This is a topic that comes up time and time again with both sides saying that they are right. However, I wouldn't mind a proper discussion on the topic, given that there are quite a number of …
I was just wondering if anybody would be interested in maintaining an OzBargain recommended PC build thread, much similar to Whirlpool recommendations, but with more of a focus on bang for the buck …
Awesome deal for a card that is better than the GTX Titan, which is double this price and is surely bound to be better than the new R9 290X. This is the fastest card on the market at the moment, …
This is currently the cheapest way to get a 4TB hard drive for a PC, storage server or a NAS...etc. It's far cheaper than any Hitachi 7200rpm 4TB internal drive.
I was recently at a semi-large retailer where a customer wanted to return a product which the sales assistant said could not be returned because it had been opened and used.
Just something that's always bugged my mind, every time I read an article in the Travel section of a newspaper and they talk about the benefits of flying business class or first class, they seem to ma
Been looking for a good Windows RT tablet for better integration with my network at home, which is predominantly Windows + needed a keyboard dock for general internet use and typing.