can I buy this now and use it later? or is it only for one device?

    • you can buy it now and use it on any and as many android device you want (assuming it will function and those devices are tied to your account.) later thats one of the awesome things about android.

      of course you'll need at least one android device attached to your google account to even purchase this.

      I think I remember reading their might be a way using bluestacks software for windows that might work for purchasing from googleplay without and android device.

  • Is it just me or anyone else notice that the stock keyboard on the galaxy note 2 is THE best. I mean I tried all the keyboard apps from Swift swype multi ling etc but the stock galaxy keyboard can recognize multiple language easily. I don't need to change language setting and able to switch language automatically. It remember my personal input and integrate with google offline voice dictation.

    • Galaxy note 1 comes stock with Swype dunno about 2

  • +1

    Thanks! Just bought it in case the beta stops working.
    And to support the devs.
    I make heaps more mistakes since I've started using it. But, I type much faster and can't go back to a normal keyboard

  • +2

    Timing! Swype Beta on my Galaxy Nexus expired two days ago and I've been mucking around trying to work out what to do. Paid with Playstore credit from Nexus 7 purchase…

    • For future reference you just go to Swype beta website and register to download the apk.

      • Yes. Good to know - I'd gone through the rigmarole of registering before (PITA) and realised that you don't even need to do that now.

        THEN I saw that Swype had made the transition to Google Play AND were offering it for $0.99


  • +4

    all this singing and dancing for something that used to free and is now 99c. /s

  • +1

    Been playing around with it for 15 minutes, feels pretty nifty to use, the swyping feels better than on SwiftKey or the stock JB keyboard however it faces the same problem as SwiftKey did for me. US spelling for a dollar sign or use UK spelling and get stuck with a pound sign.

    Though its nice to see Japanese as a downloadable language for it, comparable to the Google Japanese input if you feel like swyping it in.

  • Can you finally remove the Microphone button in this version? Always wished you could customise Swype a little more..

    • +3

      yes there is an option for it I believe. Although I have to say the dictate feature is much more accurate then googles is.

    • +3

      Go into Swype Settings.
      Scroll all the way to the bottom.
      Untick Enable Voice.
      The microphone (Dragon) button should be gone now.

    • +1

      Downloaded the Trial, yes they finally have, whoorah.

      Edit: Thanks guys :)

    • Not liking the smiley key in lieu of a return key in SMS

      • That's the only thing I don't like about swype sms kbd. Wish there was a way to change it.

        • Yeah me too.. the gestures are really handy though (ie Swype Key + C for Copy, etc)

  • Bought it for the galaxy s3, works really well

  • +3

    Bought it as well, being a Swype beta user since pretty much their first beta. I've also been using SwiftKey lately. While it's quite good & accurate with two thumb typing, (1) its swiping implementation is nowhere as good as Swype's (2) no CJK language support. Swiping is much faster when you only can use one hand.

  • I don't get it. Isn't Swype integrated into android? I use Swype, and I never got an app. I'm probably saying something stupid, but can someone clear this up?

    • +1

      There are many keyboards with the 'swiping' ability nowadays. Some phone companies have their own swiping integrated into their phones (Google Nexus, Samsung, Motorola, Sony, etc.) - the accuracy to a varying degree.

      This was the first app to truly focus on it and was long known for being one of the best. Nothing much more.

    • Some people (like me) bought Swiftkey because rooting your phone with a non stock ROM ended up with no Swype functionality.

      I'm considering buying this new product because I found before I rooted my phone that the Swype prediction worked better than Swiftkey which seems to like giving me the wrong words often enough to annoy me.

      • Why didn't you just install the beta?

  • +1

    From the comments so far, it seems like SwiftKey is better for tap-typing and Swype better for swiping.
    For $0.33 (Telstra credit ;)), I might as well give it a shot.

    Has anyone here used TouchPal? How does it compare to swiftkey flow/swype? I used to use it before I settled on SwiftKey. Little things about it annoyed me, but little things about it made it awesome too. I quite liked the curve feature (their version of flow/swype).

    • can someone enlighten me, whats the referral to "telstra credit"

      how do you get it/how do you use it etc?


      • +2

        when buying apps, only through a device with telstra sim, you now have the option of purchasing it with your telstra credit (up to a value of $30 in one transaction I think) which is very good for prepaid. in the google play checkout select the payment option: "Bill my Telstra account".

        • Up to $20, on prepaid

      • +1

        Yes all my app purchases have been practically free as I always have credit left over when it expires after 30 days, love it!

        Edit: link-…

  • How does this compare to the Samsung default Swipe function?

    • +1

      Most swiping keyboards are better than Samsung's default, including this one.

  • Swype Beta is free and will always be free and updated, according to Swype.
    I think this is just for developer support, which I say, go right ahead, as Swype is great.
    The beta versions will be the latest stuff… which may have bugs, and thus is not acceptable for the harsh reviewers of Google Play.

  • Thanks OP- Bought…much improved from the last time i tried it

  • +1

    Only problem I had with Swype is that it doesn't have an enter button in sms it replaces it with a smiley key and threethreeo easy to input an enter key.
    If it does the same on your phone please leave feedback for Swype so they change it

  • Cheap price, but not sure why most will not just use 4.2+ Androids built in swipe feature.

    • +2

      For me, I find Android features change too often. I prefer to master the one keypad (which has become Swiftkey) than have to learn a new one every time I change phone/rom.

      Phones are just computers, and I do like to keep a certain degree of familiarity irrespective of the hardware I'm running it on.

      • Oh God yes. I really find it hard to believe that Google is miraculously discovering all these task improvements in each version of Android. Much more likely they're making changes for novelty value. I think Gingerbread is much more useful, intuitive and accessible than ICS. :/

    • Because JB is only 23% of the active market share and over 73.3% rest of us are on lower versions.
      Also word predication and swyping accuracy is better on swype.

      Android distribution percentages

    • +3


      • Only 99c
      • They are the one who started this (others basically copied)
      • Decent language support
      • 1 version for both phones and tablets
    • +1

      In my personal experience I found Androids built in swipe input to be too inaccurate with both the swiping and the predictive input.

  • How is everyone else finding the language options?
    There used to be English AU but they removed that about a year ago, now it's either:
    English (read USA English)
    English UK

    One has wrong spelling but correct currency symbol, the other has correct spelling and wrong currency symbol.

    • +2

      If everyone adds some reviews stating they want Australia language support maybe they'll add it in seems like a pretty simple thing to do. copy English uk change currency symbol done.

      • I logged a support ticket requesting that they re-add the AU language keyboard.
        I emailed them first at the address on the google play listing, I got an automated response telling me to go to their site at:

        The response I got was that they're looking into it.
        Please everyone go to that address and log the same request!

    • I seem to be using normal English without a problem. From a quick check I just did it seems it has both uk and us spelling in it?

    • +1

      As ory_zm said the normal English dictionary has both UK and US spellings.

      The first time I tried typing "colour" and "favourite" I got the US spellings. But if you select the UK spelling a couple of times it will remember you prefer that spelling for that word. You have to repeat it for each word with US/UK spellings.

      The one problem with the English UK dictionary is that they have now replaced the $ symbol on the S key with the pound symbol. The $ symbol is on the 2nd symbols keyboard, or by long holding the L key. Makes it quite inconvenient to type. I've removed the UK dictionary.

      What they really need to do is separate the language dictionary files and the keyboard layout files and let the user select which they want to use.
      AU = EN-GB spelling & AU = EN-US keyboard please!

  • +1

    Wanted to point out another great feature of Swype vs the competition: Swype connect. It backs up your dictionary and syncs between devices, I find that a really differentiating feature!

  • What is this message using Dragon speak done eyes if I can use my S & any money today galaxy night Morwenna trying to look at that oh hey can quickly switch change keyboards

    Go Dragon speak :/

    By the way wanted to say does not seem to work with spen for galaxy note.

  • yes it does support handwriting but it's not as good as the samsung . In fact I gave up writing this sentence!

  • (Haven't read all the posts…so might be repeating)

    I had the original Swype and bought it last night after seeing this…and supporting the developer etc….
    It is far better than the original.
    I used to get mistakes all the time but this seems to be (nearly) spot on!

    Cut and paste seems to be pretty good too

    So short summary
    Exact same product
    Better response
    More accurate choosing words
    Cut and paste more accurate

    Get it
    $0.99 !
    Whoop whoooop !

    • the cut and paste is worth every cent irregardless of the rest of it.
      now if only there was a better way to highlight words before copying them.

      • +2

        If you press and hold the word…bang, highlighted

        ………then move the left and right markers if you want more text

        • thats how I've always done it and maybe its a hardware issue or maybe I don't zoom in enough but I find while holding down some of the time it highlights the wrong word. and the sliders work well most of the time but some time they aren't very accurate ethier. Anyway I tried doing it again now and it seemed to work better somehow.

      • +1

        If long hold doesn't work well for you for whatever reason:
        - Swype from Swype button to 123 next to it
        - use arrows to go to beginning or end of text you want to select
        - Hit T and then move the other way
        => voila!

        • Awesome!
          Didn't know that one :D

  • swiftkey has been working really good with me, i'll try this though thanks

  • Not happy the app has a keyboard with smaller sized font letters and symbols than the free beta. The symbols are much harder to read now. Prefer the beta.

    • +1

      your using the full keyboard right? if you push a certain button on the keyboard it switches to a split keyboard and a smaller movable keyboard.

      • +1

        He's gone back to the abacus

        • :( making fun…sad. The @ sign for example is now slightly smaller and with less contrast on the grey, making it harder to see.

    • Tried to change back to the Classic theme? That would revert back to the beta theme with smaller gap between buttons, and easier to read long press symbols.

      • Thanks Scotty, I did change to Classic. Hopefully they will make the font size bigger next update.

  • Swipe beta will still exist, only the version 1.4.9 will expire in Sep 2013.

    Read on :

  • japanese ;language works well too im in awe

  • Bought it, thanks!

    However, I'm having an issue with it on my google nexus 4, the word suggestion does not always pop up when I type. It stops working randomly mostly in the landscape display mode, but occasionally in the portrait mode as well. Tried different setting with no luck. A google search found it existed in beta versions. Do any of you have the same and know the workaround?

  • From my 10 minutes of trying it so far, 2 things I don't like so much. Most of these complaints are relative to SwiftKey


    • Long-pressing the buttons to get numbers/punctuation is a bit annoying (like question marks) - the "long-press" duration can be edited on SwiftKey which makes it bearable.
    • After swyping a word in, pressing backspace erases the whole word (only for the last word typed).


    • You don't need to press spacebar to insert a space after swyping words (this is relative to TouchPal curve).
    • Chinese input - swype works with Chinese input and it's very convenient for mixing English and Chinese within one message

    I guess pressing backspace once to erase the whole word is good for swiping it. But not if it is for tapping (didn't test it).

    Is there a shortcut to erasing full words? It seems like you have to hold down backspace. On SwiftKey you can swipe from right to left anywhere along the keyboard.

    • don't know if you need to go into settings for this but when tap typing if you hold down the backspace key theres and upper key (slide your finger up a bit) and it will delete full words instead of letters.

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