chuckynoris » user profile

Member Since | 10/12/2011 |
Last Seen | 25/09/2024 |
Recent Activities

What is the point of having feedback if you are not going to listen to it.

chuckynoris commented on Whirlpool forum is out of control
Here are people complaining about Whirlpool and as usual so called off topics were deleted and thread closed because Thor didn't like the…

I don't think it is just IP based as some users were using VPN to get around the ban but they still got busted. Good on you for beating the…

I am surprised you got away with creating a new account. WP have every tool you can imagine to track down users who have created new…

chuckynoris commented on Whirlpool Alternative? (Without Regulation)
WP is becoming irrelevant now as you have the social media platforms. WP is is over moderated. If you talk with a mod for removing your…

You need to trained it by putting it in the litter the Kitten will start digging in the litter. You need to put it in the litter several…

I thought Samsung had a bad rap when it comes to fridges they seem to get a lot of bad reviews.

I have also been looking for a portable Air con with out a hose. However they don't make them with out venting so you would have go for a…

What ever you do don't buy from HN. Dont forget Gerry was the one who campaigned for a GST on overseas goods.

chuckynoris commented on Which Fridge Should I Buy?
What do people think of Westinghouse?

Have you heard of filter water or are you still living like a savage lol.

I would go for a Mitsubishi if it had a water dispenser but it only has ice. As FP i didn't know it was owned by Haier. So it looks like…

chuckynoris posted a forum topic Which Fridge Should I Buy?
I have narrowed it down to two fridges. [Fisher &…

Looking at Electrolux as it has had good reviews

That would be a very good option as i wouldn't have to modify anything.

chuckynoris posted a forum topic Best Ice and Water Dispenser Fridge Non Plumbed
Can anyone suggest a good fridge with ice and water dispenser? I live in rental apartment so i cant get it plumbed. I was looking at…

The problem with WP is that it is privately owned by the benevolent Dictator. So he can run the forum any way he likes. I agree the…

chuckynoris replied to
chuckynoris on Left My Prescription Glasses in Hong Kong. Any Ozbarginer's Going That Way?

[@Quantumcat](/comment/5593710/redir): It isnt that hard. All they have to do is send a email to Hong Kong requesting the glasses be sent…

chuckynoris replied to
chuckynoris on Left My Prescription Glasses in Hong Kong. Any Ozbarginer's Going That Way?

[@Quantumcat](/comment/5593242/redir): No i said he should contact McDonald's Australia not Hong Kong.

chuckynoris replied to
venturis on Left My Prescription Glasses in Hong Kong. Any Ozbarginer's Going That Way?

Why don't you Call McDonald's Australia and see if they can get them back for you? They maybe able to persuade Hong Kong to send them back…

chuckynoris commented on Scam Call - Pretending to Be from Telstra
I had one from Telstra and i said what is your name i will call you back and he just hung up lol. I also had one claiming to be from…

chuckynoris commented on Advice Needed - Manager with Poor Personal Hygiene and Leaves Food to Rot in Communal Fridge
I also think you should contact management and let them deal with it. I also think there is something going on in her personal life which…

chuckynoris replied to
Blitzfx on Found $150 in The Office, Handed to Receptionist, and Owner Got It Back, but Did Not Leave "Finders Fee"

[@pal](/comment/5514829/redir): This where these stupid privacy laws get in the way. You were lucky that someone you called would call the…

chuckynoris posted a forum topic TV Program Notifications Apps
I am just wondering if there is any app or any TV website guides that notified you of any program changes or time changes.

chuckynoris commented on Found $150 in The Office, Handed to Receptionist, and Owner Got It Back, but Did Not Leave "Finders Fee"
Does anyone remember the Backpacker from Holland who was shot in Melbourne trying to help a women. His reward was helping this Women. And…

chuckynoris commented on Found $150 in The Office, Handed to Receptionist, and Owner Got It Back, but Did Not Leave "Finders Fee"
There was a situation in Melbourne recently. Where a lady had her life savings in her trolley jeep. The trolley jeep was identical to…

chuckynoris commented on Found $150 in The Office, Handed to Receptionist, and Owner Got It Back, but Did Not Leave "Finders Fee"
Just because you found money. You should never expect anything in return you shouldn't be awarded for doing the honest and right thing. It…

Technically you are right. How ever Optus messed up in the first place by not asking the customer for the box to be return. So Optus should…

It dosent matter how many accounts you create some how they still catch you. It sound like they are so paranoid they have a lot of tools to…

If you don't like it don't read it. Why come here and flame everyone.